Doctoral thesis

Extension of stay

According to what was seen on the Art. 3.2 of the RD 99/2011, of the 28th of January, by which the official teachings of the doctorate are regulated, ”the length of the doctorate studies will be a maximum of 3 years, full-time, beginning by the doctoral student’s admission to the program until the presentation of the doctoral thesis.

If the 3-year-period mentioned before passes and the thesis deposit request has not been presented, the commission responsible for the program will be able to authorize an extension on this year for another year, that exceptionally could be extended for another additional year, on the conditions that have been established on the correspondent program of the doctorate.”

Thesis supervisionInternational Doctoral Thesis Stewardship

The Academic Commission responsible for the current Doctoral Program will proceed to the tutor assignment and the thesis director once they are evaluated by the different standards:

  • Adaptation of the research project of the student to the Lines of Investigation to which the professor or researcher is assigned.
  • Linking of the professor or researcher to the theme of the research project that has been presented.
  • Linking and viability of the research project of the student with the investigation currently funded projects.

The activities planned or underway to encourage the direction of the thesis are the following:

  • The encouragement to the making of periodic encounters or reunions of the national and international faculty of the Program, in person or online through a video-conference and other technologies.
  • The compilation and exchange of criteria, profiles and calls linked to the Art and Patrimony on the field of the investigation groups, centres, universities and other regional requests, national and international, to encourage the presentation of projects, aid requests, etc.
  • The encouragement of the stay of the doctoral students of the Doctoral Program within the national and international collaborating institutions.
  • The encouragement of the performing of the thesis with international mention.
  • The participation of experts from abroad in the valuation of the doctoral thesis proposals that are presented.
  • The Creation of a monitoring commission.

The foreseen or current actions to encourage the combined direction of the doctoral thesis are the following:

  • The encouragement of the co-direction and/or responsibility in the case of a thesis with interdisciplinary themes or that are registered in programs developed in collaboration with other national and foreign institutions.
  • The encouragement of the co-direction of the thesis by two directors, an experimented one and a new one.
  • The incorporation of foreign professors and researchers for their intervention as well as directors or codirectors of the Doctoral Program.
  • The participation on the direction or responsibility of researchers of a national or international institution that collaborates when the doctoral student comes from one of them.
  • The diffusion on the web and the agreements or projects of research that are current for the incorporation of new doctoral students and the establishment of contacts, new agreements and projects with professors, researchers and institutions linked to the field of knowledge of the Doctoral Program.

In the following link you will find the Code of Good Practices in the doctoral studies, in which the recommendations about the direction and supervision of the doctoral thesis are detailed.

Información acerca de la cotutela de tesis doctoral

Good practices of Doctoral studying

In the following link you will find the Code of Good Practices in the doctoral studies, in which the recommendations about the direction and supervision of the doctoral thesis are detailed.
