PUMA: probing the density tail of radioac-ve isotopes with an-protons Development of a ion and an-proton trap
A two year appointment is open for a postdoctoral candidate in the group of Dr. Alexandre Obertelli at the Ins<tute of Nuclear Physics (IKP) of TU Darmstadt, Germany. The posi<on can be filled as soon as possible.
Project descrip-on:
PUMA is a starting project (01/2018) funded by the European Research Council with the objective of probing the nuclear density tail of short-lived nuclei by use of trapped an<protons. The project will be held at CERN eventually. The first part of PUMA consists of designing a penning trap, its cryostat, a solenoid and the corresponding detec<on system.
The opened posi<on focuses on the trap development: design, electrosta<c simula<ons, thermal and mechanical studies. The work will be performed in close collabora<on with European and Japanese ins<tutes.
Candidate profile:
Only candidates holding a Ph.D. degree in physics or those very close to comple<on of their thesis may apply. The ideal candidate has an excellent academic track record, exper<se in hardware development, knowledge of C++ and speaks English fluently. Experience with traps, electrosta<c simula<ons would be an important asset.
The salary will be according to the tariff contract of the TU Darmstadt (TV-TUD). TU Darmstadt is an equal opportunity employer and we especially encourage applica<ons from outstanding women. Disabled people with a a degree of disability of at least 50% will be preferred if equally qualified.
Interested candidates should send a le]er of mo<va<on, cv and two contacts for reference to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla.. Applica<ons received by February 1st, 2018 will receive full considera<on. Later applica<ons will be considered if the posi<on is not filled. The call will remain open un<l the posi<on is filled.
PhD posi)on in Nuclear Physics
PUMA: probing the density tail of radioac)ve isotopes with an)protons Method, simula)ons and pion tracker development
A PhD posi*on is open in the group of Dr. Alexandre Obertelli at the Ins*tute of Nuclear Physics (IKP) of TU Darmstadt, Germany. The posi*on can be filled as soon as possible.
Project descrip-on:
A PhD posi*on is opened for the PUMA project. PUMA is a star*ng project (01/2018) funded by the European Research Council with the objec*ve of probing the nuclear density tail of short-lived nuclei by use of trapped an*protons. The project will be held at CERN eventually. The first part of PUMA consists of designing a penning trap and the corresponding detec*on system.
During her/his thesis, the PhD candidate will:
(1) develop the simula*on framework for the experiment and will quan*ta*vely determine the sensi*vity of PUMA to the characterisa*on of neutron skins and halos,
(2) develop a solu*on for extra thin vacuum windows necessary for the PUMA trap,
(3) take part in the development of the PUMA pion tracker and implement a data acquisi*on system and fully characterise the developed tracker.
The hardware development will be done in collabora*on with European and Japanese ins*tutes and universi*es. During the thesis, the candidate will par*cipate to experiments at CERN/ISOLDE.
Candidate profile:
Only candidates holding a Master degree in physics or engineering will be considered. The thesis will take place in an interna*onal environment, with significant components of hardware developments, numerics and theory. The ideal candidate is mo*vated by technical developments, has knowledge of C++ and speaks English fluently. Knowledge in low-energy nuclear physics and experience with simula*ons would be assets.
The salary will be according to the tariff contract of the TU Darmstadt (TV-TUD). TU Darmstadt is an equal opportunity employer and we especially encourage applica*ons from outstanding women. Disabled people with a a degree of disability of at least 50% will be preferred if equally qualified.
Interested candidates should send a le`er (or email) of mo*va*on, a contact for reference, a cv to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla.. Applica*ons received by February 1st, 2018 will receive full considera*on. Later applica*ons will be considered if the posi*on is not filled. The call will remain open un*l the posi*on is filled.
PhD posi)on in Nuclear Physics
Benchmarking nucleon removal from quasifree sca:ering
A PhD posi+on is open in the group of Dr. Alexandre Obertelli at the Ins+tute of Nuclear Physics (IKP) of TU Darmstadt, Germany. The posi+on can be filled as soon as possible.
Project descrip-on:
The structure of rare isotopes can be studied in depth via direct reac+ons in inverse kinema+cs. Among used reac+ons, quasifree scaJering of a nucleon from the projec+le from interac+on with a proton target is considered as one of the cleanest reac+on mechanisms since exclusive measurements ca be performed. The accuracy of the models for deeply bound nucleon removal s+ll has to be demonstrated. A large source of uncertain+es is the re-interac+on probability of the recoil proton(s) with the recoil nucleus following the quasifree scaJering. The proposed project aims at providing a clear-cut benchmark for such models based on a joint analysis of (e,e’p) and (p, 2p) data.
As a second step of the thesis, two nucleon removal is proposed to be inves+gated on both the experimental and theore+cal sides. Theore+cal developments will be made in collabora+on with reac+on mechanism theorists. (p,3p) data from RIKEN will be analysed and compared to the model predic+ons.
The thesis is part of the Collabora+ve Research Centre SFB 1245 at TU Darmstadt «From fundamental interac+ons to structure and stars ». Related informa+on can be found at hJps:// www.s^1245.tu-darmstadt.de.
Candidate profile:
Only candidates holding a Master degree in physics will be considered. The ideal candidate is strongly mo+vated by both experimental and theore+cal nuclear physics, has knowledge of C++ and speaks English fluently. Experience with data analysis would be an asset.
The salary will be according to the tariff contract of the TU Darmstadt (TV-TUD). TU Darmstadt is an equal opportunity employer and we especially encourage applica+ons from outstanding women. Disabled people with a a degree of disability of at least 50% will be preferred if equally qualified.
Interested candidates should send a leJer (or email) of mo+va+on, a contact for reference and a cv to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla.. Applica+ons received by February 1st, 2018 will receive full considera+on. The call will remain open un+l the posi+on is filled