Formation activities

Online workshop

Title: Observational Methodology in Clinical and Health Psychology

Activity: workshop organized by the PhD program in Psychology

Speaker: Dr. María Teresa Anguera, Emeritus Professor at the University of Barcelona

Language: Spanish

DAD calculation: 8 hours.

Modality: online.

Date: November 7 and 8, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Spanish time)

Online: click this link (full name required for registration as an activity for the DAD)

Given the importance of systematic observation in Clinical and Health Psychology and its multiple applications, the course will present the observational methodology, which can be considered a mixed method in itself, and will be developed throughout its different stages (approach, types, low-intervention designs, construction of instruments, coding and recording, sampling, obtaining parameters, data quality control, and data analysis). Likewise, some of the most widely used computer programs will be shown, and the practical aspects will be discussed in depth.

Dr. María Teresa Anguera is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Barcelona, ​​has seven six-year terms, and is a reference in observational methodology and program evaluation worldwide. Among her academic achievements, she stands out for being an Honorary Doctor of the University of La Laguna and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; having taught numerous Doctorates and Masters in Spain and other countries; having directed or co-directed 70 doctoral theses already defended; having been the coordinator of a consolidated research group; having participated in more than 40 competitive research projects (in most of them as principal investigator); and being the author of 31 books, 139 book chapters, and 366 scientific articles.