Formation activities

Online Conference

Topic: Online EARLI SIG15 Brown Bag Seminar: “Print and Digital Struggling Readers

📅 Date: February 27, 2024

🕙 Time: 14 UK time / 15 CE(S)T / 16 EE(S)T): 1 hour duration

📍 Location: Online

🔗Registration: Event registration link

Organizers: Nadina, Erica, Kati and Inma (Coordinators of the SIG 15_Special Educational Needs)

In this SIG 15 Brown Bag Seminar, four top researchers will present and discuss their reading research with a focus on special educational needs: Øistein Anmarkrud from Oslo University; Eliane Segers from Radboud University; Jarkko Hautala from Niilo Mäki Institute & University of Jyväskylä, Lalo Salmeron from the University of Valencia.

Formation activities

Hibrid conference

Title: Youth, puberty and adolescence, repercussions from the psychosomatic perspective.

Activity: 7th Itinerary of Psychosomatics and Philosophy of Science.

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Nuria Blanco Piñero (clinical psychologist, University of Seville) and Prof. Dr. Francisco Rodríguez Valls (philosopher, University of Seville).

Language: Spanish.

Computation in the DAD: 2 hours.

Modality: hybrid.

Date: January 18, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

In-person: Royal and Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Seville (Andréu Urra classroom).


Formation activities

Online Conference

Topic: Beyond Europe: R&I internationalization strategies for European universities

📅 Date: January 24, 2024

🕙 Time: 10:30 a.m. m. – 2:30 p.m. m. (Europe/CET)

📍 Location: Online

🔗Registration: Event registration link

The theme of the event proposes to debate the different challenges that European University Alliances encounter when developing their internationalization strategies beyond Europe.

We would like to send you the invitation to this event organized by MCI, as well as invite you to share your details with all the staff you consider appropriate.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the conference management team: John Gardiner ( and Katharina Wolf ( We hope that the event is fruitful for all its participants, including the team.

Formation activities

Reading of doctoral thesis

[Activity valid for the DAD, computable for 3 hours]

Face-to-face modality

Date and place: 1/19/2024 at 11:30 in the master’s classroom I of the Faculty of Psychology

Title: Study of working memory from childhood to emerging adulthood and its relationship with intelligence in normally developing subjects and subjects diagnosed with ADD

Doctoral candidate: Raquel María Muñoz Pradas

Directors: Dr. Carlos María Gómez González and Dr. Elena Isabel Rodríguez Rodríguez