IROCAMM – International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix is a digital scientific journal whose objectives are the dissemination of scientific articles on commercial and corporate communication, as well as marketing and market research (including the four variables of the mk mix: Product, price, communication and distribution).

IROCAMM – International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix is an annual academic journal published in digital format. 

IROCAMM – International Review of Communication And Marketing Mix magazine arises from the need to transfer knowledge to society about each of the fields of communication, as a variable of the marketing mix and their respective influences or consequences, such as commercial advertising, public relations of commercial companies or the price and distribution variables themselves, always from the point of view of their influence on the communication variable. 

With an international scope and open to professors and researchers from all countries, IROCAMM – International Review of Communication And Marketing Mix aims to cover a wide range of topics within the field of studies on commercial communication and its relationship with the rest of the marketing mix variables: price, product and distribution.


IROCAMM – International Review of Communication And Marketing Mix publishes research papers, essays and book reviews with the aim of being a platform to debate the advances in general communication and its influence and relationship with the other variables that make up the marketing mix, from the scientific and academic community, for the benefit of knowledge transfer in the professional and academic field.

Its main objective is to gather outstanding research in the field of commercial communication from a variety of theoretical, empirical and applied perspectives, in fields such as public relations, commercial distribution, product design and sales, pricing policy, sponsorship, etc., among others. Methodological rigour and obtaining research results are prerequisites for the review and publication of originals.


3.1. Director and editor

Gloria Jiménez-Marín (University of Seville)

3.2. Deputy directors
Irene García Medina (Glasgow Caledonian University)
Pedro A. Correia (Universidade da Madeira)
Rodrigo Elías Zambrano (University of Cadiz)

3.3. Technical secretary
Elena Bellido (University of Seville)

3.4. Editorial assistant
Rosario Ariza García (University of Seville)

3.5. Editorial board and reviewers


  • Ana Almansa Martínez (Universidad de Málaga)
  • Mónica Barrientos (University of Seville)
  • Jordi De San Eugenio Vela (Universitat de Vic)
  • Cristina González Oñate (University Jaume I)
  • Rodrigo Elías Zambrano (University of Seville)
  • Víctor Hernández de Santaolalla (University of Seville)
  • Paula Herrero Diz (Loyola University Andalucía)
  • Mònika Jiménez Morales (Universitat Pompeu Fabra),
  • Ferran Lalueza Bosch (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
  • Antonio Leal Jiménez (University of Cadiz)
  • Javier Lozano Del Mar (Loyola University Andalucía)
  • Andrew Luckham (University of Seville)
  • Mª Isabel Míguez (University of Vigo)
  • Juan Monserrat Gauchi (University of Alicante)
  • José Antonio Muñiz Velázquez (Loyola University Andalucía)
  • Antonio Pineda Cachero (University of Seville)
  • Marta Pulido Polo (University of Seville)
  • Marina Ramos Serrano (University of Seville)
  • Mar Rubio Hernández (University of Seville)
  • Paloma Sanz Marcos (University of Seville)
  • Carmen Silva Robles (University of Cadiz)
  • Sandra Vilajoana Alejandre (Universitat Ramón Llul)


  • Alejandro Álvarez Nobell (U. de Córdoba – Argentina)
  • Sandra Bustamante Martínez (Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Lindsey Carey (Glasgow Caledonian University – Scotland)
  • Patricia M. F Coelho (Universidade Santo Amaro –UNISA–, Brasil)
  • Pedro A. Correia (U. da Madeira)
  • Irene García Medina (Glasgow Caledonian University – Scotland)
  • Antonino Lagan (Universitat de Messina – Italia)
  • Julie McColl (Glasgow Caledonian University – Scotland)
  • Antonio Naranjo Mantero (University of Silesia – Katowice – Poland)
  • Elisa Palomino (University of the Arts London – England)
  • Christian Plantin (Université de Lyon)
  • Umberto León Domínguez (U. de Monterrey)
  • Marco Pedroni (Universitá ECampus de Novedrate / Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Italia)
  • Paulo Ribeiro Cardoso (Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Oporto)
  • Kent Wilkinson (Texas Tech University, EE.UU.).
  • Ricardo San Martín (University of California Berkeley)
  • Susan Giesecke (University of California Berkeley)