Study on the estimation of economic losses due to tsunamis in Spain

IP in UMA: Jorge Macías Sánchez
IP in IGME: Miguel Llorente

Acronym: GEOMEP Tsunamis

Abstract: The ultimate aim of the project is to provide the CCS with a better estimate of the losses that the tsunami risk could entail in Spain, over which it has the competence to compensate the insured damages. However, the implications of the project go further and will mean a significant improvement in scientific knowledge on this subject, and will also be a great opportunity to disseminate this knowledge to society, thereby improving its resilience and safety.

Source of Funding: Funding institution Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros (CCS)

Implied entities: IGME/UMA/CCS/IGN/IEO among others

Partners: IGME/UMA

iMAT research lines:    RL3: Modeling Environmental Systems & Risk analysis 


Jorge Macías Sánchez

Manuel J. Castro Díaz

José M. González Vida

Carlos Sánchez Linares

Sergio Ortega Acosta