Contribuciones científicas del profesorado

Alguno de los artículos en los que han colaborado el profesorado

  1. Romero-Baena, A.J., Barba-Brioso, C., Ross, A., González, I., Aparicio, P.

Mobility of potentially toxic elements in family garden soils of the Riotinto mining área (2021)

Applied Clay Science, 203, art. no. 105999, . Cited 2 times.


  1. Delgado, J., Barba-Brioso, C., Ayala, D., Boski, T., Torres, S., Calderón, E., López, F.

Remediation experiment of Ecuadorian acid mine drainage: geochemical models of dissolved species and secondary minerals saturation (2019)

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26 (34), pp. 34854-34872. Cited 6 times.


  1. López-Núñez, R., Ajmal-Poley, F., Burgos-Doménech, P.

Prediction of As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, and Se concentrations in organic amendments using portable X-ray fluorescence and multivariate modeling (2020)

Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10 (17), art. no. 5726, . Cited 1 time.


  1. López-Núñez, R., Ajmal-Poley, F., González-Pérez, J.A., Bello-López, M.A., Burgos-Doménech, P.

Quick analysis of organic amendments via portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (2019)

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (22), art. no. 4317, . Cited 5 times.


  1. Ruiz, F., Carretero, M.I., Pozo, M., González-Regalado, M.L., Monge, G., Vidal, J.R., Miguel, L., Abad, M., Tosquella, J., Izquierdo, T., Muñoz, J.M., Prudencio, M.I., Dias, M.I., Marques, R., Gómez, P., Toscano, A., Romero, V., Arroyo, M.

Texture and mineralogy as proxies of late Holocene tsunami deposits from the Doñana National Park (SW Spain) (2021)

Italian Journal of Geosciences, 140 (2), pp. 313-324.


  1. Fernández-González, M.V., Carretero, M.I., Martín-García, J.M., Molinero-García, A., Delgado, R.

Peloids prepared with three mineral-medicinal waters from spas in Granada. Their suitability for use in pelotherapy (2021)

Applied Clay Science, 202, art. no. 105969, . Cited 4 times.


  1. Galán-Pérez, J.A., Gámiz, B., Celis, R.

Soil modification with organic amendments and organo-clays: Effects on sorption, degradation, and bioactivity of the allelochemical scopoletin (2022)

Journal of Environmental Management, 302, art. no. 114102, .


  1. Gámiz, B., Celis, R.

S-carvone formulation based on granules of organoclay to modulate its losses and phytotoxicity in soil (2021)

Agronomy, 11 (8), art. no. 1593, .


  1. Gámiz, B., López-Cabeza, R., Velarde, P., Spokas, K.A., Cox, L.

Biochar changes the bioavailability and bioefficacy of the allelochemical coumarin in agricultural soils (2021)

Pest Management Science, 77 (2), pp. 834-843. Cited 5 times.


  1. Mesa-Marín, J., Barcia-Piedras, J.M., Mateos-Naranjo, E., Cox, L., Real, M., Pérez-Romero, J.A., Navarro-Torre, S., Rodríguez-Llorente, I.D., Pajuelo, E., Parra, R., Redondo-Gómez, S.

Soil phenanthrene phytoremediation capacity in bacteria-assisted Spartina densiflora (2019)

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 182, art. no. 109382, . Cited 3 times.


  1. Campos, P., Knicker, H., Miller, A.Z., Velasco-Molina, M., De la Rosa, J.M.

Biochar ageing in polluted soils and trace elements immobilisation in a 2-year field experiment (2021)

Environmental Pollution, 290, art. no. 118025, . Cited 1 time.


  1. Jiménez-González, M.A., De la Rosa, J.M., Aksoy, E., Jeffery, S., Oliveira, B.R.F., Verheijen, F.G.A.

Spatial distribution of pyrogenic carbon in Iberian topsoils estimated by chemometric analysis of infrared spectra (2021)

Science of the Total Environment, 790, art. no. 148170, .


  1. Rosado, M.J., Bausch, F., Rencoret, J., Marques, G., Gutiérrez, A., Rosenau, T., Potthast, A., del Río, J.C.

Differences in the content, composition and structure of the lignins from rind and pith of papyrus (Cyperus papyrus L.) culms (2021)

Industrial Crops and Products, 174, art. no. 114226, .


  1. Rencoret, J., Gutiérrez, A., Marques, G., del Río, J.C., Tobimatsu, Y., Lam, P.Y., Pérez-Boada, M., Ruiz-Dueñas, F.J., Barrasa, J.M., Martínez, A.T.

New Insights on Structures Forming the Lignin-Like Fractions of Ancestral Plants (2021)

Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, art. no. 740923, .


  1. Madejón, P., Domínguez, M.T., Fernández-Boy, E., Paneque, P., Girón, I., Madejón, E.

Soil hydraulic properties as the main driver in the establishment of biomass crops in contaminated soils (2019)

Journal of Environmental Management, 233, pp. 812-822. Cited 6 times.


  1. Ciadamidaro, L., Madejón, P., Camacho, F., Boy, E.F., Madejón, E.

Organic compost to improve contaminated soil quality and plant fertility (2016)

Soil Science, 181 (11-12), pp. 487-493. Cited 5 times.


  1. Fernandes, R.D.M., Egea, G., Hernandez-Santana, V., Diaz-Espejo, A., Fernández, J.E., Perez-Martin, A., Cuevas, M.V.

Response of vegetative and fruit growth to the soil volume wetted by irrigation in a super-high-density olive orchard (2021)

Agricultural Water Management, 258, art. no. 107197, .


  1. Xi, B., Clothier, B., Coleman, M., Duan, J., Hu, W., Li, D., Di, N., Liu, Y., Fu, J., Li, J., Jia, L., Fernández, J. E.

Irrigation management in poplar (Populus spp.) plantations: A review (2021)

Forest Ecology and Management, 494, art. no. 119330, . Cited 1 time.


  1. Plasquy, E., García Martos, J.M., Florido Fernández, M.C., Sola-Guirado, R.R., García Martín, J.F.

Cold storage and temperature management of olive fruit: The impact on fruit physiology and olive oil quality—a review (2021)

Processes, 9 (9), art. no. 1543, . Cited 1 time.


  1. Plasquy, E., García Martos, J.M., Florido Fernández, M.C., Sola-Guirado, R.R., García Martín, J.F.

Adjustment of olive fruit temperature before grinding for olive oil extraction. experimental study and pilot plant trials (2021)

Processes, 9 (4), art. no. 586, . Cited 3 times.


  1. Galán-Pérez, J.A., Gámiz, B., Celis, R.

Determining the effect of soil properties on the stability of scopoletin and its toxicity to target plants


Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57 (5), pp. 643-655. Cited 2 times.


  1. Bueno, S., Durán, E., Gámiz, B., Hermosín, M.C.

Formulating low cost modified bentonite with natural binders to remove pesticides in a pilot water filter system (2021)

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9 (1), art. no. 104623, . Cited 6 times.


  1. Ortiz-Botella, M., Gómez, I., Paneque, P., Caballero, P., Parrado, J., Vera, A., Bastida, F., García, C., Tejada, M.

Use of biostimulants obtained from okara in the bioremediation of soils polluted by imazamox


Bioremediation Journal, . Cited 1 time.


  1. Paneque, P., Caballero, P., Parrado, J., Gómez, I., Tejada, M.

Use of a biostimulant obtained from okara in the bioremediation of a soil polluted by used motor car oil

(2020) Journal of Hazardous Materials, 389, art. no. 121820, . Cited 1 time.


  1. Fernández-Caliani, J.C., Romero-Baena, A., González, I., Galán, E.

Geochemical anomalies of critical elements (Be, Co, Hf, Sb, Sc, Ta, V, W, Y and REE) in soils of western Andalusia (Spain)


Applied Clay Science, 191, art. no. 105610, . Cited 3 times.


  1. Galán, E., Romero-Baena, A.J., Aparicio, P., González, I.

A methodological approach for the evaluation of soil pollution by potentially toxic trace elements (2019)

Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 203, pp. 96-107. Cited 10 times.


  1. San-Emeterio, L.M., López-Núñez, R., González-Vila, F.J., González-Pérez, J.A.

Evolution of composting process in maize biomass revealed by analytical pyrolysis (Py-gc/ms) and pyrolysis compound specific isotope analysis (py-csia) (2021)

Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11 (15), art. no. 6684, .


  1. Leiva-Suárez, B., Paneque, M., De la Rosa, J.M., González-Pérez, J.A., Leiva, M.J., Knicker, H.

Soil amendment with sewage sludge-derived chars increases C-sequestration potential and provides N and P for plant growth during a second cropping period with Lolium perenne (2021)

European Journal of Soil Science, 72 (3), pp. 1256-1269. Cited 3 times.


  1. Khatem, R., Celis, R., Hermosín, M.C.

Cationic and anionic clay nanoformulations of imazamox for minimizing environmental risk (2019)

Applied Clay Science, 168, pp. 106-115. Cited 4 times.


  1. Gámiz, B., Hermosín, M.C., Celis, R.

Appraising factors governing sorption and dissipation of the monoterpene carvone in agricultural soils


Geoderma, 321, pp. 61-68. Cited 9 times.


  1. Abd-Elmabod, S.K., Muñoz-Rojas, M., Jordán, A., Anaya-Romero, M., Phillips, J.D., Laurence, J., Zhang, Z., Pereira, P., Fleskens, L., van der Ploeg, M., de la Rosa, D.

Climate change impacts on agricultural suitability and yield reduction in a Mediterranean región (2020)

Geoderma, 374, art. no. 114453, . Cited 20 times.


  1. Jiménez-Morillo, N.T., Almendros, G., De la Rosa, J.M., Jordán, A., Zavala, L.M., Granged, A.J.P., González-Pérez, J.A.

Effect of a wildfire and of post-fire restoration actions in the organic matter structure in soil fractions (2020)

Science of the Total Environment, 728, art. no. 138715, . Cited 9 times.


  1. Rivas, Y., Retamal-Salgado, J., Knicker, H., Matus, F., Rivera, D.

Neutral sugar content and composition as a sensitive indicator of fire severity in the andisols of an araucaria–nothofagus forest in southern Chile


Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (21), art. no. 12061, .


  1. Knicker, H., Velasco-Molina, M., Knicker, M.

2d solid-state hetcor1h-13c nmr experiments with variable cross polarization times as a tool for a better understanding of the chemistry of cellulose-based pyrochars—a tutorial (2021)

Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11 (18), art. no. 8569, .


  1. Morón, M.C., Pozo-Morales, L., Garvi, D., Alonso-Contreras, A.J., Lebrato, J.

Bioparticles consisting of olive mill wastewater (OMW)-adapted bacteria and OMW-polluted soil as carrier– An application in an anaerobic fluidized bed bioreactor (2019)

Journal of Water Process Engineering, 32, art. no. 100976, . Cited 2 times.


  1. Civantos, A., Beltrán, A.M., Domínguez-Trujillo, C., Garvi, M.D., Lebrato, J., Rodríguez-Ortiz, J.A., García-Moreno, F., Cauich-Rodriguez, J.V., Guzman, J.J., Torres, Y.

Balancing porosity and mechanical properties of titanium samples to favor cellular growth against bacteria (2019)

Metals, 9 (10), art. no. 1039, . Cited 11 times.


  1. Campos, P., Knicker, H., López, R., De la Rosa, J.M.

Application of biochar produced from crop residues on trace elements contaminated soils: Effects on soil properties, enzymatic activities and brassica rapa growth (2021)

Agronomy, 11 (7), art. no. 1394, .


  1. López, R., Hallat, J., Castro, A., Miras, A., Burgos, P.

Heavy metal pollution in soils and urban-grown organic vegetables in the province of Sevilla, Spain


Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 35 (4), pp. 219-237. Cited 9 times.


  1. Panettieri, M., Jiménez-González, M.A., De Sosa, L.L., Almendros, G., Madejón, E.

Chemical diversity and molecular signature of soil humic fractions used as proxies of soil quality under contrasted tillage management [Diversidade química e assinatura molecular das frações húmicas como indicadoras da qualidade do solo em diferentes sistemas de cultivo] (2021)

Spanish Journal of Soil Science, 11 (1), pp. 39-54.


  1. Panettieri, M., de Sosa, L.L., Domínguez, M.T., Madejón, E.

Long-term impacts of conservation tillage on Mediterranean agricultural soils: shifts in microbial communities despite limited effects on chemical properties (2020)

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 304, art. no. 107144, . Cited 5 times.


  1. Madejón, P., Caro-Moreno, D., Navarro-Fernández, C.M., Rossini-Oliva, S., Marañón, T.

Rehabilitation of waste rock piles: Impact of acid drainage on potential toxicity by trace elements in plants and soil (2021)

Journal of Environmental Management, 280, art. no. 111848, . Cited 4 times.


  1. Fernández, M., Alaejos, J., Andivia, E., Madejón, P., Díaz, M.J., Tapias, R.


Short rotation coppice of leguminous tree Leucaena spp. improves soil fertility while producing high biomass yields in Mediterranean environment (2020)

Industrial Crops and Products, 157, art. no. 112911, . Cited 3 times.


  1. Morillo, E., Madrid, F., Lara-Moreno, A., Villaverde, J.

Soil bioremediation by cyclodextrins. A review (2020)

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 591, art. no. 119943, . Cited 11 times.


  1. Madrid, F., Rubio-Bellido, M., Morillo, E.

Extraction of nonylphenol, pyrene and phenanthrene from sewage sludge and composted biosolids by cyclodextrins and rhamnolipids (2020)

Science of the Total Environment, 715, art. no. 136986, . Cited 6 times.


  1. Jiménez-Morillo, N.T., González-Pérez, J.A., Almendros, G., De la Rosa, J.M., Waggoner, D.C., Jordán, A., Zavala, L.M., González-Vila, F.J., Hatcher, P.G.

Ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry of physical speciation patterns of organic matter in fire-affected soils (2018)

Journal of Environmental Management, 225, pp. 139-147. Cited 15 times.


  1. Muñoz-Rojas, M., Abd-Elmabod, S.K., Zavala, L.M., De la Rosa, D., Jordán, A.

Climate change impacts on soil organic carbon stocks of Mediterranean agricultural areas: A case study in Northern Egypt (2017)

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 238, pp. 142-152. Cited 51 times.


  1. Mas, J.L., Aparicio, P., Galán, E., Romero-Baena, A., Miras, A., Yuste, A., Martín, D.

Determination of uranium and thorium isotopes in kaolinitic samples by ICP-MS/MS (2020)

Applied Clay Science, 196, art. no. 105736, . Cited 2 times.


  1. López, R., Hallat, J., Castro, A., Miras, A., Burgos, P.

Heavy metal pollution in soils and urban-grown organic vegetables in the province of Sevilla, Spain (2019)

Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 35 (4), pp. 219-237. Cited 9 times.


  1. Lara-Moreno, A., Morillo, E., Merchán, F., Villaverde, J.

A comprehensive feasibility study of effectiveness and environmental impact of PAH bioremediation using an indigenous microbial degrader consortium and a novel strain Stenotrophomonas maltophilia CPHE1 isolated from an industrial polluted soil (2021)

Journal of Environmental Management, 289, art. no. 112512, . Cited 3 times.


  1. Morillo, E., Madrid, F., Lara-Moreno, A., Villaverde, J.

Soil bioremediation by cyclodextrins. A review (2020)

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 591, art. no. 119943, . Cited 11 times.


  1. Muñiz Guinea, F., Cáceres Puro, L.M., Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, M., Vargas Jiménez, J.M., Bocherens, H., Nebelsick, J.H., Donaire Romero, T., Rodríguez Vidal, J.

Environmental Implications and Chalcolithic Ornamental Use of Marine Barnacle Shells Present in the Tholos of ‘La Pastora’ (Valencina de la Concepción, Sevilla, Spain) (2021)

Environmental Archaeology, .


  1. de Carvalho, C.N., Muñiz, F., Belaústegui, Z., Belo, J., Gómez, P., Toscano, A., Cachão, M., Cunha, P.P., Ruiz, F., Cáceres, L.M., Rodriguez-Vidal, J., Finlayson, G., Finlayson, S., Guzman, F.G., Finlayson, C.

Paleoecological implications of large-sized wild boar tracks recorded during the last interglacial (mis 5) at huelva (sw Spain) (2021)

Palaios, 35 (12), pp. 512-523. Cited 2 times.


  1. Posada-Baquero, R., Semple, K.T., Ternero, M., Ortega-Calvo, J.-J.

Determining the bioavailability of benzo(a)pyrene through standardized desorption extraction in a certified reference contaminated soil (2022)

Science of the Total Environment, 803, art. no. 150025, .


  1. Baveye, P.C., Balseiro Romero, M., Pot, V., Ortega-Calvo, J.J.

Connectivity and pore accessibility in models of soil carbon cycling (2021)

Global Change Biology, 27 (21), pp. 5405-5406. Cited 1 time.


  1. Orts, Á., Tejada, M., Parrado, J., Paneque, P., García, C., Hernández, T., Gómez-Parrales, I.

Production of biostimulants from okara through enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation with Bacillus licheniformis: comparative effect on soil biological properties (2019)

Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 40 (16), pp. 2073-2084. Cited 4 times.


  1. Morales, M.L., Fierro-Risco, J., Ríos-Reina, R., Ubeda, C., Paneque, P.

Influence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lachancea thermotolerans co-inoculation on volatile profile in fermentations of a must with a high sugar content (2019)

Food Chemistry, 276, pp. 427-435. Cited 16 times.


  1. Caballero, P., Macías-Benítez, S., Revilla, E., Tejada, M., Parrado, J., Castaño, A.

Effect of subtilisin, a protease from Bacillus sp., on soil biochemical parameters and microbial biodiversity (2020)

European Journal of Soil Biology, 101, art. no. 103244, . Cited 1 time.


  1. Caballero, P., Ágabo-García, C., Solera, R., Parrado, J., Pérez, M.

Eco-energetic management of activated sludge derived from slaughterhouse wastewater treatment: pre-treatments for enhancing biogas production under anaerobic conditions (2020)

Sustainable Energy and Fuels, 4 (10), pp. 5072-5079. Cited 2 times.


  1. Morón, M.C., Pozo-Morales, L., Garvi, D., Alonso-Contreras, A.J., Lebrato, J.

Bioparticles consisting of olive mill wastewater (OMW)-adapted bacteria and OMW-polluted soil as carrier– An application in an anaerobic fluidized bed bioreactor (2019)

Journal of Water Process Engineering, 32, art. no. 100976, . Cited 2 times.


  1. Rosales Martínez, A., Pozo Morales, L., Díaz Ojeda, E.

Cp2TiCl-catalyzed, concise synthetic approach to marine natural product (±)-cyclozonarone (2019)

Synthetic Communications, 49 (19), pp. 2554-2560. Cited 2 times.


  1. Rosado, M.J., Bausch, F., Rencoret, J., Marques, G., Gutiérrez, A., Rosenau, T., Potthast, A., del Río, J.C.

Differences in the content, composition and structure of the lignins from rind and pith of papyrus (Cyperus papyrus L.) culms (2021)

Industrial Crops and Products, 174, art. no. 114226, .


  1. Rencoret, J., Gutiérrez, A., Marques, G., del Río, J.C., Tobimatsu, Y., Lam, P.Y., Pérez-Boada, M., Ruiz-Dueñas, F.J., Barrasa, J.M., Martínez, A.T.

New Insights on Structures Forming the Lignin-Like Fractions of Ancestral Plants (2021)

Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, art. no. 740923, .


  1. González, I., Romero-Baena, A., Galán, E., Miras, A., Castilla-Alcántara, J.C., Campos, P.

Ceramic materials from Cuatrovitas archaelogical site (Spain). A mineralogical and chemical study for determining the provenance and the firing temperatura (2018)

Applied Clay Science, 166, pp. 38-48. Cited 4 times.


  1. Miras, A., Galán, E., González, I., Romero-Baena, A., Martín, D.

Mineralogical evolution of ceramic clays during heating. An ex/in situ X-ray diffraction method comparison study (2018)

Applied Clay Science, 161, pp. 176-183. Cited 10 times.


  1. Macias-Benitez, S., Garcia-Martinez, A.M., Caballero Jimenez, P., Gonzalez, J.M., Tejada Moral, M., Parrado Rubio, J.

Rhizospheric Organic Acids as Biostimulants: Monitoring Feedbacks on Soil Microorganisms and Biochemical Properties (2020)

Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, art. no. 633, . Cited 16 times.


  1. Tejada, M., Benítez, C.

Effects of different organic wastes on soil biochemical properties and yield in an olive grove (2020) Applied Soil Ecology, 146, art. no. 103371, . Cited 4 times.


  1. Undabeytia, T., Shuali, U., Nir, S., Rubin, B.

Applications of chemically modified clay minerals and clays to water purification and slow release formulations of herbicides (2021)

Minerals, 11 (1), art. no. 9, pp. 1-42. Cited 4 times.


  1. Flores, F.M., Undabeytia, T., Jaworski, M., Morillo, E., Torres Sánchez, R.M.

Organo-montmorillonites as adsorbent materials for thiophanate-methyl removal: Adsorption-desorption studies and technological applications (2020)

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8 (4), art. no. 103806, . Cited 6 times.


  1. Villaverde, J., Láiz, L., Lara-Moreno, A., González-Pimentel, J.L., Morillo, E.

Bioaugmentation of PAH-Contaminated Soils With Novel Specific Degrader Strains Isolated From a Contaminated Industrial Site. Effect of Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin as PAH Bioavailability Enhancer (2019)

Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, art. no. 2588, . Cited 7 times.


  1. Madrid, F., Rubio-Bellido, M., Villaverde, J., Peña, A., Morillo, E.

Natural and assisted dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a long-term co-contaminated soil with creosote and potentially toxic elements (2019)

Science of the Total Environment, 660, pp. 705-714. Cited 11 times.