Meritxell Calbet is the Director of International Cooperation at the University of Viña del Mar, Chile, since July 2013. After completing her Diploma in Labour Relations and her Degree in Law, she completed a University Master’s Degree in Business Law and Contracting, by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalunya.

As far as her professional career is concerned, she has worked for 15 years in Higher Education Institutions, in Europe and Latin America. In this period, she has held different strategic roles, and always linked to cooperation and internationalization. In the last 5 years, she has been dedicated to the design and execution of international projects, process improvement and establishment of new international programmes from Chile. She has also led several international cooperation projects, both nationally and internationally. She is currently General Coordinator of the Erasmus +, KA2: MUSE project “Modernity and Disability: Ensuring Quality Education for Disabled Students” and participates as project manager at institutional level in the European projects Eramus + “INCHIPE” and “SOLIDARIS”, both coordinated by the University of Seville, Spain.



Macarena is a Psychologist specializing in Clinical Psychology with a Mention in Psychotherapy from the University of Viña del Mar, Master in Educational Management, Diploma in Neuroscience and Diploma in University Teaching. Since 2009, she began working in the educational area within the Industrial School of Valparaiso, performing different functions such as faculty training, crisis intervention, psychodiagnostic, psychoeducational workshops, psychoeducational talks to attorneys, among others. Subsequently, in 2011, I was part of the team of Psychologists of the UVM, conducting rapporteur processes with students from different careers for the University Life Adaptability Programme. That same year she joined the NGO Volunteer Psychologists of Chile, performing Diagnosis, Evaluation and Intervention, in Emergency Villages Earthquake 2010.

In 2013, Macarena officially joined the UVM, conducting university teaching in the Initial Training Programme in subjects that have to do with the leveling of skills such as: Personal Management and Tools and basic methods for scientific work, and she assumed the Head of the area in 2015. At the same time, she actively participated in teaching and management for 4 years in the propaedeutic programme.



Claudia is Administrative Coordinator in the International Cooperation Department at the University of Viña del Mar, Chile. Her beginnings in the institution date back to 2010, where she worked as Administrative Secretary in the Directorate of Ongoing Education, later, she was promoted to the Vice-rectorate of Internationalization and Relationships, where she acted as Administrative Coordinator, and in parallel, she studied high education studies and qualified as Social Worker. In 2016, she left the University to work as Professional Support in the Cultural Park of Valparaíso during 2017. She back to the University of Viña del Mar in March 2018, to work on International Projects.

She works currently in the Directorate of International Cooperation of the University Viña del Mar in the department of administrative financial support of Erasmus + KA3 projects: MUSE, INCHIPE, SOLIDARIS, LATWORK and INNOVAT, among other functions.



She is teacher in Basic General Education and has a Degree in Education Sciences from the University of Playa Ancha. She has a Master’s degree in Pedagogical and Curricular Management from the National University of Andrés Bello and a Master’s Degree in Educational Management from the University of Viña del Mar and the European University of Madrid. She is currently a doctoral fellow in Educational Technologies at the University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain.

Her teaching and academic experience is developed in the Chilean educational system, practicing as a teacher of basic education for 10 years in various educational establishments. Afterwards, she worked at the University Viña del Mar teaching first year students and coordinating the initial study programs of oral and written expression, tools and scientific method, and use of ITs. As of 2017, she works in academic management functions in the Headquarters of General Training at UVM, where she teaches subjects related to social and digital skills. Based on this role, she also coordinates a seminar on Good Teaching Practices in Inclusion, on Cultural Education and she has a research project with internal funds from the University to evaluate the digital competence of UVM students, in the context of PhD training that includes collaborative international work internships with other doctors in the area.



Sophie Butler is currently the acting Head of International Projects at the University of Viña del Mar, Chile. She studied a degree in Humanities at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, and she completed a Master’s Degree in Geography, History and Art History in the University of Barcelona. About her work experience, she has worked in different institutions of educational and cultural fields.

Currently, from the Office of International Cooperation Directorate of the University of Viña del Mar, she works on the following Erasmus + KA2 projects: “MUSE – Modernity and Disability: Ensuring Quality Education for Disabled Students” and “LATWORK – Developing research and innovation capacities of Latin-American HEI for the analysis of informal labour market”, in which the University of Viña del Mar is coordinator;” INCHIPE “and” SOLIDARIS”, both coordinated by the University of Seville, Spain; and ” INNOVAT” by the FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH, Austria.