4th Newsletter SOLIDARIS

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The importance of the Training Framework Programme

The SOLIDARIS consortium has completed the development of the Training Framework Programme in key competences for the development of active citizenship, in order to provide different university actors with tools that favour their inclusion.

This Training Framework Programme was created with the objective of facilitating the conditions for the development of active citizenship and obtaining a decent employment. The training is aimed at teaching and non-teaching staff at the university level, to subsequently train students in those skills that they lack and that are identified through the skills self-assessment tool, developed in the WP2 of the SOLIDARIS Project.

In this sense, it is intended to develop a training process in teaching and training in the six Key Competencies SOLIDARIS. This involves all stages of the training process, including the development of activities and the evaluation of these skills.

The socio-affective methodology that is followed in the training process with the teaching and non-teaching staff is experiential for the participants, seeking to serve as experience and testimony to subsequently work with the students the skills through the WebQuest.

The Latin American Universities of SOLIDARIS hold their training sessions of the Training Framework Programm

During the months of July and September 2019, the six Universities from Argentina, Brazil and Chile held the training sessions for teaching and non-teaching staff of the Training Framework Programme.

In this way, training is taking place for almost a hundred people from not only the organizing Universities, but also from third HEIs that are not part of the project, thus increasing the multiplier effect of SOLIDARIS, reaching more centres of higher education.

These trainings are framed within the objective of training teachers and non-teaching staff based on the Training Framework Programme that was developed during the previous phase of SOLIDARIS.

Once trained, all participants will conduct a pilot testing with the students in their respective universities, thus testing the quality and proper functioning of the Training Framework and the self-assessment tool of competences.

In general, training has been very well received by all beneficiaries in all the countries in which it has been carried out. The contents were of a very practical nature, carrying out works that will be presented and analysed later.

Solidary Vets at the USAL

Veterinary students of the Universidad del Salvador, in Virasoro, Argentina, carry out solidarity work to maintain the health of pets of families with fewer resources.

The USAL veterinary clinic, which is located in the San Martín de Virasoro neighborhood, has been refurbished in order to improve its services to the community. In this way, this improvement has contributed to the improvement of the health of animals in more marginal environments through the realization of free castration, thus improving the excess of animal population in the streets and the diseases that entrain their lack of care.

Castration avoids the excess population of animals that suffer in the street. In addition, it seeks to raise awareness about the importance of collaborating and maintaining the health of your pets and thus preventing zoonotic diseases. Visits are also made to the surrounding areas of the city to castrate the animals that live there, since their families are in conditions of greater vulnerability and do not have the means to move.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.