The Doctoral Programme has adopted the various good practice guides from each of the universities included in it, which contain the rights and obligations of the various agents forming part of it:
- University of Seville: The code of good practice, approved by the Doctoral Committee at the meeting held on September 28, 2012 (, is intended to contain a set of recommendations and commitments with respect to the relationship between tutors, directors and PhD students.
- University of the Basque Country: in application of the Regulations of the Doctoral School, the Permanent Council, in a session held on 20th July 2020, agreed to adopt the following Code of Good Practice set out at
- University of Málaga: The University of Málaga, through the International Postgraduate Centre and Doctoral School, has defined its Good Practice Guide, which serves as a common frame of reference for all the Doctoral Programmes of the University of Malaga. This guide can be found at:
- Polytechnic University of Catalonia: The code of good practice, approved by the standing committee in July 2019, is a guide available on the website of the Doctoral School at:, which also contains other useful information, such as specific training for the academic staff and other information,