
Title DataTitle PresentationCompetencesQuality Garantee

Doctoral Program ART AND PATRIMONY – University of Seville

Responsible center
International Doctoral School of the University of Seville (EIDUS)

Center where it is taught
Fine Arts Faculty (University of Seville). 3 Laraña St. – 41003 Seville

Title Level
Official title of Doctor (Level MECES 4)


Program coordinator
José María Sánchez Sánchez

Academic Committee of the Doctorate Program
The composition and powers of this Academic Committee will be those established in the Rules of Internal Regulations of the International Doctoral School of the University of Seville (EIDUS), as well as the provisions of RD 99/2011, January 28th, and other regulations of the University of Seville that are applicable to them.

The Academic Committee is the Body responsible for the Program and is composed by:

  • President: Dr. José Mª Sánchez Sánchez
  • Secretary: Dra. Áurea Muñoz del Amo
  • Vocal: Dra. Carmen Andreu Lara
  • Vocal: Dr. Francisco Cornejo Vega
  • Vocal: Dr. Fernando García García
  • Vocal: Dra. María José González López
  • Vocal: Dr. Olegario Martín Sánchez
  • Vocal: Dra. María Dolores Ruiz de Lacanal Ruiz-Mateos

Normativa de Estudios de Doctorado de la Universidad de Sevilla

The Art and Patrimony Program by the University of Seville, regulated by the RD 99/2011 and integrated into the International Doctoral School of the University of Seville (EIDUS), emerges from the necessity to continue and secure the now consolidated investigated trajectory developed by this Center on the fields of Fine Arts and the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, on which these count with the historical conditions of the doctorate programs taught since 1991 (regulated by RD 778/1998 and RD 1393/2007), with a significant social recognition and a considerable international demand.

The goal to achieve with the Doctoral Program on Art and Patrimony is to continue giving an education that deals with theory-practice and methodology for the investigation on the fields of artistic creation and of the preservation and restoration of Cultural Assets, dealing with a changing outlook and the evolution on which these classical areas of competence for the Fine Arts (Paint, Sculpture, Drawing) and the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, these have been transformed and adapted to the reality of artistic production just like its management and treatment for its transmission looking forward to future generations.

This Doctoral Program has the purpose for educating doctors on these two described fields, on which the students will be able to obtain theoretical, technical and methodological knowledge necessary for the advanced investigation. Implemented by the leading means for the student to obtain the necessary competence and ability to be able to accomplish independent investigation projects (planification, experiment design, data analysis, interpretation of results and also the communication and spreading of these).

The Doctoral Program, with a conceptual and methodological base, has as a main goal that the student should be able to acquire the capacity to go in depth into his/her education and to boost the development of an original investigation that leads to the completion of a doctoral thesis, which will also allow the student to obtain the Doctor Title by the University of Seville and, in this case, the International Doctorate mention.

Memoria Verificada del Programa de Doctorado ARTE Y PATRIMONIO

Previous knowledge

The new entry doctorate must have a series of certain abilities belonging to a level of a master’s degree that in this case consist on having an amount of specific knowledge, skills and abilities on the field of artistic-plastic and the preservation and restoration of Cultural Assets, especially on the field of the three lines of investigation in this Doctoral Program on Art and Patrimony, which are explained below:

– LINE 1. Theory, analysis, concepts, review and diffusion on artistic creation and Cultural Patrimony.

– LINE 2. Experimental investigation of the different artistic languages and their applied technologies, materials, proceedings and techniques.

– LINE 3. Experimental investigation of the different methods and analysis techniques, diagnosis and intervention on the conservation and restoration and their applied technologies.

The development of doctoral studies will guarantee, as a minimum, the acquisition by the doctoral student of the following basic and general competences, as well as those that are included in the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education [Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior, MECES, level 4):

Basic and general competence

CB11 -Systematic comprehension of a field of study and control over the abilities and methods of investigation related to such field.
CB12 -Ability to develop, design or create, put into practice and adopt a substantial process of investigation or creation.
CB13 -Ability to contribute to the expansion of knowledge borders through an original investigation.
CB14 -Ability to make an analytic review, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
CB15 -Ability of communication with the academic and scientific community and with the society in general about their knowledge field on the style and languages of ordinary use on their international scientific community.
CB16 -Ability to reinforce, on academic and professional contexts, the scientific, technological, social or cultural advance on a society based on knowledge.

Likewise, the obtaining of the title of Doctor must provide a high professional training in diverse fields, especially in those that require creativity and innovation. The doctors will have acquired, at least, the following abilities and personal skills and other competences. indicated below:

Personal abilities and skills

CA01 – Being able to get along on contexts on which there is little specified information
CA02 – To find key questions that need to be answered to solve a complex problem.
CA03 – To design, create, develop and undertake brand new and innovative projects on the range of knowledge
CA04 – To work both in groups as in an individual way in an international or multidisciplinary context.
CA05 – To integrate knowledge, face complexity and formulate opinions with limited information.
CA06 – Review and intellectual defense of solutions

Other types of competence

OC1 – To plan and organize the different contents of their investigation on Art and Patrimony.
OC2 – To know and evaluate the general and particular context related to their investigation.
OC3 – Ability to analyze works of art and/or patrimonial assets and to be able to communicate the obtained results.
OC4 – To evaluate the sociocultural bases of the artistic activity and the agents of the ecosystem of art on public institutions and on the private scope.
OC5 – To apply and/or develop adequate technologies in the process of their investigation on the scope of Art and/or the Patrimony
OC6 – To plan the repercussions of the results of the investigation on their specified field.
OC7 – To evaluate and apply the necessary methodologies and abilities to create, evaluate and manage the artistic productions and the Patrimony.
OC8 – To apply classification systems on their investigation on Art and/or Patrimony.
OC9 – Ability to relate the professional development on Art and Patrimony with the investigation.

  • Academic Committee Meetings Minutes (Available, upon request to the AC of the PhD Programme, via
  • Degree Quality Assurance Commission (DQAC). The Commission will ensure the quality of the Title. The DQAC is composed of the following members:
    • President/CA: José Mª Sánchez Sánchez
    • Secretary/CA: Dra. Áurea Muñoz el Amo
    • Vocal/CA: Dra. Carmen Andreu Lara
    • Vocal/CA: Dr. Francisco Cornejo Vega
    • Vocal/CA: Dr. Fernando García García
    • Vocal/CA: Dra. María José González López
    • Vocal/CA: Dr. Olegario Martín Sánchez
    • Vocal/CA: Dra. María Dolores Ruiz de Lacanal Ruiz-Mateos
    • External Vocal: D. Gabriel Ferreras Romero
    • Doctoral Studen Vocal: D. Salvador Jiménez-Donaire Martínez
    • PAS Vocal: Dª Rosa Castaño Muñoz