Arithmetic Geometry and Applications

PI: José María Tornero Sánchez

Abstract: The project encompassed the work of four researchers from Andalucía with different profiles and a common interest in Arithmetic Geometry and its applications in other mathematical fields. This came to a practical realization divided in three areas:
A) Classical Arithmetic Geometry: Elliptic curves, Diophantine equations.
B) Group Theory and geometric applications: Algebraic number fields associated to periods of classical curves, numerical semigroups and interactions with combinatorial Number Theory.
C) Algebraic Geometry: Exponential sums and p-adic analysis.

Source of Funding: P08-FQM-03894

Implied entities: Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Huelva, Universidad de Málaga, Junta de Andalucía 

iMAT research line:  RL11. Algebra, Geometry and Topology


Irene García Selfa
María de los Ángeles Gómez Molleda
Guadalupe Márquez Campos (Ph.D. student funded by the project)
Antonio Rojas León