The mathematical language of time

14 January, 2020 José María Tornero0

“Nor can there be an intermediate term between contradictories, but one of them must necessarily be affirmed or denied, whichever it is, of the same thing.” (Aristotle, Metaphysics, 1011b23-24) The (vast) majority of the mathematical […]

Einstein and the GPS

17 June, 2019 Antonio J. Durán.3

Newtonian gravitation is able to explain and describe the behaviour of objects in the solar system – due to the absence of large gravitational masses – with great precision; there are some exceptions, such as […]

And waves became particles

12 April, 2019 Renato Álvarez-Nodarse2

In a previous post we described how Einstein, in order to explain various phenomena including the photoelectric effect, recovered Newton’s idea that light is composed of small particles (today called photons) to which he assigned […]

Kristin and Kirsten

12 March, 2019 Enrique Fernández Cara1

This entry is dedicated to two great researchers: Kristin R. Swanson and Kirsten A. Morris. The former is a pioneer in the application of mathematics to the detection, understanding and therapy of tumours. The latter is a […]