Bourbaki storms the ICM

12 July, 2022 Guillermo P. Curbera0

In the 1930s, a daring group of young French mathematicians, emulating Euclid’s foundational text, began the publication of a magnum opus: the Éléments de Mathématique. The aim was to provide a structured and rigorous presentation […]

Gauss’ other Disquisitiones

17 May, 2022 Antonio J. Durán0

We can say that, until the beginning of the 19th century, a surface was seen and studied from the outside, as a two-dimensional object immersed in Euclidean three-dimensional space, like the envelope of a solid […]

The two mothers of D’Alembert

25 January, 2022 Antonio J. Durán0

Jean le Rond D’Alembert (1717-1783) belonged to the group of scientists and philosophers, along with Rousseau, Diderot and Voltaire, who paved the way for the political changes that led to the French Revolution. D’Alembert, Rousseau […]

Hypsometry in New Granada

20 September, 2021 María de Paz0

The measurement of the world is a subject that has been addressed by great mathematicians since ancient times. For example, Eratosthenes, applying his knowledge of geometry, measured the radius of the Earth (you can read […]