Nuevas publicaciones del PDI de la ETSI incorporadas a Scopus en junio de 2021

El pasado mes de Junio de 2021 se incluyeron en la base de datos Scopus 379 nuevas publicaciones de autores pertenecientes a la Universidad de Sevilla, 241 de ellas en diversas modalidades de Acceso Abierto.

 51 documentos (un 13,45 % del total US) tuvieron como autores o coautores a profesores e investigadores pertenecientes a Departamentos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ETSI).  

Por tipología documental fueron 46 artículos (1 review), 3 comunicaciones a congresos y 2 editoriales

34 publicaciones lo han sido en Acceso Abierto y serán subidas progresivamente a idUS, repositorio de producción científica de la Universidad de Sevilla. 

*** La selección y comunicación mensual de estas nuevas publicaciones a través del blog tiene como principal objetivo contribuir al conocimiento por parte de la comunidad universitaria de la ETSI, de la investigación realizada en la Escuela.

Nota: El listado de este mes incluye en primer lugar una publicación que no ha aparecido en los listados publicados en los meses anteriores. Creemos que no fue incluida por Scopus en la alerta mensual que nos envía conteniendo las publicaciones conjuntas de la Universidad de Sevilla.

* A continuación se añade el listado de las publicaciones ETSI de junio por orden alfabético del primer autor firmante:

1) Agredano-Torres, M., Garcia-Sanchez, J.L., Mancini, A., Doyle, S.J., Garcia-Munoz, M., Ayllon-Guerola, J., Barragan-Villarejo, M., Viezzer, E., Segado-Fernandez, J., Lopez-Aires, D., Toledo-Garrido, J., Buxton, P.F., Chung, K.J., Garcia-Dominguez, J., Garcia-Franquelo, L., Gryaznevich, M.P., Hidalgo-Salaverri, J., Hwang, Y.S., Leon-Galvan, J.I., Maza-Ortega, J.

Coils and power supplies design for the SMART tokamak
(2021) Fusion Engineering and Design, 168, art. no. 112683, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2021.112683

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 09203796
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
2) Alamo, T., Millan, P., Reina, D.G., Preciado, V.M., Giordano, G.

Challenges and Future Directions in Pandemic Control
(2021) IEEE Control Systems Letters, . 

DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2021.3085700

Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISSN: 24751456
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
3) Albea, C., Sferlazza, A., Gordillo, F., Gomez-Estern, F.

Control of Power Converters With Hybrid Affine Models and Pulse-Width Modulated Inputs
(2021) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, . 

DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2021.3083900

Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISSN: 15498328
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
4) Alcaide, A.M., Monopoli, V.G., Wang, X., Leon, J.I., Buticchi, G., Vazquez, S., Liserre, M., Franquelo, L.G.

Common-mode voltage harmonic reduction in variable speed drives applying a variable-angle carrier phase-displacement pwm method
(2021) Energies, 14 (10), art. no. 2929, . 

DOI: 10.3390/en14102929

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 19961073
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
5) Alfonso, G., Carnerero, A.D., Ramirez, D.R., Alamo, T.

Receding Horizon Optimization of Large Trade Orders
(2021) IEEE Access, 9, art. no. 9416441, pp. 63865-63875. 

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3075700

Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISSN: 21693536
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
6) Algaba, E., Moretti, S., Rémila, E., Solal, P.

Lexicographic solutions for coalitional rankings
(2021) Social Choice and Welfare, . 

DOI: 10.1007/s00355-021-01340-z

Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

ISSN: 01761714
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
7) Alonso-Meijide, J.M., Álvarez-Mozos, M., Fiestras-Janeiro, M.G., Jiménez-Losada, A.

On convexity in cooperative games with externalities
(2021) Economic Theory, . 

DOI: 10.1007/s00199-021-01371-8

Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

ISSN: 09382259
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
8) Aradillas, J.C., Murillo-Fuentes, J.J., Olmos, P.M.

Boosting offline handwritten text recognition in historical documents with few labeled lines
(2021) IEEE Access, . 

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3082689

Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISSN: 21693536
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
9) Arahal, M.R., Ortega, M.G., Satué, M.G.

Chiller load forecasting using hyper-gaussian nets
(2021) Energies, 14 (12), art. no. 3479, . 

DOI: 10.3390/en14123479

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 19961073
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
10) Arenas-Márquez, F.J., Martinez-Torres, R., Toral, S.

Convolutional neural encoding of online reviews for the identification of travel group type topics on TripAdvisor
(2021) Information Processing and Management, 58 (5), art. no. 102645, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ipm.2021.102645

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 03064573
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
11) Blázquez-Carmona, P., Sanz-Herrera, J.A., Martínez-Vázquez, F.J., Domínguez, J., Reina-Romo, E.

Structural optimization of 3D-printed patient-specific ceramic scaffolds for in vivo bone regeneration in load-bearing defects
(2021) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 121, art. no. 104613, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2021.104613

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 17516161
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
12) Bonari, J., Paggi, M., Reinoso, J.

A framework for the analysis of fully coupled normal and tangential contact problems with complex interfaces
(2021) Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 196, art. no. 103605, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.finel.2021.103605

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

ISSN: 0168874X
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
13) del Nozal, A.R., Orihuela, L., Romaine, J., Millan, P.

Trust-based distributed state estimation in the presence of cyber-attacks tested with hardware-in-the-loop
(2021) IEEE Control Systems Letters, . 

DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2021.3082309

Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISSN: 24751456
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
14)  Doyle, S.J., Lopez-Aires, D., Mancini, A., Agredano-Torres, M., Garcia-Sanchez, J.L., Segado-Fernandez, J., Ayllon-Guerola, J., Garcia-Muñoz, M., Viezzer, E., Soria-Hoyo, C., Garcia-Lopez, J., Cunningham, G., Buxton, P.F., Gryaznevich, M.P., Hwang, Y.S., Chung, K.J.

Magnetic equilibrium design for the SMART tokamak
(2021) Fusion Engineering and Design, art. no. 112706, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2021.112706

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 09203796
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
15) Endemaño-Ventura, L., Serrano González, J., Roldán Fernández, J.M., Burgos Payán, M., Riquelme Santos, J.M.

Optimal energy bidding for renewable plants: A practical application to an actual wind farm in Spain
(2021) Renewable Energy, 175, pp. 1111-1126. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.05.054

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 09601481
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
16) García-Santacruz, C., Galván, L., Carrasco, J.M., Galván, E.

Sizing and management of energy storage systems in large-scale power plants using price control and artificial intelligence
(2021) Energies, 14 (11), art. no. 3296, . 

DOI: 10.3390/en14113296

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 19961073
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
17) Garcia-Torres, F., Vazquez, S., Bordons, C., Moreno-Garcia, I., Gil, A., Roncero-Sanchez, P.

Power quality management of interconnected microgrids using model predictive control
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53, pp. 12918-12923. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.2121

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

ISSN: 24058963
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
18)  González-Rodriguez, A.G., Serrano-González, J., Burgos-Payán, M., Riquelme-Santos, J.M.

Realistic optimization of parallelogram-shaped offshore wind farms considering continuously distributed wind resources
(2021) Energies, 14 (10), art. no. 2895, . 

DOI: 10.3390/en14102895

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 19961073
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
19) González-Vizuete, P., Bernal-Méndez, J., Martín-Prats, M.A.

Reducing conducted emissions at the output of full-bridge dcdc converters with high voltage steps
(2021) Electronics (Switzerland), 10 (12), art. no. 1373, . 

DOI: 10.3390/electronics10121373

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 20799292
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
20) Herrera-Limones, R., Lopez de Asiain, M., Borrallo-Jiménez, M., García, M.T.

Tools for the implementation of the sustainable development goals in the design of an urban environmental and healthy proposal. A case study
(2021) Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (11), art. no. 6431, . 

DOI: 10.3390/su13116431

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 20711050
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
21) Hoffmann, M., Chamorro, H.R., Lotz, M.R., Maestre, J.M., Rouzbehi, K., Gonzalez-Longatt, F., Kurrat, M., Alvarado-Barrios, L., Sood, V.K.

Grid code-dependent frequency control optimization in multi-terminal dc networks
(2020) Energies, 13 (24), art. no. 6485, . 

DOI: 10.3390/en13246485

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 19961073
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
22) Khiabani, M.Y., Shahdany, S.M.H., Hassani, Y., Maestre, J.M.

Introducing an economic agricultural water distribution in a hyper-arid region: A case study in Iran
(2021) Journal of Hydroinformatics, 23 (3), pp. 548-566. 

DOI: 10.2166/HYDRO.2021.008

Publisher: IWA Publishing

ISSN: 14647141
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
23) Kristjanpoller, F., Viveros, P., Mena, R., Grubessich, T., Gonzalez-Prida, V.

Fleet sizing based on reliability modelling under a life cycle cost scope
(2020) Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, pp. 2366-2372. 

DOI: 10.3850/978-981-14-8593-0_4698-cd

Publisher: Research Publishing, Singapore

ISBN: 9789811485930
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
24) Leite, A., Mantič, V., París, F.

Crack onset in stretched open hole PMMA plates considering linear and non-linear elastic behaviours
(2021) Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 114, art. no. 102931, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2021.102931

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

ISSN: 01678442
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
25) Liora, N., Poupkou, A., Kontos, S., Meleti, C., Chrysostomou, K., Aifadopoulou, G., Zountsa, S., Kalogirou, C., Chacartegui, R., Liguori, F., Bressan, M., Almeida, S.M., Melas, D.

Estimating Road Transport Pollutant Emissions Under Traffic-Congested Conditions with an Integrated Modelling Tool—Emissions Reduction Scenarios Analysis
(2021) Emission Control Science and Technology, . 

DOI: 10.1007/s40825-021-00191-5

Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

ISSN: 21993629
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
26)  Lloreda-Jurado, P.J., Chicardi, E., Paúl, A., Sepúlveda, R.

Effect of processing parameters on the properties of freeze-cast Ni wick with gradient porosity
(2021) Materials and Design, 206, art. no. 109795, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2021.109795

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 02641275
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
27) Marín, J.C., Barroso, A.

Comparison of the shear behavior in graphite-epoxy composites evaluated by means of biaxial test and off-axis tension test
(2021) Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 28 (1), pp. 215-222. 

DOI: 10.1515/secm-2021-0022

Publisher: De Gruyter Open Ltd

ISSN: 07921233
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
28) Martínez-Reina, J., Calvo-Gallego, J.L., Pivonka, P.

Combined Effects of Exercise and Denosumab Treatment on Local Failure in Post-menopausal Osteoporosis–Insights from Bone Remodelling Simulations Accounting for Mineralisation and Damage
(2021) Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9, art. no. 635056, . 

DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.635056

Publisher: Frontiers Media S.A.

ISSN: 22964185
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
29) Mirasierra, V., Vergara-Dietrich, J.D., Limon, D.

Real-time optimization of periodic systems: A modifier-adaptation approach
(2020) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53, pp. 1690-1695. Cited 1 time.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.2238

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

ISSN: 24058963
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
30) Muñoz, S., Ros, J., Urda, P., Escalona, J.L.

Estimation of Lateral Track Irregularity through Kalman Filtering Techniques
(2021) IEEE Access, 9, art. no. 9405673, pp. 60010-60025. 

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3073606

Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISSN: 21693536
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
31) Ortiz, C., Tejada, C., Chacartegui, R., Bravo, R., Carro, A., Valverde, J.M., Valverde, J.

Solar combined cycle with high-temperature thermochemical energy storage
(2021) Energy Conversion and Management, 241, art. no. 114274, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114274

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 01968904
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
32) Padmaja, A., Shanmukh, A., Mendu, S.S., Devarapalli, R., Serrano González, J., García Márquez, F.P.

Design of capacitive bridge fault current limiter for low-voltage ride-through capacity enrichment of doubly fed induction generator-based wind farm
(2021) Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (12), art. no. 6656, . 

DOI: 10.3390/su13126656

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 20711050
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
33) Pandey, A., Kansal, M., Herrada, M.A., Eggers, J., Snoeijer, J.H.

Elastic Rayleigh-Plateau instability: Dynamical selection of nonlinear states
(2021) Soft Matter, 17 (20), pp. 5148-5161. 

DOI: 10.1039/d0sm02195d

Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry

ISSN: 1744683X
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
34) Paramo-Balsa, P., Roldan-Fernandez, J.M., Burgos-Payan, M., Riquelme-Santos, J.M.

A low-cost non-intrusive method for in-field motor speed measurement based on a smartphone
(2021) Sensors, 21 (13), art. no. 4317, . 

DOI: 10.3390/s21134317

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 14248220
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
35) Pastorino, D., Blázquez, A., López-Romano, B., París, F.

Closed-form methodology for the bending of symmetric composite plates with cutouts and non-uniform lay-up
(2021) Composite Structures, 271, art. no. 114052, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114052

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 02638223
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
36)  Pérez-Calderon, D., Baena-Lecuyer, V., Oria, A.C.O., Doblado, J.G.

Non-Uniform Constellations for Polarization Division Multiplexed CO-OFDM Systems
(2021) Radioengineering, 30 (2), pp. 271-277. 

DOI: 10.13164/re.2021.0271

Publisher: Czech Technical University

ISSN: 12102512
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
37)  Perez-Grau, F.J., Martinez-de Dios, J.R., Paneque, J.L., Acevedo, J.J., Torres-González, A., Viguria, A., Astorga, J.R., Ollero, A.

Introducing autonomous aerial robots in industrial manufacturing
(2021) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 60, pp. 312-324. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2021.06.008

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

ISSN: 02786125
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
38) Perez-Leon, H., Acevedo, J.J., Maza, I., Ollero, A.

Integration of a 4D-trajectory Follower to Improve Multi-UAV Conflict Management Within the U-Space Context
(2021) Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 102 (3), art. no. 62

DOI: 10.1007/s10846-021-01415-0

Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media B.V.

ISSN: 09210296
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
39) Prieto, C., Fernández, A.G., Pérez-Osorio, D., Cabeza, L.F.

Thermal and mechanical degradation assessment in refractory concrete as thermal energy storage container material in concentrated solar plants
(2021) Journal of Energy Storage, 40, art. no. 102790 

DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2021.102790

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 2352152X
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
40) Raza, A., Mustafa, A., Alqasemi, U., Rouzbehi, K., Muzzammel, R., Guobing, S., Abbas, G.

HVdc circuit breakers: Prospects and challenges
(2021) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11 (11), art. no. 5047

DOI: 10.3390/app11115047

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 20763417
Document Type: Review
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
41) Rivero-Rodríguez, J., Pérez-Saborid, M., Scheid, B.

An alternative choice of the boundary condition for the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method
(2021) Journal of Computational Physics, 443, art. no. 110494, . 

DOI: 10.1016/

Publisher: Academic Press Inc.

ISSN: 00219991
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
42) Rodríguez-Garrido, R., Carballar, A., Vera, J., González-Aguilar, J., Altamirano, A., Loureiro, A., Pereira, D.

High-temperature monitoring in central receiver concentrating solar power plants with femtosecond-laser inscribed fbg
(2021) Sensors, 21 (11), art. no. 3762

DOI: 10.3390/s21113762

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 14248220
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
43) Rodríguez-Mariscal, J.D., Canivell, J., Solís, M.

Evaluating the performance of sonic and ultrasonic tests for the inspection of rammed earth constructions
(2021) Construction and Building Materials, 299, art. no. 123854

DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.123854

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 09500618
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
44) Roffe, S., Akolkar, H., George, A.D., Linares-Barranco, B., Benosman, R.

Neutron-Induced, Single-Event Effects on Neuromorphic Event-based Vision Sensor: A First Step and Tools to Space Applications
(2021) IEEE Access, . 

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3085136

Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

ISSN: 21693536
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus
45) Rubiales, F.J.G., Soria, P.R., Arrue, B.C., Ollero, A.

Soft-tentacle gripper for pipe crawling to inspect industrial facilities using uavs
(2021) Sensors, 21 (12), art. no. 4142, . 

DOI: 10.3390/s21124142

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 14248220
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
46) Serrano, J., Jiménez-Espadafor, F.J., López, A.

Prediction of hydrogen-heavy fuel combustion process with water addition in an adapted low speed two stroke diesel engine: Performance improvement
(2021) Applied Thermal Engineering, 195, art. no. 117250, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.117250

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 13594311
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
47) Suárez-Almeida, M., Gómez-Barea, A., Pfeifer, C., Leckner, B.

Fluid dynamic analysis of dual fluidized bed gasifier for solar applications
(2021) Powder Technology, 390, pp. 482-495. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2021.05.032

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

ISSN: 00325910
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
48) Talens, C., Perez-Gonzalez, P., Fernandez-Viagas, V., Framiñán, J.M.

New hard benchmark for the 2-stage multi-machine assembly scheduling problem: Design and computational evaluation
(2021) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 158, art. no. 107364, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2021.107364

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 03608352
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
49) Torres, Y., Begines, B., Beltrán, A.M., Boccaccini, A.R.

Deposition of bioactive gelatin coatings on porous titanium: Influence of processing parameters, size and pore morphology
(2021) Surface and Coatings Technology, 421, art. no. 127366, . 

DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.127366

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

ISSN: 02578972
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
50)  Torres-García, M., Álvarez-Mateos, P., García-Martín, J.F.

Special issue “production of biofuels and numerical modelling of chemical combustion systems”
(2021) Processes, 9 (5), art. no. 829, . 

DOI: 10.3390/pr9050829

Publisher: MDPI AG

ISSN: 22279717
Document Type: Editorial
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus
51) Zsembinszki, G., Prieto, C., Ziskind, G., Cabeza, L.F.

Advances in thermal energy storage for renewable energies integration in the energy system
(2021) Renewable Energy, 176, pp. 635-636. 

DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.05.140

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

ISSN: 09601481
Document Type: Editorial
Publication Stage: Final
Análisis Scopus producción ETSI – Junio 2021

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