About us

Director: Antonio J. Durán

Mathematician and writer, with a long career as a historian and disseminator of mathematics and science. His books include Pasiones, piojos, dioses… y matemáticas (Destino, 2009), El ojo de Shiva, el sueño de Mahoma, Simbad… y los números (Destino, 2012), El universo sobre nosotros (Crítica, 2015) o Crónicas matemáticas (Crítica, 2018).

Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief: Guillermo Curbera

Rosa Echevarria


Uncharted waters

Juan Arias de Reyna, José María Tornero.

Fun & games in the workings

Javier Carrillo, Alberto Castaño Domínguez, Manuel Delgado, Juan Núñez

Kubrick’s apes

Enrique Fernández-cara, Renato Álvarez-Nodarse.

Basic wardrobe

G. Curbera, A.J. Durán, José Ferreirós.

A shot in the air

A.J. Durán, José María Tornero.

Small pills

A.J. Duran


María del Carmen Calderón, José Antonio Prado.


English translation

Javier Lerín



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