Organizational partnerships represent another form of membership to and with the International Observatory. Partnerships reflect an organizational alliance we work to support each other’s efforts. The Observatory and the partnering organization will work together to promote and support individual and organizational improvement efforts that promote wellbeing and social, emotional, civic and academic development as well as furthering sustainable risk prevention efforts.

The IOSCVP has established excellent relationships with a variety of organizations including research centers, schools, professional bodies and Non-Guvernmental Organizations.

Just as all meaningful and sustainable school improvement efforts are necessarily a team effort, the Observatory is invested in furthering partnership with other national and international organizations that potentially support all of us being even more effective in furthering learning and school improvement efforts.

Please see a list of our partners, with links to their websites, below:

  • AERA’s School Climate, Culture and Community Special Internet Group (SIG)
  • AERA’s School Improvement and Effectiveness (SIG)
  • Violence Prevention Aliance (VPA)

The VPA is a network of WHO Member State governments, nonguvernmental and community-based organizations, and private, international and intergovernmental agencies working to prevent violence:

  • Association for Educational Assessment (AEA)


  • Fundaçao Carlos Chagas

The FCC-Fundaçao Carlos Chagas (Carlos Chagas Foundation) carries out public competitions, certifications, selection processes, vestibular, qualification courses, training and research: