Access and Admission

Course 2016/2017
Prior information systems

The recommended entry profile will be the one of the students that come from the Master of Arts: Idea and Production or other Master’s degrees that are carried out from the Fine Arts Faculty at Seville and related Master’s degrees. With respect to the typology of other access degrees, these will be taken from the following Memory 3.2 section. Access Requirements and

The students who access the following Doctoral Program of Art and Patrimony are required to have acquired the basic competences specified on for the case of the Master’s degree and those who are assigned within the Spanish Frame of Qualifications for the Superior Education, MECES, gathered at the section 3.3 of the Royal Decree 1393/07 of the 29th of October, by which the order of the official teachings at the University is established (BOE 260 of October 30th, 2007):

  • Ability to apply the acquired knowledge and their problem resolution capability at new or not-so-known environments within the wider contexts (or multidisciplinary contexts) related to the artistic creation and the Cultural Patrimony.
  • Ability to integrate knowledge and to face the complexity of the formulation of judgements from the basis of an information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections about their social and ethnic responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements.
  • Ability to communicate conclusions (and the knowledge and main reasons that support them) to specialized and not-specialized audiences.
  • Ability to possess abilities for learning that allow to keep studying in a way that must be self-directed or autonomous.

Just like having acquired, at least, the previous abilities and knowledge gathered on the competences of the Master’s Art degree: Idea and Production, amplified to the context of the Cultural Patrimony:

  • Ability for the reflection and team work, contributing to build an investigation space, intercommunication, experimentation and enrichment around the contemporary artistic discourse and the resulting artistic practices and the field of Cultural Patrimony.
  • Acquisition of an advanced multidisciplinary and versatile education on the field of artistic creation and Cultural Patrimony.
  • Ability for the debate and creative contribution around the artistic, cultural, technical and conceptual aspects.
  • Intellectual and technical ability for the development of an artistic project and/or linked to the Cultural Patrimony accordingly based.
  • Knowledge and application to the artistic field and/or the Cultural Patrimony of methodological systems of investigation and innovation.
  • Ability to apply Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC) to the investigation task.
  • Integration of the humanistic, methodological and instrumental knowledge for the development of an investigation project aimed towards the artistic creation and/or the field of the Cultural Patrimony.
  • Ability to interrelate the artistic and cultural strategies of the past with the artistic practice and the cosmetic contemporary discourse or using the field of Cultural Patrimony.
  • Ability to generate and organize information and graphic documentation relevant for its application and the artistic creation and/or to the Cultural Patrimony.
  • Knowledge and analysis of the relation of art and culture to the problematic contemporary social questionings.
  • Development of the perception and analysis of the space/surroundings on its multiple senses in relation to the last tendencies of art and/or in the field of Cultural Patrimony.
  • Ability of analysis of the artistic representation of the human figure just as the functions of the body image in the identity creation processes in the field of the Fine Arts.
  • Ability to study the production strategies of the contemporary works of action, intervention and spatial transformation in the field of the Fine Arts.
  • Ability to produce works from artistic ideas and through the right use of the diverse languages and technical proceedings in the field of the Fine Arts.

The main language to use in the educational process will be Spanish, it implies that the students will require a minimum common level of reference in this language of B1, according to the linguistic specifications that are present at:

The University of Seville, through the website of Doctoral Service, informs about everything referent to the Doctoral Studies on the following link:

Information adressed to new entry students:
Access tp Doctoral studies 

Recommended profile for the new entry students

The doctoral program is aimed towards students that have a superior education on artistic subjects and the preservation and restoration of Cultural Assets. The access to the given degrees on the Fine Arts Faculty is regulated by the rules that have been marked by the University of Seville and the current rules of superior range.

Description of abilities

It includes the general and specific competences that must have been acquired on the previous Master’s degrees that have been fulfilled. To make possible the entry to the doctoral program, the Academic Commission will determine the degree of obtaining of these, or the ones that could be considered as equivalents in the final valuation performed through the range of analysis that will be picked up later.

General competences:

  • Implementation of the knowledge that has been acquired and their ability to solve problems on new or little-known environments.
  • Integration of the knowledge and ability to face the complexity of the formulation of judgements from an information that, being incomplete or limited can include reflections about social and ethical responsibilities linked to the integration of their knowledge and judgements.
  • Ability to announce conclusions (and the very knowledge and reasons that support them) to specialized and not specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
  • Possession of knowledge skills that allow to continue studying in a way that will be very autonomous.
  • Ability to reflect and to work in groups, contributing to build an space of investigation, intercommunication, experimentation and enrichment around the contemporaneous artistic discourse and the following artistic practices, Cultural Patrimony and/or the preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets.
  • Acquisition of an advanced, multidisciplinary and versatile education on the field of artistic creation, of the Cultural Patrimony and/or the preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets.
  • Ability for debate and creative contribution around artistic, technical and conceptual aspects of the Cultural Patrimony and/or the preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets.
  • Intellectual and technical ability for the development of an artistic project, applied to the Cultural Patrimony and/or the preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets properly founded.

Specific competences:

  • Knowledge and application of the artistic field to the Cultural Patrimony and/or the preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets of methodological systems of investigation and innovation.
  • Ability to apply information Technologies and TIC Communication to the investigation projects.
  • Integration of humanistic, methodological and instrumental knowledge necessary for the development of an investigation project aimed towards artistic creation, Cultural Patrimony and/or preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets.
  • Ability to interrelate artistic strategies and/or preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets of the past with the artistic practice and the contemporary cosmetic discourse, the Cultural Patrimony and/or the preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets.
  • Ability to generate and organize information and relevant graphical documentation for its application to the artistic creation, to the Cultural Patrimony and/or the preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets.
  • On the field of the Fine Arts, the ability to analyse and make an artistic representation of the human figure just as the functions of the image of the body in the process of identity creation.
  • Knowledge and analysis of the relation between art, culture, Cultural Patrimony and/or preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets with the contemporary social problems and questionings.
  • Development of perception and analysis of the space/surroundings in their multiple definitions in relation to the newest tendencies of art, Cultural Patrimony and/or the preservation and/or restoration of cultural assets.
  • Study on the production strategies of the contemporary works of action, intervention and spatial transformation, of the Cultural Patrimony and/or preservation projects and/or restoration of cultural assets.
  • Ability for the production of works from artistic ideas and through the right use of diverse languages and technical proceedings and/or linked projects to the Cultural Patrimony and/or the preservation and/or the restoration of cultural assets.

Previous knowledge:

As well as the competences that have been mentioned before, the new entry doctoral student must possess a series of own abilities for a Master’s degree that in this case consist of possessing specific knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of the artistic-plastic creation and the conservation and restoration of cultural assets and especially on the field of the three lines of investigation of this program:

  • Theory, analysis, concepts, review and diffusion on the artistic creation and the Cultural Patrimony.
  • Experimental investigation on the different artistic languages and their applied technologies, materials, proceedings and techniques.
  • Experimental investigation of the different methods and analysis techniques, diagnostic and intervention on the preservation and restoration of their technologies that have been applied.

Languages to use and required level

The main language will be Castilian Spanish. The non-Spanish-speaking students will be required to have a minimum of a B1 level of Spanish according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) that corresponds to the level of the independent user, or equivalent to the one that can be found at the Rectoral Resolution of the University of Seville of February 22nd 2013, regulating the acquisition and certification proceedings of the linguistic competences required on the Degree and Master’s college studies. Some of the educational activities will have the possibility to be written in English, French, Italian that will require a minimum knowledge of the B1 language or equivalent.


The admission conditions will be clear, impartial and public to the student. These conditions are of general application, assigning the doctorates to the lines and profiles that the Academic Commission considers more linked to the Master’s degree that has been done and/or the memory or thesis project.

According to the Agreement of the program’s Academic Commission from the 30th of March 2016, it will be necessary to obtain at least 30 points for the admission to the program of the doctoral program on Art and Patrimony, once this has been applied to the range of deliberation seen on its own Memory of Verification.

Condition 1. Master’s Degree

a. Master’s degree with direct admission: Master’s degrees on the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Seville, Master’s degrees from the University of Seville related to the Doctoral Program and other Master’s degrees related and reviewed by the Academic Commission.

According to the agreement by the Academic Commission of the Doctoral Program on Art and Patrimony, on the session performed on the 14th of October of 2014, on the application of the Rectoral Resolution of the 23rd of May 2014, by which equivalences of credits and valuation of the Master’s degree on University Qualification of the educational complements according to the previous order to the one regulated by the RD 1393/2007 are stablished, these will also be admitted, a previous overcoming of the stablished educational complements, the ones graduated on Fine Arts by the University of Seville, placing the degree of priority of these following the ones graduated on specific Master’s degrees and the ones of the students with DEA, Research Sufficiency or a PhD on Artistic Research, obtained on doctoral programs taught on the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Seville.

The following Master’s degrees of the University of Seville will be valuated especially for each one of the following lines of the doctoral program (number of the line between brackets):

Line 1: Theory, analysis, concepts, review and diffusion on artistic creation and the Cultural Patrimony

Line 2: Experimental investigation of the diverse artistic languages and their applied technologies. Materials, proceedings and techniques.

Line 3: Experimental investigation on the diverse methods and analysis techniques, diagnosis and intervention on the conservation and restoration and their applied technologies.

  • Master’s degree on Andalusian Artistic Patrimony and their Iberoamerican Projection (1 and 3)
  • Master’s degree on  Communication and Culture (1 and 2)
  • Master’s degree on Script, Narrative and Audiovisual Creativity (1)
  • Master’s degree on Architecture and Historical Patrimony (1,2 and 3)
  • Master’s degree on Innovation on Architecture: Technology and Design (1 and 2)
  • Master’s degree on Installations and Product Design (1 and 2)
  • Master’s degree on cultural diversity management, the patrimony and development (1, 2 and 3)
  • Master’s degree on architecture and historical patrimony (MARPH) (1, 2 and 3)

– Master’s degree on the teaching of Secondary School and A levels, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (1, 2 and 3). On the case of being graduated on the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Seville.

Master’s degrees on other universities that participate and that will allow the access to the Doctoral Program:

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia: Máster Universitario en Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales, Máster Universitario en Gestión Cultural, Máster Universitario en Conservación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico, Máster Universitario en Artes Visuales y Multimedia, Máster Universitario en Producción Artística.

Universidad Complutense. Madrid: Máster Universitario en Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural, Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados de Museos y de Patrimonio Histórico-Artístico, Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados en Historia del Arte Español, Máster Universitario en Historia del Arte Contemporáneo y Cultura Visual (título conjunto de las Universidades Autónoma de Madrid y Complutense. Coordina la Universidad Autónoma), Máster Universitario en Investigación en Arte y Creación.

Universidad de Jaén: Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados en Patrimonio Cultural: Historia, Arte y Territorio, Máster Universitario en Investigación en Artes, Música y Educación Estética, Máster Universitario en Turismo, Arqueología y Naturaleza

Universidade de Vigo: Máster en Tecnoloxías para a Protección do Patrimonio Cultural Inmoble, Máster en Dirección de Arte en Publicidade, Máster en Historia, Territorio e Recursos Patrimoniais, Máster en Arte Contemporánea: Creación e Investigación, Máster en Libro Ilustrado e Animación Audiovisual.

Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnología. Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal): Mestrado em Ciências da Conservação, Arte e Ciência do Vidro, Conservação e Restauro

Faculdade de Belas-Artes. Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal): Mestrados en Anatomia artística, Arte e Ciência do vidro, Arte multimédia, Ciências da arte e do patrimonio, Ciências da conservação, restauro e prod. De arte contemporânea, Desenho, Design de comunicação e novos media, Design de equipamento, Educação artística, Escultura, estudos curatoriais, Museologia e museografía, Pintura, Património público, arte e museología.

Master’s degree on other Universities on similar degrees:

Másteres afines que se ofertan en diversas universidades del Distrito Único de Andalucía: U. Cádiz: Patrimonio Histórico-Arqueológico; U. Córdoba: Gestión del Patrimonio desde el Municipio; U. Granada: Ciencia y Tecnología en Patrimonio Arquitectónico, Producción e Investigación en Arte, Historia del Arte: Conocimiento y Tutela del Patrimonio Histórico; U. Pablo de Olavide: Arte, Museos y Gestión del Patrimonio Histórico; U. Huelva: Patrimonio Histórico y Natural, U. Málaga: Máster Universitario en Desarrollos Sociales de la Cultura Artística.

Másteres de otras universidades españolas: U. de La Laguna: Creación plástica y diseño ULL, UAB – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: Gramáticas del Arte Contemporáneo, UB – Universitat de Barcelona: Máster de Creación Artística: Realismos y Entornos y Máster de Dirección de Proyectos de Conservación-Restauración: Colecciones y Conjuntos Patrimoniales, Universidad de Deusto-Instituto de Estudios Vascos: Arte Contemporáneo Vasco, U. Salamanca: Máster en Evaluación y Gestión Del Patrimonio Histórico Artístico, EHU – Universidad del País Vasco: Máster Universitario en Conservación y Exhibición de Arte Contemporáneo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: Máster en Teoría y Crítica de la Cultura, Universidad de Valladolid: Máster Universitario en Museología.

The students who have completed other Master’s degrees with similar educational contents, especially on methodologies of research on the field, depending on the determination taken by the Academic Commission will have the possibility of access.

b. Master’s degree with admission conditioned to study educational complements: Master’s degree of the US and other universities

Master’s degree at the University of Seville: Master’s degree on Archaeology, Master’s degree on Arts of Living Performance, Master’s degree on Documents and Books. Archives and Libraries. Related Master’s degrees that are offered at different universities of the Unique Andalusian District:U. Internacional de Andalucía: Patrimonio Musical; U. Málaga: Gestión del Patrimonio Literario y Lingüístico Español.

The new entry students that have completed other Master’s degrees with similar educational contents in particular on methodologies of investigation on the area, depending on what the Academic Commission determines.

c. Master’s degrees from other countries inside and outside of the European Higher Education Area 

Previous requirement: The students who don’t speak Spanish will be required to have a minimum of a B1 level according to the CEFRL that corresponds to the independent user level, or equivalent according to the Rectoral Resolution of the University of Seville of February 22nd of 2013 that regulates the acquisition and confirmation of the linguistic competences required in the Degree’s and Master’s studies. Some students might be conditioned to take educational complements according to what the Academic Commission determines.

The following can stand out at an international level:

Italia: Máster World Heritage at Work, Università degli Studi di Torino – Facoltà di Scienze Politiche,

Politecnico di Torino, in collaborazione con il Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale”; UNESCO – World Heritage Centre; International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC-ILO), Torino; SiTI (Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l’Innovazione), Torino; ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property). Promosso e sostenuto dalla Fondazione per l’Arte della Compagnia di San Paolo. web: Master Professionisti del Patrimonio Culturale, Università degli Studi di Torino – Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, in collaborazione con il Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale”. Promosso e sostenuto dalla Fondazione per l’Arte della Compagnia di San Paolo. Web Master “Cultural Projects for Development”, International Training Centre of the ILO, Torino. Doppio Master in Management dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali ”Venezia, Parigi” – MaBAC, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia – Venezia; Master Economia e Management dell’Arte e dei Beni Culturali – Business School del Sole 24 Ore – Milano; Master Economia e Management dell’Arte e dei Beni Culturali – Business School del Sole 24 Ore – Roma; Master in Formazione, Gestione e Conservazione di Archivi Digitali in Ambito Pubblico e Privato, Università degli Studi di Macerata; Master in Gestione delle Imprese Turistiche – Tourism Management (V edizione Campania-Napoli) C&G Group – Napoli; Master in Management delle Risorse Artistiche e Culturali – MaRAC IULM – Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione – Roma; Master in Manager dell’Arte – Firenze, IED – Istituto Europeo di Design – Firenze; Master in Manager dell’Arte – Roma IED – Istituto Europeo di Design – Roma; Master in Restauro, IED – Istituto Europeo di Design – Venezia; Master in Tutela e Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale Italiano all’Estero, Università degli Studi di Parma – Pisa; Master in World Natural Heritage Management – Master per la Gestione dei Beni Naturali Iscritti nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità step – Scuola per il Governo del Territorio e del Paesaggio – Trento. web:

En Latinoamérica: Master en Evaluación y Gestión del Patrimonio Histórico Artístico, USAL – Facultad de Geografía e Historia (Ciudad De México)

Students who have completed other Master’s degrees with similar educational contents will have the possibility of access on research methodologies on that area, depending on what the Academic Commission decides.

For those master’s degrees that were not included on the previous sections, the Academic Commission will do an evaluation of the education acquired by the student in that Master’s degree to be admitted into the program, establishing also educational complements if it were necessary.

Condition 2. Range of Deliberation

In the case that the number of candidates is higher than the number of available posts, the range of deliberation which conditions are especified and are counted by order of priority will be kept in mind. The evaluation will be made by the Academic Commission, keeping always in mind that it won’t represent more than the given percentages for the candidate’s final valuation.

Range of Deliberation

  • Master’s degrees of the Fine Arts Faculty by the University of Seville and graduated on Fine Arts by the University of Seville: To a 25%
  • Grades and academic CV: To a 20%
  • Master’s degree by the University of Seville related to the Doctoral Program: To a 15%
  • Other related Master’s degrees: To a 10%
  • Linking or adaptation to the CV’s line: to a 10%
  • Memory or thesis project: To a 10%
  • CV (also the professional curriculum): To a 5%
  • Letter of approval: To a 5%

The documents that have been presented will be kept in mind expressed with the candidate’s previous information, especially the acquired competences on the period of the postgraduate’s education. The student will be evaluated also according to the CV: The level of knowledge of the languages that have been featured, the professional experience, the contributions and publications that have been accredited.

The certificate of approval could include the reference to professors and investigators that are specialists on the field that could support their request, the research interests that have been declared by the candidate and the viability of scientific interest of the thesis presented, as well as the linking of the same to the line of research to which the student wants to be assigned. An interview will be required.

The admission in the case of having more requests than available posts, the conflict in terms of number or disagreement with the doctoral student will be solved keeping in mind the preferable and direct access to the program the students who come from the Master’s degree on Art: Idea and Production and those who proceed with other Master’s graduations by which they could be adapted into the Faculty of Fine Arts of Seville, secondly the ones Licensed on Fine Arts by the University of Seville, in the third place those graduated on other specific Master’s degrees on Fine Arts or the Preservation of the Patrimony, in the fourth place those graduated on other Master’s degrees related to the University of Seville and , in the fifth place, those graduated on Master’s degrees on the Andalusian Unique District against the rest of candidates.

With respect to the studies of the Bachelor’s degree or previous degrees, it would be preferable too that the students that have performed studies in the Fine Arts Faculty of Seville, secondly on other Fine Art Faculties of Andalusia and on the third place on other ones on the Unique District of Andalusia against the rest of candidates.

Other students who match the access requirements that the Regulation of the University of Seville (Agreement 7.2/CG 17-6-11, by which RD 99/2011 is applied) will have access to the Doctoral Program, according to the following order of priority:

  • The students who come from previous doctoral programs of the Fine Arts Faculty Departments of Seville.
  • Students that come from institutions that collaborate with this Doctoral Program, both national as well as international.
  • Students who come from superior degrees on the Fine Arts and/or Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets that have studied an official Master’s degree.
  • Students who come from previous doctoral programs of other degrees from the Branch of Humanistic Studies at the University of Seville, from the Unique District of Andalusia and finally of other higher institutions both national or international.
  • Students that come from other degrees of the Branch of Humanistic Studies with an official Master’s degree on art and/or patrimony.
  • Other students whose research proposal is evaluated according to the Academic Commission for its access to the current Doctoral Program.

The documentation must be delievered alongside the admission request

1.General documentation

  • A DNI, NIE (or at least a Passport for students abroad) photocopy.
  • A photocopy of the degree with which the student has access to the doctoral studies and a grades certificate. The foreign students external to the EEES that don’t have an approved or equivalent degree to the academic level to the Doctorate/Master’s will need to ask for the previous authorization to the rector of the University of Seville, delivering by the General Record the previous authorization request and the certificate of study credentials.
  • Certification of previous official College Studies (degree, graduation, certificate of advanced study, etc.). The degree of the previous studies will be required (or protection of the instalment of expedition rights) and a grades certificate.
  • If a modality has been requested part-time: Supporting credentials to be considered as student part-time. In the case of students that request the recognition of special academic necessities will need to deliver the  document of ”A07-Request from a student with special academic necessities” properly completed and signed. For more information click here:

The academic documents sent from countries that are external to the EEES, will need to be presented properly legalized and translated.

2. Specific documentation

Following the admission request and the general documentation the following must be attached for the admission to the doctoral program:

  • Completed and updated CV, detailing the experience of the candidate from the points of view of experience and research.
  • Motivational letter on which the interest of the candidate to be a part of the doctoral program and for the making of the doctoral thesis on this field is expressed.
  • Memory or thesis project
  • Letter of approval signed by the teacher/teachers of the program through which they are involved to assume the responsibility of being the Tutor/s of the doctorate and/or Director of the thesis. Within possibility, both the Tutor and Director of the thesis will be likely to be the same person.
  • Every documentation (general and specific) needs to be attached by the student interested on his/her admission request through the platform of admission to the studies of the Doctorate, within the request’s due date established according to the calendar.
  • The Academic Commission of the program will be assigned on the document of admission, the Tutor and the Director of the thesis. Nevertheless, the students will be able to propose the request document to the faculty that they prefer for these functions, previous agreement with the doctors who are interested. Needing to deliver the CV of those professors who don’t belong to the Doctoral Program on Art and Patrimony, as well as their certificate that verifies that the they possess experience on research certificated by the CNEAI in the case of the thesis directors.

Requirements to be a doctoral Tutor and thesis Director

(Agreement 7.2/CG 17-6-11)

Doctoral Tutor: The tutor must be a doctor with certified experience as a researcher (*), participant professor on the Doctoral Program on Art and Patrimony that teaches at the University of Seville.

Thesis director: The director of the doctoral thesis could be or not the same person who is the doctoral tutor. Said assignment could be applied to any Spanish or foreign doctor, with the research experience that has been certified, with independence from the university, centre or institution that offers its services.

Any doctor without certified research experience could act as co-director with the condition that other co-director is a doctor with certified research experience.

The naming of one or several thesis co-directors could be authorized when there are causes that justify this action, previous authorization of the academic commission of the program. It could be rejected if the academic commission of the program understands that the co-direction does not benefit the development of the thesis, previous favourable report of the Doctorate Commission of the University.

(*)Certified research experience: It will be understood that those who professors with at least one period of researching activity possess research experience according to the previews of the Real Decreto 1086/1989, of the 28th of August or scientific production equivalent in the case that the professor who participates on it is given a position on which it doesn’t end up serving as application to the described condition, and has been recognized by the proper collective.

Admission Web Platform:

Steps to follow once the student is admitted according to the processes established on the program:

  • – Signature of the documentary compromise and supervision
  • – Enrolment of academic tutelage of the doctoral thesis and, in that case the educational complements

Delivery of the Research Plan during the first enrolment course and completion of the Document of Doctoral Activities (DAD) through the course and to the date on which the Academic Commission is annually established. The Plan of Investigation and the Document of Doctoral Activities will be evaluated annually by the Academic Commission, being necessary the positive evaluation of both to be able to renew the enrolment and continue the program.

The permanence on the studies will be conditioned to the annual positive evaluation by the Academic  Commission the plan of research and the document of activities, alongside the reports that in that case will need to report to the tutor and the director. In the case that the evaluation is negative, that in this case will be properly motivated, the doctoral students will be evaluated again within six months...'' (Art.6.3 de la NORMATIVA DE RÉGIMEN DE DEDICACIÓN Y RÉGIMEN DE PERMANENCIA PARA ESTUDIANTES MATRICULADOS EN PROGRAMAS DE DOCTORADO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA REGULADOS POR EL RD 99/2011).
Training Complements

The Academic Commission of the program will study the CV of the doctoral students and keeping in mind the access profile, it will decide about the pertinence that educational complements are learned for the proper development of their research. In the case that it is considered that the student must carry out educational complements, the Academic Commission will give a customized document of activities to each doctoral student depending on an individual registration, monitoring and control: In said document every educational activities of interest for the development of the doctoral student will be featured and regularly inspected by the Tutor and/or the Director of the thesis and evaluated by the Academic Commission.

These complements, valued in a maximum of 18 credits ECTS of research (exceptionally 24 ETCS), will be linked to particular subjects linked to official university Master’s degrees by the University of Seville.

University Master’s degree on Art: Idea and Production (Máster Universitario en Arte: Idea  Producción), on which the students of the doctorate will need to carry out educational complements, on their case.

Everything regarding to educational complements and their design by the University of Seville and their characteristics will be available at:

Applying the Rectoral Resolution (23rd May 2014), by which equivalences of credits are established and valuation of the Master’s degree’s level of the official Spanish university qualifications according to the previous university ordinations to the one regulated by the Real Decreto 1393/2007, on the 29th of October due to the access to the doctoral programs regulated by the Real Decreto 99/2011, the Academic Commission of the Doctoral Program on Art and Patrimony has established the following Educational Complements (Complementos Formativos).

Internal Regulation and Format of the Final Master’s Degree Project, carried out as educational complements of the Program of PhD on Art and Patrimony (Normativa Interna y Formato del TFM, realizado como complementos formativos del Programa de Doctorado Arte y Patrimonio).

Criteria of evaluation of the Final Master’s Degree Project, carried out as educational complements (Criterios de evaluación de los TFM realizados como complementos formativos).

Permanence Regime

In this link you can find all the information related to the Permanence Regime and the Regulations that regulate it:
