Doctoral programme of Natural Resources and Environment
of the University of Seville

Doctoral Programme

The programme was created to respond to the need to train doctors and researchers specialised in natural resources and physical environment, and to the impacts that it receives from mining, and from the agricultural and industrial activity.

Admission and rules of permanence

The doctoral programme is aimed at students with an interest in biotechnology, natural resources and the environment, the conservation of natural resources and their sustainable use, the effects of climate change, biodiversity and its conservation, etc.

Research Results

Research groups can be consulted in this section. All visitors have free access to the different lines of research, as well as to the researchers associated with each different project.

Teaching Staff

The teaching staff is comprised of both professors and researchers of the University of Seville and the CSIC. The members of the teaching staff are experts in different fields who carry out their research work in several Departments.

Academic Interest

The academic interest of the Doctorate Program in Natural Resources and Environment by the University of Seville aims to ensure the specialization of students in consideration of the insertion in the labour market. To do so, the Programme undertakes research into issues of social, industrial and economic interest which are, at the same time, the most popular in the environmental market.

Who is it for?

This Doctoral Programme is aimed at graduates and/or engineers who have studied, among others, degrees in Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Biology, Pharmacy, Marine Science, Physics, Environmental Sciences, Biochemistry or Biotechnology, or Chemical engineering, Mining engineering, Agronomic engineering, Forest engineering, Civil engineering, Geological Engineering, Materials Engineering, Industrial engineering, and Architecture.

High demand for the Doctorate program

The high demand for the Doctorate Programme in Natural Resources and Environment comes from the extensive experience of its faculty and technical staff, as well as the high level of specialisation and quality of its Programme. This explains why it has been and still is a common option for many graduates not only from the University of Seville, but also from other Andalusian, Spanish, European, Latin American and Asian universities.