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Grace Skrzypiec

Grace Skrzypiec, Ph.D.

In 2018 Grace Skrzypiec was elected along with Jonathan Cohen, as co-president of the International Observatory on School Climate and Violence Prevention, proudly bringing the Observatory base to Flinders University, South Australia. She was one of the co-presidents until 2020.

Grace currently leads an international peer aggression and well-being study involving 12 countries and over 7000 students, which is the subject of a book (A Global perspective on peer aggression and Well-being) and several conference papers and journal articles.

Grace has and continues to undertake special projects for educational stakeholders such as the Department for Education in South Australia, and Education Australia Services, as well as other international stakeholders including the Ministry of Education, Malta. 

At Flinders University Grace is aldo the Co-Director with Phillip Slee of the Student Well-being and Prevention of Violence (SWAPv) research centre and a senior lecturer in the College of Education, Psychology, and Social Work. Grace teaches post-graduate students in research methods and statistics and in 2014 she was the recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Early Career Researchers in recognition of outstanding contributions to excellence in research. She also supervises postgraduate students undertaking Masters, EdD and PhD studies. She has authored 4 books with colleagues and countless research papers and reports.

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