Instructions to AUTHORS

Instructions to REVIEWERS

Publishing regulations

The texts submitted must be adapted to the text template provided by IROCAMM magazine. It can be found at

They should follow the instructions detailed in the section «Instructions to authors».

The citation will conform to the APA standards (2018, 6th edition). Available from:

Receipt of originals

IROCAMM publishes mainly research papers, preferably presented in the IMRAD format (Introduction, Methodology, Research and Discussion of Results), as well as essays and book reviews in English as well as, occasionally, in Portuguese or French.

For each issue, a specific deadline will be set for the receipt of originals between 15 January and 15 May. This deadline will be announced with the call for papers for each issue.

Research articles related to commercial communication and advertising, distribution, as well as those related to the other two variables of the marketing mix and its environment: product and price are accepted. Texts with interdisciplinary, original approaches and innovative contributions that rigorously use the methodology of the field are particularly welcome. Both research papers and essays should not exceed 10,000 words, excluding bibliography, abstract, keywords and notes. In the case of book reviews, the maximum number of words is 1500.

All articles submitted to IROCAMM must be original (at least in the language in which they are submitted) and not being evaluated by another publication. They will be sent through the Open Journal System platform of the IROCAMM Magazine, which can be accessed at the following address:

The platform will guide you through the article submission process. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at

The contents of IROCAMM are published under the CreativeCommons «CC BY-NC-ND 4.0» licence. For more information on this, see:

Preparing shipment: Checklist

As part of the submission process, the authors are obliged to check that their submission complies with all the elements shown below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors:

  1. Previous publication: The research article/essays/book review has not previously been published, nor has it been submitted simultaneously to another journal (or an explanation provided in comments to the editor in the submission process). By ticking this box you declare that you are familiar with the ethical rules of the journal.
  2. Style rules: The text file of the research article/essays/book review has been uploaded in the template format provided by the magazine in word format (link will be provided). The review has been poured into the review template (link will be provided). In the template, the authoring data is left blank to preserve the anonymity of the document in the review process. However, it is important to have entered all the data required by this application in step 3 (introduction of metadata) about all authors so that, once the review process has been completed and before the text is published, these data can be added. The editorial team will ensure anonymity in the review process. By ticking this box you declare that you have followed these instructions.
  3. URL: The url has been linked when quoting web addresses and these have been shortened with google shortener. The active link to the DOI of the above articles, if any, has been added in this format ( All bibliographic references are cited in the text and all citations are in the correct format in the bibliographic references at the end of the text. A spelling check has been done and the double spaces have been eliminated. All illustrations, graphs, tables or figures appear with sequentially numbered headings within each type and contain the font. All these elements must be editable, if you don’t send them as an additional file. By ticking this box you declare that you have followed these instructions.
  4. Anonymity: Make sure that the text you send as an attachment remains anonymous (you have already included the authors’ personal details in the submission metadata and you do not need to include them again in the attachment. We will include them later in the layout phase, if applicable). Observe these indications (they will be given in the future). By ticking this box you declare that you have followed these instructions.
  5. Summary: The summary of the text is a key element for its optimal dissemination. The terms you include are converted into metadata, allowing you to locate them in search engines, increasing the chances of citation. It is important to ensure that the summary clearly contains these elements: objectives, methodology, main results and main conclusions.
  6. Dissemination strategy: It is attached to the submission, as an additional file (complementary archive) with information to design the post and Tuits in the dissemination phase of the article on the social networks of the magazine, if it is accepted. The dissemination strategy of published texts increases the likelihood of citation of the article: 2 original and novel contributions provided by the text (specify in a few lines the contributions of your text; 2 questions (about the text, to be used in social and academic networks) and 1 image or video related to the topic that is free of rights. By ticking this box you declare that you have followed these instructions.