Algorithms for Robust and online Railway optimization: Improvingthe Validity and reliability of Large scale systems

PI: Juan Antonio Mesa López-Colmenar

Acronym: ARRIVAL

Abstract: Railway optimization deals with planning and scheduling problems over several time horizons. We focus on two unexplored facets of planning: robust planning and online (real-time) planning. These two, tightly coupled, facets constitute a proactive and reactive approach, respectively, to deal with disruptions to the normal operation. Our main goal is to develop the necessary foundational algorithmic research in order to provide ingenious and sound answers to the fundamental efficiency and quality issues encapsulated in robust and online planning of complex, large scale systems as those in railways.

Source of Funding: VI Framework Programme, European Comission

Implied entities: Universities of Patras, Karlsruhe, Erasmus Rotterdam, Technical University of Zurich, L’Aquila, Eindhoven, Technical University Berlin, Bologna, Padova, Göttingen, Sevilla, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF).

iMAT research line: RL4. Modeling Transport & Logistics


Juan A. Mesa (US)

Francisco A. Ortega (US)

Antonio J. Lozano (UHU)

Ángel Marín (UPM)

Ricardo García-Rodenas (UCLM)

Christos Zaroliagis (U. Patras)

Dorothea Wagner (Karlsruhe)

Leo Kroon (Erasmus Rotterdam)

Peter Widmayer (ETHZ)

Gabriele Di Stefano (L’Aquila)

Leen Stougie  (TUE)

Rolf Moerhing (TUB)

Paolo Toth (Bologna)

Matteo Fischetti (Padova)

Anita Schoebel (Göttingen)

Federico Barber (UPV)

Christian Weber (SNCF).