
The experimental part of the doctoral program will take place, at least partially, in the laboratories of Crystallography and Mineralogy, and Edaphology and Agricultural Chemistry (Faculty of Chemistry), TAR Group; of the Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Seville (IRNASE-CSIC); of the Research, Technology and Innovation Center (CITIUS), and the National Accelerator Center (ACOMETA Unit) of Seville. All of them are provided with high-quality techniques and scientific interest, so the suitability is fully guaranteed. In the last two cases, the CNA Joint Centre of the University of Seville, Junta de Andalucía and CSIC, is a Singular Scientific-Technical Facility, ICTS, and CITIUS, are dedicated to interdisciplinary research, so it is difficult to detail their equipment. Therefore, we adhere to the websites of the centres:

Students also have online access to a set of specialized journals, and books from the libraries of the centres involved. They will also have the support of the technical and auxiliary staff of the centres mentioned. The tasks to be carried out are framed within those established by the work organization of each of these centres and the competences attributed to this staff.

Regarding foreign students, they will have the support of the Vice-Rectorate for International Relations and the SACU (University Community Assistance Service).

Laboratories, classrooms and services to be used are part of the centres of the university and are shared with other activities. Thereby, the review, accessibility and maintenance of materials and services follow the rules of the university in relation to them.

For the maintenance and renovation of the material and instrumentation available in the laboratories, and besides the items included on the regular budget of centres and departments, the University of Seville has been annually assigning a specific budget to centres and departments involved in doctoral education, which provides additional funding in order to cover the direct costs of this type of teaching. In addition, as already mentioned, the university has funding provided by the Research Projects of the different groups, both European and national, as well as contracts with companies and public administrations.