The reader of red chronicle between tastes and images. Daily Extra case.


  • Claudia Liliana Pezo Cunalata
    Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador.
  • Edmundo Córdova Durán
    Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador.
  • Laura Medina Andrade
    Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador.
  • Jenny Medina
    Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador.





The red chronicle is a genre that is used to name the reports, which, for the most part, present attacks on the life of a human being. The printed media, popularly called “Amarillistas” or “Sensationalists”, have encouraged the growth of this section by the form, background, images and headlines that tell a story. From there, that a group of consumers of this genre has been born and grows – mainly in written media -, specifically the case of the Ecuadorian newspaper Extra- that has a profile according to their sexes, ideologies, ages, tastes, levels of study, occupations and civil status.

That target remains faithful and almost loyal to the news that arrives in the newspapers, which are distributed even from dawn so that consumers have that product in their hands and read it. After that, there is a process of internalization and comments on the events between family members or groups.

But not only the public or the consumer searches for Extra newspaper, so do the advertisers to show their advertising. This has been modified because the public also evolves. This article is raised and developed in the literature review of other research and is developed under the deductive method, because the object of the general is investigated to the particular, then the synthetic method is applied to qualitatively explain the subject raised.


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