Mathematics vs. Coronavirus: mathematical resources for online teaching

As we were saying yesterday

Mathematics and its outreach must go on despite coronavirus.

Moreover, during the confinement that we have suffered between March and June, Mathematics has played a very important role in the fight against this pandemic that is devastating us (see the section COVID-19 EMERGENCY in this blog).

And in this direction, today we bring you one of those initiatives that emerged to help others. A teaching initiative. A mathematical initiative.

I present you Mathematics vs. coronavirus.

Matemáticas vs. Coronavirus
Mathematics vs. Coronavirus, in the words of the authors, is an

initiative of Mathematics teachers from different centers with the sole purpose of bringing together a structured range of resources to support the online education required to curb the incidence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Initially, it was created to help all those teachers who had to teach online during confinement, but lacked adequate experience in such teaching. A tool for providing materials, videos and other resources, adapted to each level of teaching and covering all sections of the different curricula of each subject.

With the help of a large number of teachers, it is worth highlighting the contributions of HUGE edutubers (teachers with educational channels on YouTube) such as profesor10mates, Mates con Andrés, Juan Medina Molina (, ArchimedesTube, Fran Martínez Seoane and the edubloggers (education bloggers) Mayte Jiménez and her Qué vamos a hacer hoy, Pedro Daniel Pajares @pedrodanielpg with his A todo Gauss or Fran Franco @profefrandemates (graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Seville) from his Oasis Matemático.

Hopefully, these resources will not have to be reused for what they were intended to be, but I am sure that in any circumstance, this very large collection is useful to many.

From the Blogosphere section we encourage you to take a look at the contents and, above all, to start following (if you haven’t already) all those who have helped in this initiative.

Mathematics vs. Coronavirus, a blog with resources on Mathematics in secondary and high school in the times of COVID-19 and for when we succeed in defeating “the beast”.

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