Annual evaluation

Annually, the academic committee of the programme will evaluate the Research Plan (PI) and the Doctoral student Activities Document (DAD) along with the reports issued by the tutor and the director. In case of a negative evaluation, which will be properly motivated, the doctoral student must be evaluated again within six months. In the event of a new negative evaluation, the doctoral student will permanently withdraw from the programme.

Additional information on the Annual evaluation of doctoral students, application and deadlines, and joint evaluation criteria PI and DAD available at:

More information in the articles 57 to 61 of the Regulations for Doctoral Studies (Agreement 6.1/CG 23-7-19):

Chapter 6 – supervision and monitoring of the doctoral student

Article 57. Documentary and supervision commitment

1. At the time of formalizing the first enrolment of academic supervision in the programme, the doctoral student, the EIDUS management, the director of the doctoral thesis and the tutor must sign a documentary and supervision commitment.

2. This document will include the conflict resolution procedure that will be applied firstly in case of controversies and will contemplate the aspects related to intellectual and industrial property rights that may arise in the scope of the doctoral programme and in relationship with the doctoral thesis, including, where appropriate, the regime for the transfer of exploitation rights.

3. In any case, the aspects referring to any form of protection of research results concerning both industrial property and intellectual property that are included in the documentary commitment shall comply with current National and European legislation and the provisions of the General Research Regulations of the University of Seville. In the case of doctoral theses carried out within the framework of collaborations with companies, the National and International legal framework regulating rights on inventions and State aid for research, development and innovation must also be taken into account.

4. The approval of the content of the documentary commitment that must be signed by the doctoral student, the tutor, the thesis director and the EIDUS corresponds to the School Management Committee.

5. The documentary commitment will be reviewed and re-subscribed each time there is a change in the direction of the thesis or in the tutoring of the doctoral student.

Article 58. Research Plan

1. During the first year of permanence in the programme, the doctoral student will prepare a Research Plan, endorsed by the tutor and the director of the doctoral thesis, which will include, at least, the title of the doctoral thesis, the methodology that will be used in the research and the objectives to be achieved, as well as the means and timing to accomplish them.

2. The Research Plan may be improved and detailed throughout the permanence in the programme, always with the endorsement of the tutor and the director of the doctoral thesis.

3. It is the duty of the doctoral student to carry out the various training and research activities programmed by the director and the tutor for the development of the doctoral thesis.

Article 59. Doctoral student Activities Document

1. For each student enrolled in the doctoral programme, a Doctoral student Activities Document will be prepared, consisting of an individualized record of control of all the activities of interest carried out by the doctoral student.

2. The Doctoral student Activities Document will be regularly reviewed by the tutor and the director of the doctoral thesis.

Article 60. Annual evaluation of the Research Plan and the Doctoral student Activities

1. The academic committee of the programme will jointly evaluate the Research Plan and the Doctoral student Activities Document, along with the reports that the tutor and the director of the doctoral thesis must issue for this purpose. To this end, the EIDUS Management Committee will establish a call for each academic year.

2. In case the academic committee detects significant deficiencies, it may request that the doctoral student present a new Research Plan within six months. In the event that the deficiencies continue to occur, the academic commission must issue a reasoned report and the doctoral student will permanently withdraw from the programme with the effects established in article 47 of this regulation.

3. Students who are on sick leave, pregnancy or other cause included in the current regulation, or on temporary leave at the time of the annual evaluation call will be exempted from the duty to attend it. Those students who, having been absent for a period of more than one month in the academic year under evaluation or in coincidence with training activities required by the doctoral programme to obtain a positive evaluation, will also be released from this duty, at the time that in the call for the annual evaluation, they are reincorporated to the programme or have a medical discharge. In any case, both students who are on leave at the time of the call and those who have re-joined under the conditions provided in this section may take the annual evaluation if they deem it appropriate. In this case, the academic committee will proceed to the evaluation setting provided in section 3 of article 46 of this regulation.

4. In the case of students who, at the time of the annual evaluation, are carrying out mobility actions authorized by the director of the doctoral thesis, the academic committee must arbitrate a procedure that allows the student in said situation to be evaluated.

5. When, in accordance with the provisions of current regulation, it is appropriate to request a report from the research ethics committee prior to the annual evaluation of the doctoral student, the request submitted by the doctoral student to this body will be attached to the application of evaluation. In this case, the deadlines for this evaluation will be suspended until the report of the referred committee is received, which must be sent to the academic committee by the doctoral student within ten days of receipt.

6. In the case of joint programmes with other universities, the agreement between them will determine the way in which the supervision and follow-up of the doctoral students should be carried out.

Article 61. Support for students with special needs

During the permanence in the programme, students with special educational needs derived from the disability will be guaranteed adequate support and counselling services, which will assess the need for possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies, in accordance with the provisions of the Title IV of the General Students Regulations of the University of Seville.
