Contribuciones científicas del alumnado

Artículos publicados por el alumnado egresado de los últimos cinco años.

  1. Santos, F.M., Gómez-Losada, Á., Pires, J.C.M.
    Empirical ozone isopleths at urban and suburban sites through evolutionary procedure-based models (2021)
    Journal of Hazardous Materials, 419, art. no. 126386, .
  2. Gómez-Losada, Á., Pires, J.C.M.
    Estimation of particulate matter contributions from desert outbreaks in mediterranean countries (2015–2018) using the time series clustering method (2021)
    Atmosphere, 12 (1), art. no. 5, pp. 1-18. Cited 1 time.
  3. Coccia, C., Almeida, B.A., Green, A.J., Gutiérrez, A.B., Carbonell, J.A.
    Functional diversity of macroinvertebrates as a tool to evaluate wetland restoration (2021)
    Journal of Applied Ecology, 58 (12), pp. 2999-3011. Cited 1 time.
  4. Carbonell, J.A., Céspedes, V., Coccia, C., Green, A.J.
    An experimental test of interspecific competition between the alien boatman Trichocorixa verticalis and the native corixid Sigara lateralis (Hemiptera, Cssorixidae) (2020)
    Aquatic Invasions, 15 (2), pp. 318-334. Cited 3 times.
  5. García-Jaramillo, M., Meyer, K.M., Phillips, C.L., Acosta-Martínez, V., Osborne, J., Levin, A.D., Trippe, K.M.
    Biochar addition to vineyard soils: effects on soil functions, grape yield and wine quality (2021)
    Biochar, 3 (4), pp. 565-577.
  6. García-Jaramillo, M., Trippe, K.M., Helmus, R., Knicker, H.E., Cox, L., Hermosín, M.C., Parsons, J.R., Kalbitz, K.
    An examination of the role of biochar and biochar water-extractable substances on the sorption of ionizable herbicides in rice paddy soils (2020)
    Science of the Total Environment, 706, art. no. 135682, . Cited 5 times.
  7. Martins-Noguerol, R., Cambrollé, J., Mancilla-Leytón, J.M., Puerto-Marchena, A., Muñoz-Vallés, S., Millán-Linares, M.C., Millán, F., Martínez-Force, E., Figueroa, M.E., Pedroche, J., Moreno-Pérez, A.J.
    Influence of soil salinity on the protein and fatty acid composition of the edible halophyte Halimione portulacoides (2021)
    Food Chemistry, 352, art. no. 129370, . Cited 5 times.
  8. Mancilla-Leytón, J.M., Puerto-Marchena, A., Martín-Vicente, Á.
    Land use and land cover dynamics in the dehesa of sierra morena biosphere reserve (Sierra Norte De Sevilla Natural Park, Spain), 1956-2007 [Dinámica del uso y cobertura del suelo en las dehesas de Sierra Morena (Parque Natural Sierra Norte de Sevilla, España), 1956-2007] (2017)
    Madera Bosques, 23 (2), pp. 133-143. Cited 3 times.
  9. Zambrano, P., Navío, J.A., Hidalgo, M.C.
    BixTiyOz-Fe multiphase systems with excellent photocatalytic performance in the visible (2019)
    Catalysis Today, 328, pp. 136-141. Cited 4 times.
  10. Zambrano, P., Sayagués, M.J., Navío, J.A., Hidalgo, M.C.
    Outstanding visible photocatalytic activity of a new mixed bismuth titanatate material (2017)
    Applied Surface Science, 394, pp. 16-24. Cited 5 times.
  11. García-López, A.M., Recena, R., Delgado, A.
    The adsorbent capacity of growing media does not constrain myo-inositol hexakiphosphate hydrolysis but its use as a phosphorus source by plants (2021)
    Plant and Soil, 459 (1-2), pp. 277-288. Cited 1 time.
  12. De Santiago, A., García-López, A.M., Recena, R., Moreno, M.T., Carmona, E., Delgado, A.
    Adsorption of humic substances on ferrihydrite affects its use as iron source by plants (2020)
    Agricultural and Food Science, 29 (5), pp. 451-459.
  13. Morón, M.C., Pozo-Morales, L., Garvi, D., Alonso-Contreras, A.J., Lebrato, J.
    Bioparticles consisting of olive mill wastewater (OMW)-adapted bacteria and OMW-polluted soil as carrier– An application in an anaerobic fluidized bed bioreactor (2019)
    Journal of Water Process Engineering, 32, art. no. 100976, . Cited 2 times.
  14. Benito-Mora, C., Alonso-Contreras, A.J., Garvi, D., Pozo-Morales, L., Morón, M.C., Lebrato, J.
    Olive Mill Industrial Waste as Co-substrate in Anaerobic Digestion with Aim at its Energetic Exploitation (2018)
    International Journal of Environmental Research, 12 (5), pp. 713-723. Cited 2 times.
  15. Morón, M.C., Pozo-Morales, L., Benito Mora, C., Garvi, D., Lebrato, J.
    OMW spillage control tool based on tracking p-Coumaric acid degradation by HPLC (2019)
    Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 40 (16), pp. 2157-2172. Cited 3 times.
  16. Benito-Mora, C., Alonso-Contreras, A.J., Garvi, D., Pozo-Morales, L., Morón, M.C., Lebrato, J.
    Olive Mill Industrial Waste as Co-substrate in Anaerobic Digestion with Aim at its Energetic Exploitation (2018)
    International Journal of Environmental Research, 12 (5), pp. 713-723. Cited 2 times.
  17. Jiménez-Morillo, N.T., Almendros, G., González-Vila, F.J., Jordán, A., Zavala, L.M., de la Rosa, J.M., González-Pérez, J.A.
    Fire effects on C and H isotopic composition in plant biomass and soil: Bulk and particle size fractions (2020)
    Science of the Total Environment, 749, art. no. 141417, . Cited 1 time.
  18. Jiménez-Morillo, N.T., Palma, V., Garcia, R., Dias, C.B., Cabrita, M.J.
    Combination of stable isotope analysis and chemometrics to discriminate geoclimatically and temporally the virgin olive oils from three mediterranean countries (2020)
    Foods, 9 (12), art. no. 1855, . Cited 5 times.
  19. Montiel-Rozas, M.D.M., Hurtado-Navarro, M., Díez-Rojo, M.Á., Pascual, J.A., Ros, M.
    Sustainable alternatives to 1,3-dichloropropene for controlling root-knot nematodes and fungal pathogens in melon crops in Mediterranean soils: Efficacy and effects on soil quality (2019)
    Environmental Pollution, 247, pp. 1046-1054. Cited 2 times.
  20. Montiel-Rozas, M.M., Domínguez, M.T., Madejón, E., Madejón, P., Pastorelli, R., Renella, G.
    Long-term effects of organic amendments on bacterial and fungal communities in a degraded Mediterranean soil (2018)
    Geoderma, 332, pp. 20-28. Cited 23 times.
  21. de Sosa, L.L., Benítez, E., Girón, I., Madejón, E.
    Agro-industrial and urban compost as an alternative of inorganic fertilizers in traditional rainfed olive grove under mediterranean conditions (2021)
    Agronomy, 11 (6), art. no. 1223, .
  22. Corell, M., Martín-Palomo, M.J., Girón, I., Andreu, L., Galindo, A., Centeno, A., Pérez-López, D., Moriana, A.
    Stem water potential-based regulated deficit irrigation scheduling for olive table tres (2020)
    Agricultural Water Management, 242, art. no. 106418, . Cited 3 times.
  23. Bueno, S., Durán, E., Gámiz, B., Hermosín, M.C.
    Formulating low cost modified bentonite with natural binders to remove pesticides in a pilot water filter system (2021)
    Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9 (1), art. no. 104623, . Cited 6 times.
  24. Durán, E., Bueno, S., Hermosín, M.C., Cox, L., Gámiz, B.
    Optimizing a low added value bentonite as adsorbent material to remove pesticides from wáter (2019)
    Science of the Total Environment, 672, pp. 743-751. Cited 12 times.
  25. Aparicio, P., Martín, D., Baya-Arenas, R., Flores-Alés, V.
    Behaviour of concrete and cement in carbon dioxide sequestration by mineral carbonation processes (2020)
    Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, .
  26. Martín, D., Aparicio, P., Galán, E.
    Time evolution of the mineral carbonation of ceramic bricks in a simulated pilot plant using a common clay as sealing material at superficial conditions (2019)
    Applied Clay Science, 180, art. no. 105191, . Cited 6 times.
  27. Caballero, A., Caballero, P., León, F., Rodríguez-Morgado, B., Martín, L., Parrado, J., Vaswani, J., Ramos-Martín, A.
    Conversion of whey into value-added products through fermentation and membrane fractionation (2021)
    Water (Switzerland), 13 (12), art. no. 1623, .
  28. Caballero, P., Rodríguez-Morgado, B., Macías, S., Tejada, M., Parrado, J.
    Obtaining Plant and Soil Biostimulants by Waste Whey Fermentation (2020)
    Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11 (7), pp. 3281-3292. Cited 5 times.
  29. Fernandes, R.D.M., Egea, G., Hernandez-Santana, V., Diaz-Espejo, A., Fernández, J.E., Perez-Martin, A., Cuevas, M.V.
    Response of vegetative and fruit growth to the soil volume wetted by irrigation in a super-high-density olive orchard (2021)
    Agricultural Water Management, 258, art. no. 107197, .
  30. Fernandes, R.D.M., de Melo, D.M., Elli, E.F., Battisti, R.
    Climate change impacts on rainfed and irrigated soybean yield in Brazil’s new agricultural frontier (2021)
    Theoretical and Applied Climatology, .
  31. Tejada, M., Macias-Benitez, S., Caballero, P., Gómez, I., Paneque, P., Parrado, J.
    Bioremediation of an oxyfluorfen-polluted soil using biostimulants obtained by fermentation processes: Effect on biological properties (2022)
    Applied Soil Ecology, 170, art. no. 104270, .
  32. Macias-Benitez, S., Navarro-Torre, S., Caballero, P., Martín, L., Revilla, E., Castaño, A., Parrado, J.
    Biostimulant Capacity of an Enzymatic Extract From Rice Bran Against Ozone-Induced Damage in Capsicum annum (2021)
    Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, art. no. 749422, .