Information about the doctorate program

CoordinadorIsidoro Gómez Parrales  (

Secretary’s Office and information:

Department / Academic centre: Crystallography, Mineralogy and Agricultural Chemistry / International Doctoral School of the University of Seville (EIDUS)

ISCED codes 1 and 2: Physical, Chemical, and Geological Sciences

Address: Facultad de Química de la Universidad de Sevilla – C/ Profesor García González, 1 – 41012 Sevilla

Telephone: 954 557 141

Maximum number of places available: 15 (6 a tiempo parcial)

Access: Official University Masters’ degrees related to the lines of research of the program

Language: Spanish – English

Aims / Justification: the programme specific outcomes are the knowledge of the structure and the characteristics of natural systems (soil, air, water and rocks / mineral raw materials), stressing on pollutants, on the methodology used for their determination, and on controlling, remedying and analysing its effectiveness. Students are expected to achieve a systematic understanding of one of the three fields of study in which the following lines of research are structured:

  • Soils: characteristics, conservation, deterioration, rehabilitation and reuse.
  • Waters: catchment, treatments, uses and reuse.
  • Minerals and rocks / mineral raw materials: mining, treatments and waste, alteration, impacts on the environment (soil, water, air), environmental applications, industrial and construction uses, conservation of the stony cultural heritage, etc.

Competences: general competences and specific competencies of the program can be consulted here.

More information about the doctoral thesis: please see the following link 

Regulations on reading the thesis: please see the following link

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