Second partner meeting about SOLIDARIS project in Buenos Aires

Second partner meeting about SOLIDARIS project in Buenos Aires

On November 14 and 16, UNTREF received almost all SOLIDARIS partners with the objectives of discussing about the activities already realised during the first year of the project, as well as discussing and deciding about the next steps of SOLIDARIS.

During the project first year of implementation, all partners from Argentina, Brazil, Chili, Spain, Germany, Italy and Portugal have been developing a map of transversal competences aiming to enhance the inclusion and employability of students in risk of exclusion. The competences treated were social entrepreneurship, leadership, autonomy, interculturality, use of NTICs, written and verbal communication and equality of social positions. Afterwards and considering those issues, a self-assessment tool of competences was developed for the students.

The design of the self-assessment tool was finished in Buenos Aires with the inputs of all partners who attended the meeting.

Furthermore, 15th November the I SOLIDARIS Symposium about Inclusive Universities was organised. During this session, academicians and students from different universities had the opportunity of analysing and sharing their experiences about social inclusion in the University.

Last but not least, it is important to highlight that some partners visited “Universidad del Salvador” in its location in Virasoro, in the north of Argentina, on 12th and 13th November, where they had the opportunity to learn in situ about inclusion policies in the university.