A project to fulfill the dream of professional training.

The Project

Access and inclusion in Latin American universities

What we want to achieve

The project aims to train academic and non-academic staff to improve the support to the university community, especially groups with special difficulties, facilitating their active inclusion in the University and empowerment for their socio-educational development.

The management of SOLIDARIS is based on three fundamental concepts: equity, efficiency and transparency. To translate these principles into practice, the tasks and roles of the partners have been distributed in a balanced manner. In this way, the events in Latin American countries, the activities that will take place in the European countries and the involvement of the personnel, have been distributed in an equitable manner so that all the partners can participate in a positive and balanced way.

Consortium experience

SOLIDARIS is based on an extensive experience in the development of projects and research related to socio-economic inclusion in cooperation with other institutions. Particularly noteworthy is the US research with the University of Siena and the study projects of educational policies between Argentina and Spain and international cooperation with the University of Havana.

Furthermore, it is also based on the need to advance in the design of a training program that allows HEIs to approach change and personal and pedagogical transformation for their social impact. The actions currently implemented by Latin American HEIs at the level of social inclusion and training of teaching and non-teaching staff have been taken into account, as well as the need to promote the training of students in transversal competences. On the other hand, we have agreed on a form to collect data on the specific needs of Latin American HEIs, which has allowed us to prepare the proposal.

Our team

The consortium is composed of 11 institutions with a long history in the field of education and experience in the field of social inclusion. Among these, there are 4 European and 6 Latin American HEIs and a training agency.

The project will be coordinated by the Department of Social Pedagogy of the US, which has developed various international cooperation projects related to socioeconomic inclusion. In addition, the members involved in this proposal coordinate and participate in the US Adult Education and Development Research Group.

On the other hand, the other European HEIs develop important actions in terms of social inclusion. CREIFOS is a research, development and inclusion centre of UNIROMA3 in which actions linked to the project are carried out, such as the production of materials and instruments educational or material for continuing education. UNIBI is known for its scientific and critical work on social development and its educational purpose focuses on the capacity and strength of social innovation.




Access and inclusion in Latin American universities

WP1 – Map of SOLIDARIS transversal competences
WP2 – Self-Assessment Tool of students’ competences
WP3 – Training framework programme for teachers and non-teaching University staff
WP4 – Training in key competences
WP5 – Modernisation of support services for the University Community
WP6 – Evaluation and Quality Control
WP7 – Dissemination
WP8 – Sustainability – SOLIDARIS Network
WP9 – Project Management

Some indicators of our project

estudiantes implicados en los cuestionarios de autoevaluación de competencias
75 %
de las actividades del proyecto realizadas
personas conocen SOLIDARIS

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