Inclusive application interface design aimed at functional illiterates






In this article, we highlight aspects of an investigation that seeks to build an inclusive design, which can support the development of an application prototype aimed at improving the writing and reading levels of functional illiterates – from the rudimentary level. This study is the result of the actions carried out in the Study Group “Hybrid Education, methodologies and objects of digital learning in mobility environments”, of the Master in Education and New Technologies – of a Brazilian private institution of higher education. The idea is to elaborate inclusion design assumptions that can direct the creation of an application with functions that cover the profile and condition of functional illiterates, who have lack of reading skills, have low self-esteem to face the challenge of learning, and present operational deficiencies for the use of mobile devices and their applications. The methodology applied in this study is based on the survey of personal narratives of this target audience, which reveals verbal communication needs, which can be planned in interactive ways in the application design. The authors who support this study have worked with gamification concepts, instructional design, cognition, learning mediated by mobile interfaces, among others, such as Concepción (2016), Santana et al. (2012) and Garcia (2016).


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