Last November 2020 took place the largest academic meeting of conferences and talks of university sport in the American continent, organized by the FedeU, FISU AMERICA and the Tecnológico de Costa Rica, called: III FISU AMERICA FORUM COSTA RICA 2020.

It was held VIRTUALLY and brought together the 20 National University Federations of America, including FEDUA, a federation belonging to the UNTREF.

Among the institutions and professionals nominated from all over the country and America, UNTREF was selected and our Sports Coordinator, Ms. Teresa A. De Cianni. De Cianni presented to the Scientific Commission SOLIDARIS “Inclusive Universities, key competences of the university community, for the development of an active citizenship” and all the sports projects that were born from the teaching, non-teaching and student community of UNTREF and in relation to the community in general.

The presentation was framed within the Social Cooperation and Life Skills Axis, since we considered that “university sport” and “the SOLIDARIS research and training project” were closely related, and the scientific committee was able to make it visible.

In the course of the presentation, it was possible to transmit how the transversal competences of SOLIDARIS, academic training and University Sport contributed to the construction of active citizenship, committed to their immediate environment and the community in general, and in turn, to the integral formation of this or that student who should be socially cooperative with life skills.

We were also able to tell in the presentation that this project is much more ambitious, that UNTREF is part of the group of partner institutions in Europe and Latin America and that they are all working to build an important network, “Red SOLIDARIS” so that more institutions can join, and we are writing the SOLIDARIS book among all the partner universities, so that research and training reaches more institutions and people on the planet.