- Rosa Raquel Carpio Miranda
Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador.
ORCID: - Laura Sofía Medina Andrade
Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador.
ORCID: - Edmundo Guillermo Córdova Durán
Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the construction of the imaginary and the social representation of the red chronicle: in the idea that sensationalism is one of the characteristics of the written press present in explicit contents, such as, acts of violence, suffering and catastrophes. ; therefore, communication is direct with the reader, it is provided with images and texts that are intended to generate the greatest visual impact. It should be noted that the publication of daily events, political and even judicial, contribute to the construction of the social imaginary and its representations: symbols, beliefs, values, ideas and appreciations; which are integrated into the cultural formation according to their location. The greater the impact, the greater the influx of readers of sensationalist newspapers or of the red chronicle will be of interest. The analysis using descriptive and explanatory research methods will be used to determine the elements that influence social representation, and how sensationalist communication is constructed.
The newspaper Extra seeks to obtain reading acceptance through the volume of its editions in circulation, which, has a high level of audience, thus managing to enter the minds of consumers and influence public opinion.
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