Nuevas publicaciones del PDI de la ETSI incorporadas a Scopus en mayo de 2024

El pasado mes de mayo de 2024 fueron incluidas en la base de datos Scopus 455 nuevas publicaciones de autores pertenecientes a la Universidad de Sevilla, de las que 250 fueron publicadas en diversas modalidades de Acceso Abierto.

65 documentos (un 14,2 % del total US) tuvieron como autores o coautores a profesores e investigadores pertenecientes a Departamentos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ETSi).  

Por tipología documental han sido 44 artículos (2 review), 15 comunicaciones a congresos, 3 capítulos de libros. 2 editoriales y 1 data paper.

31 de estas publicaciones ETSi han sido realizadas en colaboración internacional.

28 documentos han sido publicados y/o son accesibles en Acceso Abierto y, previamente analizados, ya han sido incluidos desde la Biblioteca de la ETSi en idUS, repositorio de producción científica de la Universidad de Sevilla. 

*** La selección y comunicación mensual de estas nuevas publicaciones a través del blog tiene como principal objetivo contribuir al conocimiento por parte de la comunidad universitaria de la ETSi y externa a la misma, de la investigación realizada en la Escuela.

A continuación, tras el gráfico, facilitamos el listado de las publicaciones ETSI correspondientes a mayo de 2024, por orden alfabético del primer autor firmante:

Análisis Scopus producción autores ETSI mayo 2024

Análisis bibliométrico en Scival (Acceso con UVUS)

1) Abreu, L.R., Prata, B.A., Framinan, J.M., Nagano, M.S.
Integer and Constraint Programming Formulations for the Open Shop Scheduling Problem with sequence-Dependent Processing Times
(2023) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Production Research – Americas: Icpr
Americas 2022, pp. 76-83.
Document Type: Book Chapter
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

2) Aguilar-Camacho, J., Granado-Castro, G.
The Collection ‘General Maps of the City of Cadiz’: Use and Conversion of Scales by Military Engineers of the 18th-Century
(2024) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 385-395.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51623-8_37
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

3) Akshayveer, Buroni, F.C., Melnik, R., Rodriguez-Tembleque, L., Saez, A., Singh, S.
The influence of thermo-electromechanical coupling on the performance of lead-free BNT-PDMS piezoelectric composites
(2024) Smart Materials and Structures, 33 (6), art. no. 065009, .
DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/ad442b
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

4) Alamo, T., Mammarella, M., Dabbene, F., Sznaier, M.
Tractable Approximations of LMI Robust Feasibility Sets
(2024) IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8, art. no. 3396294, pp. 472-477.
DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2024.3396294
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

5) Algaba, E., Saavedra-Nieves, A.
A connection-based analysis of networks using the position value: a computational approach
(2024) Expert Systems with Applications, 251, art. no. 124096, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124096
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

6) Almeida, N.M.D., Crespo, A.
Sustainability and Resilience of Engineering Assets
(2024) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 14 (1), art. no. 391, .
DOI: 10.3390/app14010391
Document Type: Editorial
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

7) Aranda, R.M., Astacio, R., Urban, P., Aranda, B., Cuevas, F.G.
Milling amorphous FeSiB ribbons with vibratory ball and disc mills
(2024) Powder Technology, 441, art. no. 119816, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2024.119816
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

8) Ascázubi, R., Palomo, F.R., Quesada, J.M., Cortés-Giraldo, M.A., Pavón, J.A.
Neutron and Laser Irradiation of Si and Ge Diodes
(2024) IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, .
DOI: 10.1109/IRPS48228.2024.10529411
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

9) Ballo, A., Carvajal, R.G., Grasso, A.D., Lujan-Martinez, C.I., Pennisi, S., Venezia, C.
0.35-V SR-Enhanced Bulk-Driven OTA for Loads up to 10 nF
(2024) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, pp. 1-9.
DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2024.3395472
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

10) Barragán Sánchez-Lanuza, M., Lillo-Bravo, I., Egea, G., Delgado-Sanchez, J.M.
Spectral irradiance, ground and crop dynamic reflectance: Key determinants in predicting photocurrent for agrovoltaic systems
(2024) Energy Conversion and Management, 312, art. no. 118572, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2024.118572
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

11) Barrero, F., Bermúdez, M.
Special Issue on Electric Power Applications
(2023) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13 (20), art. no. 11574, .
DOI: 10.3390/app132011574
Document Type: Editorial
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

12) Barrionuevo, A.M., Yanes Luis, S., Gutierrez Reina, D., Toral Marin, S.L.
Informative Deep Reinforcement Path Planning for Heterogeneous Autonomous Surface Vehicles in Large Water Resources
(2024) IEEE Access, 12, pp. 71835-71852.
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3402980
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

13) Barroso, A., Sánchez-Carmona, S.
Static and fatigue performance of non-circular rivet joints: Comparison between numerical modelling and preliminary testing
(2024) Engineering Failure Analysis, 162, art. no. 108364, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2024.108364
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

14) Bautista-Hernández, J., Martín-Prats, M.Á.
Artificial Intelligence Approach in Aerospace for Error Mitigation
(2024) Aerospace, 11 (4), art. no. 300, .
DOI: 10.3390/aerospace11040300
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

15) Caballero, A., Paneque, J.L., Martinez-de-Dios, J.R., Maza, I., Ollero, A.
Multi-UAV Systems for Inspection of Industrial and Public Infrastructures
(2024) Infrastructure Robotics: Methodologies, Robotic Systems and Applications, pp. 285-303.
Document Type: Book Chapter
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

16) Cabeza, L.F., Martínez, F.R., Borri, E., Ushak, S., Prieto, C.
Thermal Energy Storage Using Phase Change Materials in High-Temperature Industrial Applications: Multi-Criteria Selection of the Adequate Material
(2024) Materials, 17 (8), art. no. 1878, .
DOI: 10.3390/ma17081878
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

17) Castillo, C., López-Martínez, J., García-Vallejo, D., Blanco-Claraco, J.L.
Synthesis of 1-DOF mechanisms for exact regular polygonal path generation based on non-circular gear transmissions
(2024) Mechanism and Machine Theory, 198, art. no. 105657, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2024.105657
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

18) Chicardi, E., Gallego-Parra, S., Salvo, C., Sepúlveda, R.
Efficient single-step mechanosynthesis route of nanostructured Hf0.2Nb0.2Ta0.2V0.2Zr0.2C0.5N0.5 High Entropy Carbonitride Powder
(2024) Ceramics International, 50 (14), pp. 26059-26064. Cited 4 times.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.04.347
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

19) Del Río-Cidoncha, M.G., Ortiz-Marín, R., Martínez–Del Río, A., Martínez-Palacios, J.
The Matagorda Steam Tugboat: Virtual Reconstruction of the Historical Naval Heritage
(2024) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 396-406.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51623-8_38
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

20) Díaz-Báñez, J.-M., Higes-López, J.-M., Pérez-Cutiño, M.-A., Valverde, J.
Optimal energy collection with rotational movement constraints in concentrated solar power plants
(2024) European Journal of Operational Research, 317 (2), pp. 631-642.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2024.04.027
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

21) Fazel, R., Shafei, A.M., Nekoo, S.R.
Kinematic analysis of flexible bipedal robotic systems
(2024) Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 45 (5), pp. 795-818.
DOI: 10.1007/s10483-024-3081-8
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

22) Ferreira, B.A., Petrovic, T., Orsag, M., Martinez-De Dios, J.R., Bogdan, S.
Distributed Allocation and Scheduling of Tasks With Cross-Schedule Dependencies for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Teams
(2024) IEEE Access, 12, art. no. 10538096, pp. 74327-74342.
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3404823
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

23) Fussone, R., Cannella, S., Corsini, R., Framiñan, J.M.
Assessing the Impact of Remanufacturing Through Industrial Symbiosis on Supply Chain Performance
(2024) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 329-339.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-52649-7_26
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

24) Galloso-Lagos, M.J., González-Elena, M.L., Pérez-Belloso, A.J., Coheña-Jiménez, M., Elena-Pérez,
M., Muriel-Sánchez, J.M., Castro-Méndez, A.
A Short-Term Evaluation of Foot Pronation Tendency in Healthy Recreational Runners
(2023) Life, 13 (11), art. no. 2202, .
DOI: 10.3390/life13112202
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

25) García-Ramos, J.-E., Sáiz, Á., Arias, J.M., Lamata, L., Pérez-Fernández, P.
Nuclear Physics in the Era of Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning
(2024) Advanced Quantum Technologies, .
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

26) García-Ruesgas, L., Areñas-Morales, J., Salmerón-Medina, F., Torrecillas, C.
Development of an Application for the Automated Evaluation of 3D Modelling in Industrial Parts
(2024) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 875-884.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51623-8_88
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

27) González-Arias, J., Baena-Moreno, F.M., Rodríguez-Galán, M., Navarrete, B., Vilches-Arenas, L.F.
A novel membrane-based process to concentrate nutrients from sidestreams of an Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant through captured carbon dioxide from biogas
(2024) Science of the Total Environment, 931, art. no. 172884, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172884
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

28) González-Cagigal, M.A., Rosendo-Macías, J.A., Bachiller-Soler, A., del-Pino-López, J.C.
Reliability assessment of dynamic line rating methods based on conductor temperature estimation
(2024) Electric Power Systems Research, 233, art. no. 110449, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2024.110449
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

29) González-Morgado, A., Ollero, A., Heredia, G.
Control Framework for Take-Off of UAVs with Suspended Load in Pipeline Inspection
(2024) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 978 LNNS, pp. 3-13.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-59167-9_1
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

30) González-Morgado, A., Ollero, A., Heredia, G.
Control Barrier Functions in Multirotors: A Safety Filter for Obstacle Avoidance
(2024) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 978 LNNS, pp. 14-25.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-59167-9_2
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

31) González-Morgado, A., Heredia, G., Ollero, A.
An Open-Source, Low-Cost UAV Testbench for Educational Purposes
(2024) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 978 LNNS, pp. 539-550.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-59167-9_44
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

32) Gutiérrez Ortiz, F.J., López-Guirao, F.
A Practical Approach to Using Energy Integration in the Simulation of Biomass Thermochemical Processes: Application to Supercritical Water Gasification
(2024) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 14 (4), art. no. 1577, .
DOI: 10.3390/app14041577
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

33) Hernández-Laverde, M., Murcia, J.J., Navío, J.A., Hidalgo, M.C.
Novel heterostructured NaTaO3/WO3 systems with improved photocatalytic properties for water decontamination under UV and Visible illumination
(2024) Journal of Materials Science, 59 (20), pp. 8669-8681.
DOI: 10.1007/s10853-024-09699-x
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

34) Iranzo, A., González Morán, L., Cabello González, G.M., Toharias, B., Boillat, P., Rosa, F.
Dataset of the liquid water distribution in a biomimetic PEM fuel cell
(2024) Data in Brief, 54, art. no. 110484,
DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110484
Document Type: Data Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

35) Jansen van Vuuren, A., Garcia-Dominguez, J., Hidalgo-Salaverri, J., Segado-Fernandez, J.,
LeViness, A., Ayllon-Guerola, J., Rueda-Rueda, J., Lazerson, S.A., Galdon-Quiroga, J., Garcia-Munoz, M., Pablant, N.
Development of a scintillator based fast-ion loss detector for the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
(2024) Fusion Engineering and Design, 204, art. no. 114520, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2024.114520
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

36) Kontis, E.O., Rodríguez del Nozal, A., Dimoulias, S.C., Mauricio, J.M.
Dynamic equivalent model of active distribution networks providing frequency-related ancillary services to the transmission system
(2024) Applied Energy, 367, art. no. 123288, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.123288
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

37) Kumaravel, S., Lee, D.S., Niyitanga, T., Kaliyamoorthy, S., Hasan, I., Balu, K.
Development of 2D/2D h-MoO3/Ag/g-C3N4 heterojunction photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic performance for the detoxification of methylene blue and tetracycline under solar light illumination
(2024) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 994, art. no. 174666, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.174666
Document Type: Article
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Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

38) Lazo-Maestre, M., Mansilla-Gil, J., Callejón-Leblic, M.A., Alonso-González, C., Ropero-Romero, F., Ambrosiani-Fernández, J., Tosina, J.R., Sánchez-Gómez, S.
OTOVIRT: An Image-Guided Workflow for Individualized Surgical Planning and Multiphysics Simulation in Cochlear Implant Patients
(2024) Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and
Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 519 LNICST, pp. 217-226.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-57523-5_17
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

39) Li, Y., Sahoo, S., Vazquez, S., Zhang, Y., Dragičević, T., Blaabjerg, F.
Stability-Oriented Prediction Horizons Design of Generalized Predictive Control for DC/DC Boost Converter
(2024) Conference Proceedings – IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition –
APEC, pp. 2841-2848.
DOI: 10.1109/APEC48139.2024.10509183
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

40) Loboichenko, V., Iranzo, A., Casado-Manzano, M., Navas, S.J., Pino, F.J., Rosa, F.
Study of the use of biogas as an energy vector for microgrids
(2024) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 200, art. no. 114574, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2024.114574
Document Type: Review
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

41) Mellet, J., Berra, A., Seisa, A.S., Sankaranarayanan, V., Gamage, U.G.W.K.N., Trujillo Soto, M.A., Heredia, G., Nikolakopoulos, G., Lippiello, V., Ruggiero, F.
Design of a Flexible Robot Arm for Safe Aerial Physical Interaction
(2024) 2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on Soft Robotics, RoboSoft 2024, pp. 1048-1053.
DOI: 10.1109/RoboSoft60065.2024.10522019
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

42) Mitxelena-Hoyos, O., Amaro-Mellado, J.-L.
GIS-based relationship between pathway names and landscape. A multilingual case study: Euskadi, Spain
(2024) GeoJournal, 89 (3), art. no. 96, .
DOI: 10.1007/s10708-024-11064-z
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

43) Mohammadi, F., Danapour S., N., Rouzbehi, K.
Integrated Wind Turbines and HVDC Power Transmission Lines
(2024) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, pp. 1-4.
DOI: 10.1109/TSTE.2024.3402010
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

44) Montealegre-Meléndez, I., Pérez-Soriano, E.M., Ariza, E., Neubauer, E., Kitzmantel, M., Arévalo, C.
Manufacturing via Plasma Metal Deposition of Hastelloy C-22 Specimens Made from Particles with Different Granulometries
(2024) Machines, 12 (4), art. no. 253, .
DOI: 10.3390/machines12040253
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

45) Morato-Moreno, M., Ramírez-Juidías, E.
Virtual Recovery of Agricultural-Industrial Heritage. A Case Study: The Olive Oil Mill of Gines (Andalusia)
(2024) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 451-467.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51623-8_44
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

46) Nadales, J.M., Pena, D.M.D.L., Limon, D., Alamo, T.
Dynamic Rescheduling for Optimal Transportation Incident Management in Inland Waterways
(2024) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 1-12.
DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2024.3396822
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Source: Scopus

47) Narváez, A.C., Reyes, E.C., Peña, M.R., Ramos, J.S.
Integrating Modularity into Industrialization and Prefabrication of Sustainable Residential Housing Solutions
(2024) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 259-269.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51623-8_25
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

48) Núñez Hernández, F., Usabiaga, C., Álvarez de Toledo, P.
Labour market segmentation and the gender wage gap in Spain
(2024) International Journal of Manpower, 45 (10), pp. 16-41.
DOI: 10.1108/IJM-10-2023-0601
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

49) Ortiz, C., García-Luna, S., Carro, A., Carvajal, E., Chacartegui, R.
Techno-economic analysis of a modular thermochemical battery for electricity storage based on calcium-looping
(2024) Applied Energy, 367, art. no. 123366, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.123366
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

50) Peceño, B., Luna-Galiano, Y., Varela, F., Alonso-Fariñas, B., Leiva, C.
Study of a Fire-Resistant Plate Containing Fly Ashes Generated from Municipal Waste Incinerator: Fire and Mechanical Characteristics and Environmental Life Cycle Assessment
(2024) Materials, 17 (8), art. no. 1813,
DOI: 10.3390/ma17081813
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

51) Pérez-Cutiño, M.-A., Pikrakis, A., Díaz-Báñez, J.-M., Valverde, J.
Meta-learning with hypernetworks: Cost-effective fault detection in Parabolic Trough plants
(2024) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 133, art. no. 108492, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2024.108492
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

52) Prado-Velasco, M., García-Ruesgas, L.
Discrete Variable Conditional 3D Models in Computer Extended Descriptive Geometry (CeDG): Preliminary Study on Cylindrical Polygonal Sheet-Metal Elbow
(2024) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 170-179.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51623-8_17
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

53) Praena, J.Á., Carballar, A.
Chirped Integrated Bragg Grating Design
(2024) Photonics, 11 (5), art. no. 476, .
DOI: 10.3390/photonics11050476
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

54) Rodríguez, F., Díaz-Báñez, J.M., Fabila-Monroy, R., Caraballo, L.E., Capitán, J.
Collision-free path planning for multiple robots using efficient turn-angle assignment
(2024) Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 177, art. no. 104698, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2024.104698
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

55) Rodríguez-Pastor, D.A., Carvajal, E., Becerra, J.A., Soltero, V.M., Chacartegui, R.
Methanol-based thermochemical energy storage (TCES) for district heating networks
(2024) Energy, 298, art. no. 131292,
DOI: 10.1016/
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

56) Rosa-Sainz, A., Ferrer, I., Garcia-Romeu, M.L., Centeno, G.
Characterization of plastic formability and failure mechanisms in FDM additively manufactured PETG and PCL sheets
(2024) Polymer Testing, 134, art. no. 108431, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2024.108431
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

57) Rueda-Rueda, J., Garcia-Munoz, M., Viezzer, E., Schneider, P., Galdon-Quiroga, J.,
Garcia-Dominguez, J., Oyola, P., Velarde, L., Hidalgo-Salaverri, J., Du, X., Van Zeeland, M.,
Videla-Trevin, M., Gonzalez-Martin, J., Lauber, Ph., Lunt, T., Herrmann, A., Ayllon-Guerola, J.
Measurement of toroidal Alfvén eigenmode-driven fast-ion flows using an imaging neutral particle analyzer at ASDEX Upgrade
(2024) Nuclear Fusion, 64 (6), art. no. 066032, .
DOI: 10.1088/1741-4326/ad43fe
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

58) Rueda-Vázquez, J.M., Serrano, J., Pinzi, S., Jiménez-Espadafor, F.J., Dorado, M.P.
A Review of the Use of Hydrogen in Compression Ignition Engines with Dual-Fuel Technology and Techniques for Reducing NOx Emissions
(2024) Sustainability (Switzerland), 16 (8), art. no. 3462, . Cited 1 time.
DOI: 10.3390/su16083462
Document Type: Review
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

59) Ruiz Vincueria, F., Arrue, B.C., Ollero, A.
Continuum elastic dynamic model for variable stiffness soft aerial robots with morphing capabilities
(2024) AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2024,
DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-1129
Document Type: Conference Paper
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

60) Ruiz-Lozano, R., Calvo-Gallego, J.L., Pivonka, P., McDonald, M.M., Martínez-Reina, J.
An in silico approach to elucidate the pathways leading to primary osteoporosis: age-related vs. postmenopausal
(2024) Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, .
DOI: 10.1007/s10237-024-01846-2
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

61) Ruiz-Morales, P., Ojeda-Rodriguez, A., Bernal-Mendez, J., Prats, M.A.M.
Winding Optimization for Reducing Parasitic Capacitances of Common-Mode Chokes
(2024) IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp. 1-11.
DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2024.3395800
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Article in Press
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

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Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

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Document Type: Book Chapter
Publication Stage: Final
Source: Scopus

64) Tavares, M., Josserand, C., Limare, A., Lopez-Herrera, J.M., Popinet, S.
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Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

65) Valverde-González, A., Asur Vijaya Kumar, P.K., Quintanas-Corominas, A., Reinoso, J.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2024.110123
Document Type: Article
Publication Stage: Final
Access Type: Open Access
Source: Scopus

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