Simμgrid is a Matlab/Simulink library, which includes mathematical models of the main elements of a microgrids: batteries, fuel cell, electrolyzers, renewable generation, etc. Most of them are simple, configurable and non-linear models, whose main objective is to help in the design of microgrids  energy management systems, allowing the tests of controllers in simulation. Examples of MPC controllers are also provided.

Simμgrid is a complementary toolbox of the book «Model Predictive Control of Microgrids» of the authors C. Bordons, F. Garca Torres and Miguel A. Ridao, published by Springer Nature Switzerland (ISBN 978-3-030-24569-6 and 978-3-030-24570-2 (eBook)).

This software has been partially funded by the European Commission in the framework of INTERREG-POCTEP project AGERAR and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through CONFIGURA Project.

Simμgrid is freely provided under the following conditions:
1. all rights of the software remain with the authors.
2. the authors decline any liability related to the use of Simμgrid software.

A draft version of the software can be downloaded from here.