Paraphrasing Terence, one could say: “Mathematics is a human work, and nothing human is alien to it”. The purpose of these games in the working could not be more more humane: to provide a few moments of relaxation and entertainment for those who like to solve puzzles and challenges of a more or less mathematical nature. But that is not all. Faithful to Terence’s quote, each problem will be enriched with an introduction that, on the one hand, will place it in society -either now or at another historical moment- and, on the other hand, will serve to generate reflection and discussion on certain aspects of society itself. In other words, these amusements will be much more than mathematical. Because, to paraphrase again: “The brain is only the second favourite organ of mathematicians”.
Introductions by Antonio Durán, Francisco Javier Carrillo, Alberto Castaño and Julia Martínez
Fun & games by Francisco Javier Carrillo, Alberto Castaño, Manuel Delgado, Julia Martínez and Juan Núñez.