~ Latest publications ~
- Astor, R. A., Noguera, P., Fergus, E., & Gadsden, V. (2021). A Call for the Conceptual Integration of Opportunity Structures Within School Safety Research. School Psychology Review, 1–19.
- Benbenishty, R., & Astor, R. A. (2020). School and Student Level Prevalence and Predictors of Weapon-Related Behaviors and Experiences Among Secondary Schools in California. SSRN Electronic Journal.
- Blaya, C., Audrin, C., & Skrzypiec, G. (2020). School Bullying, Perpetration, and Cyberhate: Overlapping Issues. Contemporary School Psychology, 2013(2015).
- Bradshaw, C. P., Cohen, J., Espelage, D. L., & Nation, M. (2021). Addressing School Safety Through Comprehensive School Climate Approaches. School Psychology Review.
- Cohen, J. (2023). Promoting Thriving Schools: Preventing Bullying & Promoting Well-being. Lecture given for Columbia Global Centers (Istambul) & Enka Schools.
- Cohen, J., Brown, P. M., & Ward-Seidel, A. R. (2022). Desécoles prospères : Guide à l’intention des directions d’établissements scolaires de la maternelle à la 12e année. Promouvoir le développement émotionnel, social, civique et scolaire, un climat scolaire sain et prévenir la violence (Traduit par C. Beaumont et J. Boissonneault).
- Cohen, J., Brown, P. M., & Ward-Seidel, A. R. (2024). Processos para melhoria contínua das escolas: Guia para equipes gestoras da educação básica [Translated by Dr. Adriano Moro (Coord.), Darrell Champlin and Fernando Effori de Mello].
- Cohen, J., Brown, P. M., & Ward-Seidel, A. R. (2021). Thriving Schools: A Guide for K-12 Schools Leaders. Promoting Social, Emotional, Civic, and Academic Development; Healthy School Climates; and Violence Prevention Efforts.
- Cohen, J., & Espelage, D. (2020). Feeling Safe in School: Bullying and Violence Prevention Around the World. Harvard Education Press.
- Costa, A. P., & Steffgen, G. (2020). After the move to a new campus—effects on students’ satisfaction with the physical and learning environment. Education Sciences, 10(12), 1–13.
- Dietrich, L. (in press). Higher expectations of teachers are not sufficient: How to take the next big step in social-emotional teacher training. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies.
- Elipe, P., Sutil, D., Vera, L., & Mora-Merchán, J. A. (2023). ‘Bullying is bullying, if they want to say it’s because of being LGBT that’s another story’: Perceptions of educators on LGBTQ+bullying. Teaching and Teacher Education, 136, 104381.
- Espino, E., Jiménez-Díaz, O., Del Rey, R., & Elipe, P. (2023). Outlining individual and contextual factors related to LGBTQ+ bullying: A systematic review of two decades of research. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 0(0), 1-20.
- Marín-López, I., Zych, I., Ortega-Ruiz, R., Monks, C. P., & Llorent, V. J. (2020). Empathy online and moral disengagement through technology as longitudinal predictors of cyberbullying victimization and perpetration. Children and Youth Services Review, 116(June), 105144.
- Pinheiro, V., Zambianco, & Moro, A. (2022). Education in sensitive times: contributions of moral and socioemotional skills in the context of the pandemic and post Covid-19. Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios en Educación, 17(1), 3-20.
- Ojeda, M., Romera, E., & Del Rey, R. (2024). Nonconsensual sexting: Are the moral processes the same if boys or girls appear in the forwarded content? Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and social networking, 111-118.
- Prieto Quezada, M. T. (2022). Educación para la paz y convivencia sin violencia. Una propuesta en el nivel básico desde la Terapia Narrativa. Investigación & Desarrollo, 30(1), 170-197.
- Prieto-Quezada, M. T., Romero-Sánchez, A. y Oliva, H. (2023). Adicción a las TIC. Perspectiva docente desde tres centros universitarios. Alteridad, 18(1), 48-58.
- Romera, E. M., Camacho, A., Ortega-Ruiz, R., & Falla, D. (2021). Cybergossip, cyberaggression, problematic Internet use and family communication. Comunicar, 67, 1-10.
- Sánchez-Jiménez, V. (coord.) (2019). Prevención de la violencia interpersonal en la infancia y la adolescencia. Ediciones Pirámide.
- Skrzypiec, G., Alinsug, E., Amri Nasiruddin, U., Andreou, E., Brighi, A., Didaskalou, E., Guarini, A., Heiman, T., Kang, S. W., Kwon, S., Olenik-Shemesh, D., Ortega-Ruiz, R., Romera, E. M., Roussi-Vergou, C., Sandhu, D., Sikorska, I., Wyra, M., Xi, J., & Yang, C. C. (2021). Harmful Peer Aggression in Four World Regions: Relationship between Aggressed and Aggressor. Journal of School Violence, 20(1), 1–16.
- Velázquez Reyes, L. M., Reyes Jaimes, G. R., & Espinoza Ávila, L. (2021). De la ciberviolencia a la violencia física: el día que Holk irrumpió en la prepa. Revista Educación, 45(1), 1-16.
- UNESCO (2021). Violence and Bullying in Educational Settings: The Experience of Children and Young People With Disabilities. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
- Velázquez Reyes, L. M. (2021). Mi celular y yo, una adicción que transita de la felicidad a la distracción. En M. A. Ramos Herrera et al., Redes de Cultura Escolar en pro de la Educación para la Paz. Experiencias, análisis y propuestas de intervención. Ed. Fundación Vivir en Armonía. Guadalajara. Versión digital, México. www.fundacionvivirenarmonia.org/publicaciones