Best mathematics: in Seville (by Vueling)

Last August, the airline Vueling included in its Ling magazine a recommendation on where to study mathematics in Spain; over a picture of the Giralda they wrote:

Spain’s best university for mathematics, Seville. (page 22)

And they signed it: Vueling. They went on to explain: “The Shanghai ranking of universities by subject, one of the most renowned, has placed the University of Seville among the world’s elite in mathematics with a meritorious 49th place in the international ranking. This success is due to the work of the Institute of Mathematics, created in 2007”. We have little more to add.


1 Comment

  1. Bravo y a seguir mejorando.
    Hay que lograr una medalla Fields o un premio Abel de un matemático que trabaje en España.

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