Christmas Lunch

The workings

The Fun and Games area is going to take a well-deserved holiday. But not before proposing a special divertimento to help you get through the Christmas season. It has to do with the hardships that befall a chef who misses the juiciest part of his Christmas meal.

The Fun

A chef is about to slaughter a turkey for Christmas dinner, but the animal revolts and escapes. The cook, surprised, takes a few seconds to react. When he does, the turkey is already at a point \(P_0\) located 10 metres from the point \(Q_0\) where the cook is. The turkey starts to run in a direction perpendicular to \(P_0Q_0\) and keeps its trajectory and speed constant. At the same instant, the cook starts chasing the turkey running at the same speed as the turkey, always pointing in its direction. The cook will never catch up with the turkey, but he has a 5-metre long lasso with which he intends to catch it. Does he succeed at some point?






We encourage the readers to try to solve the divertimento for themselves. Whether you succeed or not, you can always consult the solution in this link.

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