A dynamical system approach to human consciousness

Abstract: One of the most challenging big problems at present in Science is to try to understand the human brain. In particular, and from our perspective, if whether it is possible or not to obtain mathematical models which can describe at least part of its behavior, in particular related to consciuous experiences. This topic is a new and prospective research field. The area concerns the so called IIT – Integrated Information Theory – for human consciousness. This theory, at the frontiers of Neuroscience, Mathematics, Computer Science and Philosophy, created by Giulio Tononi in 2004 is phenomenological – it assumes that the consciousness exists and tries to describe it by defining axioms that it satisfies. Recently, our group has been a leader of the EXPLORA project “Dinámica Fractal de la Consciencia: de la Teoría a la Implementación Clínica” sponsored by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad which consisted in the creation of the time continuous version of the Tononi’s IIT 3.0 theory based on the theory of dynamical systems on graphs and their attractors. This is a really inter and multidisciplinary research, in which mathematicians of different areas, computers scientists, biologists, psychologists, philosophers and neurobiologists from nodes in Spain, Italy, Brasil, Poland and the USA 

Tomás Caraballo Garrido              Francisco José Esteban Ruiz                Inmaculada Gayte Delgado              Piotr Kalita 
José A. Langa Rosado                  María del Rosario Navarro Solano       José R. Portillo Fernández                Clara Romero Pérez 
Fernando Soler Toscano 


Related project: 
1. EXPLORA project “Dinámica Fractal de la Consciencia: de la Teoría a la Implementación Clínica” sponsored by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. MTM2014-61312-EXP
2. D
eterministic and stochastic dynamics of models from Neuroscience, Epidemiology, Biology and other branches of the Applied Sciences. Proyectos I+D+i FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020. US-1254251 

iMAT research line: RL2. Modeling of Biological Systems & Health

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