Access Requirements

To access the official teachings of the Doctoral Program on Art and Patrimony by the University of Seville it will be necessary to be in possession of an official Spanish university degree, of a degree dispatched by a superior institution of the European Higher Education Space and other international institutions authorized for the expedition of a degree that allows the access to the Doctorate teachings.

According to the Regulation by the University of Seville (Agreement 7.2/CG 17-6-11, by which RD 99/2011 is applied), the requirements to access a doctoral program are:

1. Generally, to access an official doctoral program it will be necessary to be in possession of an official degree qualification or an equivalent, and an official qualification on a Master’s degree.

2. Additionally those who match at least one of these requirements will be granted the access.

a) Being in possession of a Spanish university official qualification, or one from other country within the European High Education Space, that allows the entry to a Master’s degree according to the Article 16 of the Real Decreto 1393/2007, of the 29th of October, and having surpassed at least 300 ECTS credits in the combination of official university studies, among which, at least 60 will need to have a Master’s degree level.

Applying the Rectoral Resolution of the 23/5/2014 by which the equivalences of credits are established and the valuation of Master’s degree of the previous University Qualifications to the one regulated by the RD 1393/2007, of the 29th of October, meaning an access to the doctoral programs regulated by the RD 99/2011, and the agreement of the Academic Commission of the Doctoral Program of the 23/9/2014, the ones graduated on the Fine Arts by the University of Seville in order to access the Doctoral Program, previous overcoming of the specific educational complements formed by the completion and approval of the Final Master’s Project on Art: Idea and Production, that is taught on the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Seville.

b) Being in possession of an official Spanish qualification of Graduated which duration, according to the rules of common rights, will be of at least of 300 ECTS credits. Said graduated will need to take obligatorily the educational complements, except in the case that the corresponding degrees include credits of educational research, equivalent educationally to the educational value of the research credits that come from Master’s studies.

c) The details in this point of reference won’t be applied into the Doctoral Program to the university graduated that whose previous entry into the educational post on which the correspondent test of access to the educational posts about specialized medical education, have been able to overcome with a positive evaluation at least two years of study in a program for the obtaining of an official title of some of the specialities on Health Sciences.

d) Being in possession of a title obtained according to foreign educational systems, with no need on their standardization, previous verification by the university on which it confirms an equivalent educational level to the one of the official Spanish qualification of a Master’s degree and that empowers the student on the dispatching country for the access to doctoral studies. This admission won’t imply in any case the standardization of the previous degree that is in possession of the person who is interested nor the recognition in any other case than to work on Doctoral studies. The qualification of Doctor will have in that case validity in Spain.

e) Those who could be admitted into the Doctoral Studies according to the RD 99/2011 will be ones graduated, Architects or Engineers that were in possession of the Higher Studies Certificate obtained according to the Real Decreto 778/1998, of the 30th of April, that have been able to overcome every ECTS credits in the educational term of the transitory Doctoral Program on Artistic Research, or that have reached the research sufficiency regulated by the Real Decreto 185/1985, of the 23rd of January.

f)Those who are in possession of another Spanish Qualification as a Doctor obtained according to the university’s ordinance.
