Hasekura Tsunegaga, statue at Coria del Rio, near SevillaUniversity logos

JSLoc 2019: Japanese-Spanish Symposium on Energy Localization in Nonlinear  Lattices.
Sevilla, September 23-28, 2019

About   Organizers  Plenary speakers  Short talks and posters Application and PhD credits  Cultural activities Guadalquivir marshes
BOOK OF ABSTRACTS    PROGRAM  Poster   Lecture photos and covers   Russell's virtual talk  Hasekura's river walk
About: This first symposium has the objective of consolidating the collaboration not only between Japanese and Spanish researchers in the subject of Energy Localization in Nonlinear Lattices but also other participants from any country.  

The scientific collaboration between Japan and Sevilla very likely started 400 years ago, with the Keicho Embassy, when Hasekura Tsunegaga entered Sevilla in 1614., with 30 Japanese people. Some of them remained in Coria del Rio near Sevilla providing the family name "Japon".  This symposium is another small step in this relationship.

Organizers:  Juan F.R. Archilla, Nonlinear Physics Group at Universidad de Sevilla,  (Opening pdf)
                     Yusuke Doi,  from the Nonlinear Discrete  Dynamics Lab, Dept. of Adaptive Machine Systems at Osaka University.
Plenary speakers (order of talks)
Short talks and posters by PhD and Master students.
Discussion panels:
Tuesday to Friday:  Morning 10:30-13:30, Afternoon: private discussions
24/09/2019: Charge transport by breathers and kinks. Chair: JFR Archilla
25/09/2019: Existence proofs of moving breathers. Chair: K Yoshimura
26/09/2019: Breathers in 3D. Chair: Y Doi
27/09/2019: Experiments on breathers. Chair:  Y Watanabe
28/09/2019: Breather in 2D. Chair:  M Kimura 

Applications:  For researchers and students that would like to participate, please, write to archilla@us.es.  Attendance will provide credits for Master and PhD students of the University of Sevilla
Cultural activities: Gualquivir marshes, a nonlinear physical phenomenon,  See the film Isla Minima (The tiny island), where they are an integral part of the script
Guadalquivir marshes