Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Nuclear Structure Physics at University of Richmond

The Nuclear Structure Group at the University of Richmond has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral fellow. The successful candidate will be expected to join in the general nuclear structure group activities, to assume a key role in our stewardship science academic alliance research program, and will be encouraged to develop a leadership role in his/her own research.

She/he should be experienced in the techniques and methods of gamma-ray and charged particle spectroscopy, should be an excellent hands-on experimentalist, and should look forward to working with and supervising undergraduate student projects. Our program focuses on the structure and properties of nuclei primarily in the actinide and rare earth regions, on the measurement of fission and xnγ yields following light-ion induced reactions, on investigations of the surrogate reaction technique as a tool to measure neutron induced reaction probabilities on unstable nuclei and on detector and array development (Gretina/Greta). Experiments are carried out at a variety of national user facilities including the Cyclotron Facility at TAMU. The nuclear structure group consists of the P.I. (Beausang) a graduate student, a variety of undergraduate students and the new PDF. The position is available immediately and is expected to be filled initially for a period of one year with the probability of renewal for a second year. The University of Richmond is a private, primarily undergraduate institution located in the western suburbs of the city of Richmond with an emphasis on teaching excellence. The successful candidate will be offered the opportunity to participate fully in the life of the department, including the possibility to teach introductory physics classes. Interested candidates should contact Con Beausang at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla., enclosing their CV, list of publications and a brief outline of their research interests.

The University of Richmond is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer and welcomes applications from qualified women and minority group members.