Instructions to AUTHORS

Research articles, essays and book reviews related to commercial communication and advertising, distribution, as well as those related to the other two variables of the marketing mix and its environment, product and price, are accepted. Texts with interdisciplinary, original approaches and innovative contributions that rigorously use the methodology of the field are particularly welcome. The length should not exceed 10,000 words, excluding bibliography, abstract, keywords and notes.

The following structure shall be observed:



Book reviews

Research articles

  1. Title: In the original language of the article and, in any case, English (this will account for 70% of the texts). Texts in French and Portuguese will be accepted, although the magazine will have a maximum of 30% in each issue of articles in these languages.
    Only two levels of titles duly specified, in high and low will be admitted. Brief, clear, precise, informative, without questions or interjections, in a single sentence if possible, without quotation marks, without end point.
  1. Authors:
    1. Academic degree: PhD., Degree, Lic., Mgter.
    2. Academic situation: Professor (Professor, Holder, University School Holder, Doctor, Associate, Assistant, Doctoral Assistant), Researcher, Scholarship holder, Doctoral candidate.
    3. Full name and SURNAME. It is recommended to include the signature of ORCID (
    4. Institutional affiliation in full text and also in acronyms. Department. Faculty. University. Country. Postal address, postal code, town, province, country, telephone, fax.
    5. Institutional email, preferably.
  1. Summary and abstract: In the original language and in any case, English (Portuguese or French, following the same percentages), with an extension between 150 and 200 words. In a single paragraph. It should contain the following information (all): context of the proposal, method, main findings, limitations and original contribution of the text. It will be followed by an abstract, which will be the translation of the abstract into English (in case the language of the text is not English).
  1. Keywords and keywords: Maximum 6 expressed in the original language and, in any case, in Portuguese or French aditionally. Sorted alphabetically and separated by ‘;’. They will be frequently used, well chosen, specific terms. The keywords will then follow, which will be the English translation of the words (in case the original language of the text is not English).
  1. Acknowledgements or sources of funding: thanks may be expressed to the persons deserving recognition for the collaboration provided or to the sources of funding if it is not the university itself (indicating call for proposals, year of commencement and end, original title of the research and reference).
  1. Article structure: following the formula (IMRD+C and B: Introduction + Methodology + Results + Discussion + Conclusions and Bibliography):
    1. Introduction: It will present the purpose of the research, its objectives, and define the research problem, its importance, and the current status of the topic under study. It shall set out the contributions of other relevant research and emphasise the contributions on which it is based in order to define the research objectives and hypotheses, which shall be clear and precise – unless it is exploratory research, with no previous history of similar research – and shall be presented in a reasoned manner. Purpose, objectives, problem, importance, situation, contributions, hypotheses and justification.
    2. Method or methodology: The type of method used and the choice and design of the methodological tool used shall be explained. If necessary, the population and sample selected and the system chosen for the units of analysis shall be indicated. There will be a reference to the instrument chosen to capture the sample, ensuring its rigour and scientific validity, and reasoning as to why it was chosen. If it is an original system, its characteristics shall be explained. The variables will be well defined. Method, design, population, sample, units of analysis, instrument, rigor, validity, reasoning and, where appropriate, explanation. The aim is to ensure the replicability of the study.
    3. Results: Presentation of the findings obtained, presented in a concise, concise, concise, precise and orderly manner and correctly presented in statistical terms if necessary. There are no appointments here. Expose the credibility of the findings.
    4. Discussion: Discuss the results and explain whether they answer the research questions asked, correlating the results with the hypotheses. The present is used verbally. Compare with other results of similar research. Authenticity of the results, internal validity, generalization of the data and possible limitations of the study.
    5. Conclusions: They are derived exclusively from the results and are a synthesis of the results in a clear and brief manner. Recommendations for professional theory and practice will be developed, as well as suggestions for future research.
    6. References (20-7-5-2): The bibliographic references will be at least 20. 70% of the references will be from the last 10 years, except for those topics that do not make it advisable. At least 50% shall be references to articles from university academic journals, except if the subject is so original that there is no relevant scientific hemerography. Up to 20% self-citation is accepted, with a maximum of 3 self-citations, for published texts only. Only bibliographical references that have been cited in the text of the article should be included. In addition, if the subject matter requires it, part of the bibliography must be in English.
  1. Text: There will be no bold text or underlining. Italics shall be used only where appropriate in accordance with the rules of style. In any case, to name films, television series or titles of works and foreign titles not admitted by the SAR. We recommend paragraphs with a maximum of 10 lines, without indentation. Authors should use the names, symbols and nomenclature that are standardized for each discipline or scientific area. Avoid double spaces.
  1. Quotations in the text: Quotations that exceed 40 words should be placed in a separate paragraph, with indentation of a tab space on the left, without quotation marks or italics. The form of citation within the text will follow the Harvard or parentheses system in highs and lows (Author, year: page). All the works cited will be included in the bibliographic section.
  2. Bibliographic references: They shall comply with the APA standards (2018, 6th edition). Available from:
  1. Tables, graphs, illustrations, figures and images: They shall be legible, editable, drawn up with Office preferably – or in the original version of the application used – pasted in the corresponding place within the text, numbered sequentially independently, preceded by a title (descriptive, short, no more than one line) and referencing the font at the bottom. You can include links to videos and include a frame as an illustration, linked.
  1. Notes: Footnotes will be provided, although authors are requested to use this resource when strictly necessary (translations of quotations or similar).

For what is not indicated it is recommended to view a published article.

The shipment will be made, in a first moment, through e-mail. As soon as we have developed a sending platform, the sending by mail will be replaced by this system. This application will ask for two original and novel contributions to be made to the text (for short reviews of the text during the dissemination phase on social networks) and two questions to be used on social and academic networks.


An essay is a text that freely expresses the thought of an author. The author analyses, interprets or evaluates an issue. It has the following characteristics: thematic freedom; personal style in writing; includes quotations or references; has no defined structure; the author chooses the order in which he develops his argument and is generally aimed at a wide audience. It has a preliminary, introductory or propaedeutic character. The maximum length is 10,000 words.

Its contents are very varied: reflections, comments, personal experiences or critical opinions, theoretical proposals in the absence of verification or proposals that do not stem from the application of the scientific method.

It develops the following contents:

  • Introduction: the subject to be dealt with and the approach from which it will be dealt with is explained.
  • Development: includes the author’s ideas.
  • Conclusion: expresses the final contribution of the writer. It’s the end of the trial.
  • Bibliographic references.

In the essay, the organization of ideas and their presentation is especially important in order to proceed from formal explanations to concrete evidence, from facts to conclusions. Two procedures are possible: to begin by showing examples and from them to deduce the general statements (inductive logic) or to begin by showing general statements that are documented throughout the trial by means of concrete examples (deductive logic).

Trials will be subject to the double-blind, anonymous review process.

Book reviews

The review is a short text (1500 words maximum recommended) containing the abstract and the evaluative commentary made on a book, article or other published text. The reviewer’s opinion includes positive aspects that can be improved, depending on his or her personal criteria.

The details of the author of the review are accompanied by email or another form of electronic contact (Facebook, Twitter) that may encourage further commentary.

Standard structure of the review:

  1. CONTEXTUAL PRESENTATION: Title of the book reviewed in Spanish and English; Author(s)[or editors], place, publisher, year, pages; ISBN (hard/soft cover). Location of the author and the text that is commented on in time and space. The original language of the work and name of the translator, if applicable. If the review is about an audiovisual medium (films, programmes…) then the title, the director and other elements that identify the object being discussed are indicated. Description of the nature of the book (if it is academic, teaching material, research work, etc.), how it is divided (into chapters, for example) and whether it contains bibliography, graphics or any other type of illustrations.
  2. SUMMARY: Summary and synthesis of the book and its main points. We talk about the author (background) and his techniques or working method; the sources cited (their relevance, relevance, focus, novelty…); the purpose (objectives and purposes) of the text and its main contributions. It is also important to define the target audience (researchers, professionals, students, teachers, etc.) and the interest that this book has for that audience. It is done in a descriptive, brief and clear way. If bibliographic references are made, they should be in the APA style (6th edition).
  3. VALUATION: The strengths and limitations, strengths and weaknesses of the book are highlighted. It is assessed whether the book is innovative or offers known material with a new approach. It will be analysed whether the author has achieved what is presented in the book as the main objective. The aspects that can be improved are described in an attenuated way, avoiding the use of strong words, irony and underestimating the content. The positive aspects focus on the contributions to scientific progress contained in the text, including possible suggestions for improvement or future lines of research. The use of adjectives is key to making the wording of this section specific, clear and concise.
  4. PERSONAL INFORMATION OF THE AUTHOR OF THE REVIEW: Reviewed by XX YY ZZ; Position and Position; University of xxx (Country); Email.

Accepted reviews are subject to review by IROCAMM’s editorial management – International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix.