Nuevas publicaciones del PDI de la ETSI incorporadas a Scopus en mayo 2021

Durante el mes de mayo de 2021 fueron incorporadas a la base de datos Scopus 338 nuevas publicaciones de autores pertenecientes a la Universidad de Sevilla, 185 de ellas en diversas modalidades de Acceso Abierto.

 58 documentos (un 17,1 % del total US) tuvieron como autores o coautores a profesores e investigadores pertenecientes a Departamentos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ETSI).  Por tipología documental han sido 40 artículos, 16 comunicaciones a congresos y 1 nota.

38 publicaciones lo han sido en Acceso Abierto y serán subidas progresivamente a idUS, repositorio de producción científica de la Universidad de Sevilla. 

*** La selección y comunicación mensual de estas nuevas publicaciones a través del blog tiene como principal objetivo contribuir al conocimiento por parte de la comunidad universitaria de la ETSI, de la investigación realizada en la Escuela.

* A continuación se añade el listado de las publicaciones ETSI por orden alfabético del primer autor firmante:

1) Abokersh, M.H., Norouzi, M., Boer, D., Cabeza, L.F., Casa, G., Prieto, C., Jiménez, L., Vallès, M.

A framework for sustainable evaluation of thermal energy storage in circular economy
(2021) Renewable Energy, 175, pp. 686-701. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.04.136

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
2) Aguilar-Hernández, T., Contreras, M.D., Rodríguez-Piazza, L.

Integration Operators in Average Radial Integrability Spaces of Analytic Functions
(2021) Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 18 (3), art. no. 117, . 

DOI: 10.1007/s00009-021-01774-w

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
3) Alcaide, A.M., Leon, J.I., Portillo, R., Yin, J., Luo, W., Vazquez, S., Kouro, S., Franquelo, L.G.

Variable-Angle PS-PWM Technique for Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Converters with Large Number of Power Cells
(2021) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68 (8), art. no. 9113672, pp. 6773-6783. 

DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2020.3000121

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
4) Alfonso, G., Daniel Carnerero, A., Ramirez, D.R., Alamo, T.

Receding horizon optimization of large trade orders
(2021) IEEE Access, . 

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3075700

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
5) Alonso, C.A., Ho, D., Maestre, J.M.

Distributed linear quadratic regulator robust to communication dropouts
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 3072-3078. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1012

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
6) Ayllon-Guerola, J., Cobacho-Rodriguez, C., Segado-Fernandez, J., Hidalgo-Salaverri, J., Mancini, A., Nunez-Portillo, J., Garcia-Vallejo, D., Garcia-Munoz, M., Davis, S., Tomarchio, V., Hajnal, N., Piccinni, C., Verrecchia, M., Phillips, G., Vallar, M., Perelli Cippo, E., Nocente, M., Putignano, O., Sozzi, C., Wanner, M.

Thermo-mechanical assessment of the JT-60SA fast-ion loss detector
(2021) Fusion Engineering and Design, 167, art. no. 112304, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2021.112304

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
7) Baena-Moreno, F.M., Sebastia-Saez, D., Pastor-Pérez, L., Reina, T.R.

Analysis of the potential for biogas upgrading to syngas via catalytic reforming in the United Kingdom
(2021) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144, art. no. 110939, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2021.110939

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
8) Becerra, J.A., Perez-Hernandez, A., Madero-Ayora, M.J., Crespo-Cadenas, C.

A Reduced-Complexity Direct Learning Architecture for Digital Predistortion Through Iterative Pseudoinverse Calculation
(2021) IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, . 

DOI: 10.1109/LMWC.2021.3079839

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
9) Becerra, J.A., Ayora, M.J.M., Reina-Tosina, J., Crespo-Cadenas, C.

Sparse identification of volterra models for power amplifiers without pseudoinverse computation
(2020) IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 68 (11), art. no. 9178996, pp. 4570-4578. 

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2020.3016967

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
10) Braun, M., Iváñez, I., Ariza, M.P.

A numerical study of progressive damage in unidirectional composite materials using a 2D lattice model
(2021) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 249, art. no. 107767, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2021.107767

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
11) Callejón-Leblic, M.A.,, Miranda, P.C.

A comprehensive analysis of the impact of head model extent on electric field predictions in transcranial current stimulation
(2021) Journal of Neural Engineering, 18 (4), art. no. 046024, . 

DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/abeab7

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
12) Cano, J.A., Gomez-Montoya, R.A., Cortes, P., Campo, E.A.

Mrp systems considering fuzzy capacity, lead times and inventory availability
(2021) International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 20 (1), pp. 29-39. 

DOI: 10.2507/IJSIMM20-1-538

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
13) Cano, M., Reina, T.R., Portillo, E., Gallego Fernández, L.M., Navarrete, B.

Characterization of emissions of condensable particulate matter under real operation conditions in cement clinker kilns using complementary experimental techniques
(2021) Science of the Total Environment, 786, art. no. 147472, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147472

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
14) Capitán, C., Pérez-León, H., Capitán, J., Castaño, Á., Ollero, A.

Unmanned aerial traffic management system architecture for u-space in-flight services
(2021) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11 (9), art. no. 3995, . 

DOI: 10.3390/app11093995

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
15) Carro, A., Chacartegui, R., Ortiz, C., Carneiro, J., Becerra, J.A.

Energy storage system based on transcritical CO2 cycles and geological storage
(2021) Applied Thermal Engineering, 193, art. no. 116813, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.116813

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
16) Chanfreut, P., Keijzer, T., Ferrari, R.M.G., Maestre, J.M.

A topology-switching coalitional control and observation scheme with stability guarantees
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 6477-6482. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1792

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
17) Chanfreut, P., Maestre, J.M., Zhu, Q., Camacho, E.F.

No-regret learning for coalitional model predictive control
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 3439-3444. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1674

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
18) Chevet, T., Maniu, C.S., Vlad, C., Zhang, Y., Camacho, E.F.

Chance-constrained MPC for voronoi-based multi-agent system deployment
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 6969-6974. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.417

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
19) Contreras, M.D., Díaz-Madrigal, S., Gumenyuk, P.

Angular Extents and Trajectory Slopes in the Theory of Holomorphic Semigroups in the Unit Disk
(2021) Journal of Geometric Analysis, . 

DOI: 10.1007/s12220-021-00659-4

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
20) Dallaston, M.C., Fontelos, M.A., Herrada, M.A., Lopez-Herrera, J.M., Eggers, J.

Regular and complex singularities of the generalized thin film equation in two dimensions
(2021) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 917, art. no. 2100286, . 

DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2021.286

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
21) de la Fuente, A., Márquez, C.A., Candón, E., Gómez, J.F., Serra, J.

A comparison of machine learning techniques for LNG pumps fault prediction in regasification plants
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (3), pp. 125-130. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.11.020

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
22) Degachi, H., Chanfreut, P., Maestre, J.M.

A nonlinear distributed model predictive scheme for systems based on Hammerstein model
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 3361-3366. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1500

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
23) del Nozal, A.R., Orihuela, L., Millán, P., Seuret, A., Zaccarian, L.

Results on distributed state estimation for LTI systems facing communication failures
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 3248-3253. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1125

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
24) Dewani, R., Rakesh, R., Gopakumar, K., Loganathan, U., Zielinski, D., Franquelo, L.G.

Suppression of Lower Order Harmonics for the Full Modulation Range for a Two-Level Inverter-Fed im Drive with a Switched-Capacitive Filter Technique Forming a 42-Sided Voltage Space Vector Structure
(2021) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68 (8), art. no. 9138758, pp. 6701-6709. 

DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2020.3007079

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
25) Escaño, J.M., Sánchez, A.J., Ceballos, M., Gallego, A.J., Camacho, E.F.

Neuro-fuzzy estimator, with complexity reduction, of the temperatures of a parabolic-trough solar field [Estimador Neuro-borroso, con reducción de complejidad, de las temperaturas de un campo solar cilindro-parabólico]
(2021) RIAI – Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial, 18 (2), pp. 138-149. 

DOI: 10.4995/RIAI.2020.13261

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
26) Frejo, J.R.D., De Schutter, B.

Logic-Based Traffic Flow Control for Ramp Metering and Variable Speed Limits-Part 2: Simulation and Comparison
(2021) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22 (5), art. no. 9007042, pp. 2658-2668. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2973732

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
27) Frejo, J.R.D., De Schutter, B.

Logic-Based Traffic Flow Control for Ramp Metering and Variable Speed Limits – Part 1: Controller
(2021) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22 (5), art. no. 9007373, pp. 2647-2657. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2973717

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
28) García-Geijo, P., Quintero, E.S., Riboux, G., Gordillo, J.M.

Spreading and splashing of drops impacting rough substrates
(2021) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 917, art. no. A50, . Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2021.313

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
29) Garcia-Torres, F., Zafra-Cabeza, A., Silva, C., Grieu, S., Darure, T., Estanqueiro, A.

Model predictive control for microgrid functionalities: Review and future challenges
(2021) Energies, 14 (5), art. no. 1296, . 

DOI: 10.3390/en14051296

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
30) González, J.A., Kopačka, J., Kolman, R., Park, K.-C.

Partitioned formulation of contact-impact problems with stabilized contact constraints and reciprocal mass matrices
(2021) International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, . 

DOI: 10.1002/nme.6739

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
31) González-Arias, J., Baena-Moreno, F.M., Sánchez, M.E., Cara-Jiménez, J.

Optimizing hydrothermal carbonization of olive tree pruning: A techno-economic analysis based on experimental results
(2021) Science of the Total Environment, 784, art. no. 147169, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147169

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
32) Gonzalez-Martin, J., Garcia-Munoz, M., Sieglin, B., Herrmann, A., Lunt, T., Ayllon-Guerola, J., Galdon-Quiroga, J., Hidalgo-Salaverri, J., Kovacsik, A., Rivero-Rodriguez, J.F., Sanchis, L., Silvagni, D., Zoletnik, S., Dominguez, J.

Self-adaptive diagnostic of radial fast-ion loss measurements on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak (invited)
(2021) Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 (5), art. no. 053538, . 

DOI: 10.1063/5.0043756

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
33) Gupta, S.T.P., Linares-Serrano, P., Sen Bhattacharya, B., Serrano-Gotarredona, T.

Foveal-pit inspired filtering of DVS spike response
(2021) 2021 55th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS 2021, art. no. 9400245, . 

DOI: 10.1109/CISS50987.2021.9400245

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
34) Lillo-Sánchez, L., López-Lara, G., Vera-Medina, J., Pérez-Aparicio, E., Lillo-Bravo, I.

Degradation analysis of photovoltaic modules after operating for 22 years. A case study with comparisons
(2021) Solar Energy, 222, pp. 84-94. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2021.04.026

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
35) López-Álvarez, J.A., Larrañeta, M., Pérez-Aparicio, E., Silva-Pérez, M.A., Lillo-Bravo, I.

An approach to the operation modes and strategies for integrated hybrid parabolic trough and photovoltaic solar systems
(2021) Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (8), art. no. 4402, . 

DOI: 10.3390/su13084402

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
36) Mammarella, M., Alamo, T., Lucia, S., Dabbene, F.

A probabilistic validation approach for penalty function design in stochastic model predictive control
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 11271-11276. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.362

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
37) Manzano, J.M., Calliess, J., de la Peña, D.M., Limon, D.

Online learning robust MPC: An exploration-exploitation approach
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 5292-5297. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1210

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
38) Martínez-Galán, P., Crespo, A., de la Fuente, A., Guillén, A.

A new model to compare intelligent asset management platforms (IAMP)
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (3), pp. 13-18. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.11.003

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
39) Masero, E., Francisco, M., Maestre, J.M., Revollar, S., Vega, P.

Hierarchical distributed model predictive control based on fuzzy negotiation
(2021) Expert Systems with Applications, 176, art. no. 114836, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2021.114836

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
40)  Masero, E., Maestre, J.M., Francisco, M., Camacho, E.F.

Coalitional MPC with predicted topology transitions
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 3342-3347. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1498

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
41) Milev, K., Alshammari, F., Yaramasu, V., Duran, M.J., Yadlapati, K.

Predictive Control with Fixed Switching Frequency for Three-Level Boost and NPC Converters Interfaced PMSG Wind Turbine
(2021) 3rd International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Clean Energy Technologies, ICEPE 2020, art. no. 9404476, . 

DOI: 10.1109/ICEPE50861.2021.9404476

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
42) Millán-Jiménez, A., Herrera-Limones, R., López-Escamilla, Á., López-Rubio, E., Torres-García, M.

Confinement, comfort and health: Analysis of the real influence of lockdown on university students during the covid-19 pandemic
(2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (11), art. no. 5572, . 

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18115572

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
43) Mogilevskaya, S.G., Zemlyanova, A.Y., Mantič, V.

The use of the Gurtin-Murdoch theory for modeling mechanical processes in composites with two-dimensional reinforcements
(2021) Composites Science and Technology, 210, art. no. 108751, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.108751

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
44) Muñoz, S., Ros, J., Urda, P., Escalona, J.L.

Estimation of lateral track irregularity using a Kalman filter. Experimental validation
(2021) Journal of Sound and Vibration, 504, art. no. 116122, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116122

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
45) Nadales, J.M., Ordoñez, J.G., Coronel, J.F., Limon, D.

Energy-efficiency-oriented gradient-based economic predictive control of multiple-chiller cooling systems
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 6656-6661. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.087

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
46) Núñez-Reyes, A., Ruiz-Moreno, S.

Spatial estimation of solar radiation using geostatistics and machine learning techniques
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 3216-3222. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1092

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
47) Ordoñez, J.G., Gordillo, F., Montero-Robina, P., Limon, D.

Suboptimal multirate MPC for five-level inverters
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 13424-13429. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.249

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
48) Oyola, P., Gonzalez-Martin, J., Garcia-Munoz, M., Galdon-Quiroga, J., Birkenmeier, G., Viezzer, E., Dominguez-Palacios, J., Rueda-Rueda, J., Rivero-Rodriguez, J.F., Todo, Y.

Implementation of synthetic fast-ion loss detector and imaging heavy ion beam probe diagnostics in the 3D hybrid kinetic-MHD code MEGA
(2021) Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 (4), art. no. 043558, . 

DOI: 10.1063/5.0043757

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
49) Parra, C., Viveros, P., Kristjanpoller, F., Crespo, A., González-Prida, V.

Audit and diagnosis in asset management and maintenance applied in the electrical industry [Auditoría y diagnóstico en gestión de activos y mantenimiento aplicado en la industria eléctrica]
(2021) Dyna (Spain), 93 (3), p. 238. 

DOI: 10.6036/10037

Document Type: Note
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
50) Paul, A., Ramirez-Angulo, J., Sanchez, A.D., Lopez-Martin, A.J., Carvajal, R.G., Li, F.X.

An Enhanced Gain-Bandwidth Class-AB Miller op-amp with 23,800 MHz·pF/mW FOM, 11-16 Current Efficiency and Wide Range of Resistive and Capacitive Loads Driving Capability
(2021) IEEE Access, 9, art. no. 9422790, pp. 69783-69797. 

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3077532

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
51) Pourmousa, N., Ebrahimi, S.M., Malekzadeh, M., Gordillo, F.

Using a novel optimization algorithm for parameter extraction of photovoltaic cells and modules
(2021) European Physical Journal Plus, 136 (4), art. no. 470, . 

DOI: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01462-4

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
52) Prado-Velasco, M., Ortiz-Marín, R.

Comparison of computer extended descriptive geometry (Cedg) with cad in the modeling of sheet metal patterns
(2021) Symmetry, 13 (4), art. no. 685, . 

DOI: 10.3390/sym13040685

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
53) Rivero-Rodriguez, J.F., Perez Von Thun, C., Garcia-Muñoz, M., Beaumont, P., Kiptily, V., Garcia-Lopez, J., Goloborodko, V., Jimenez-Ramos, M.C., Rodriguez-Ramos, M., Schoepf, K., Yavorskij, V.

Upgrade and absolute calibration of the JET scintillator-based fast-ion loss detector
(2021) Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 (4), art. no. 043553, . 

DOI: 10.1063/5.0043760

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
54) Salvo, C., Chicardi, E., Poyato, R., García-Garrido, C., Jiménez, J.A., López-Pernía, C., Tobosque, P., Mangalaraja, R.V.
Synthesis and characterization of a nearly single bulk ti2aln max phase obtained from ti/aln powder mixture through spark plasma sintering
(2021) Materials, 14 (9), art. no. 2217, . 

DOI: 10.3390/ma14092217

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
55) Sánchez-Lanuza, M.B., Menéndez-Velázquez, A., Peñas-Sanjuan, A., Navas-Martos, F.J., Lillo-Bravo, I., Delgado-Sánchez, J.M.

Advanced photonic thin films for solar irradiation tuneability oriented to greenhouse applications
(2021) Materials, 14 (9), art. no. 2357, . 

DOI: 10.3390/ma14092357

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
56) Shahverdi, K., Loni, R., Maestre, J.M., Najafi, G.

CFD numerical simulation of Archimedes screw turbine with power output analysis
(2021) Ocean Engineering, 231, art. no. 108718, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.108718

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
57) Trodden, P.A., Maestre, J.M., Ishii, H.

Actuation attacks on constrained linear systems: A set-theoretic analysis
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2), pp. 6963-6968. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.415

Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
58) Vargas-Silva, G., Barroso-Caro, A.

University accreditations and publication of articles on education in Spain (Acreditaciones universitarias y publicación de artículos sobre educación en España)
(2021) Cultura y Educacion, . 

DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2021.1904654

Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
Análisis Scopus Publicaciones ETSI mayo 2021

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