Short biography

Ángela Gallardo López had her Bachelor in Physics at the University of Seville in 1994, with a special mention for best academic results in her area. She performed a Ph.D. in Physics in the same University (1999), in the area of Materials Science and a postdoctoral stage in the UFRJ (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000). Tenured professor at the University of Seville from 2009, and Full Professor in 2022. For the last ten years, she has been involved in the processing, microstructural, mechanical, electrical and tribological characterization of advanced ceramic composites with carbon nanotubes and most recently with graphene-based nanostructures. Coordinator (IP) of several research projects on graphene/ceramic composites financed by the Spanish Government and European ERDF funding and by regional Junta de Andalucía.

Prof. Ángela Gallardo López
Catedrática Universidad / Full Professor
Dpto. Física de la Materia Condensada
(+34) 954 55 44 48