Solution: Wine and mice

We now publish the solution to the Wine and mice divertimento.


We collected 1000 bottles of wine to celebrate a party. The day before the event, we receive a warning that one of the bottles is poisoned. It is a slow-acting poison, which kills the person who ingests it within 24 hours.

We have 10 laboratory mice, which we assume can be given any amount of wine.

Can we identify the exact poisoned bottle?


It is possible to label the bottles with ten-digit numbers made up of zeros and ones, because with ten digits, and two possibilities for each digit, there are \(2^{10}=1024\) numbers. Thus, we label the first bottle with the number \(0000000001\), the second bottle with the number \(0000000010\), the third with \(0000000011\), the fourth with \(0000000100\), and so on. The last bottle has the number \(1111101000\).

We also label each mouse with a number from 1 to 10. Mouse number 1 is given wine from all the bottles with a 1 in the first digit, mouse number 2 from all the bottles with a 1 in the second digit, mouse number 3 from all the bottles with a 1 in the third digit, and so on.

By observing which mice have died we form the following number: the \(i\)-th digit  of that number will be a 0 or a 1 depending on whether the mouse number \(i\) is still alive or has died. Obviously this number uniquely identifies the poisoned bottle.


  1. No se puede ir dividiendo a las botellas en dos grupos de aproximadamente el mismo tamaño e ir dando a probar a un ratón cada mitad, y así acotar donde esta la botella ?

    • Esa idea tiene el siguiente problema: hay que esperar 24 horas cada vez que damos vino a un ratón y observar si ha bebido de la botella envenenada. Por eso en la solución que planteamos se suministra el vino a todos los ratones a la vez.

    • Hola, Fausto. No, cualquier cantidad entre 512 y 1023 habría valido, porque se escribiría con diez dígitos binarios (siendo un uno el primero) y el argumento se podría repetir tal cual. De hecho, cantidades menores de botellas permitirían experimentar con menos ratones. Digamos que mil es una cantidad redonda que queda mejor en el enunciado.

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