proyecto int

Algorithms for Robust and online Railway optimization: Improvingthe Validity and reliability of Large scale systems

PI: Juan Antonio Mesa López-Colmenar Acronym: ARRIVAL Abstract: Railway optimization deals with planning and scheduling problems over several time horizons. We focus on two unexplored facets of planning: robust planning and online (real-time) planning. These two, tightly coupled, facets constitute a proactive and reactive approach, respectively, to deal with disruptions to the normal operation. Our …

Algorithms for Robust and online Railway optimization: Improvingthe Validity and reliability of Large scale systems Leer más »

Combinatorics of Networks and Computation

PI: José Miguel Díaz Báñez Acronym: CONNECT Abstract: This project aims to obtain new insights into the behaviour of networks, which are studied from a geometric and computational perspective. Thereto, the project brings together researchers from different areas such as Computational Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, Graph Drawing, and Probability. Among of the topics of research are enumerative …

Combinatorics of Networks and Computation Leer más »

High Order Positive schemes for the Keller-Segel Problem

PI (U. Sevilla): Francisco Guillén González  PI (U. Nantes): Mazen Saad Abstract: This project concerns the mathematical analysis and the construction of accurate numerical schemes for nonlinear parabolic systems arising from the modelling of chemotaxis phenomena. Our goal is to elaborate and analyze numerically the most common system in chemotaxis namely the Keller–Segel system. Our interest is …

High Order Positive schemes for the Keller-Segel Problem Leer más »

Deterministic and stochastic dynamics of models from Neuroscience, Epidemiology, Biology and other branches of the Applied Sciences

PI (U. Sevilla): Tomás Caraballo Garrido co-PI (U. Sevilla): José Antonio Langa Rosado Abstract: The main aims of this project can be classified into two main groups. On the one hand, we will continue investigating and developing the challenging issues which still have to be undertaken in the theoretical aspects of the fields of non-autonomous …

Deterministic and stochastic dynamics of models from Neuroscience, Epidemiology, Biology and other branches of the Applied Sciences Leer más »

Accurate Roms for Industrial Applications

PI: Tomás Chacón Rebollo co-PI: Macarena Gómez Mármol Acronym: ARIA Abstract: The project Accurate Roms for Industrial Applications aims at developing an array of mathematical methods for constructing predictive reduced-order models (ROMs) with guaranteed accuracy, robustness, reliability and efficiency for applications involving complex physical phenomena. New approaches to this challenge are proposed here with a …

Accurate Roms for Industrial Applications Leer más »

Modelling and computation of shocks and interfaces

Coordinator of the UMA node: Carlos Parés Madroñal Acronym: ModCompShock Abstract: This network was focused on the training of young researchers (ESRs) in the general area of nonlinear hyperbolic and convection dominated PDEs (HCD-PDEs) with emphasis on innovative modelling and computational methods. The research program within this network was centered in a prominent (in terms of …

Modelling and computation of shocks and interfaces Leer más »

Enabling dynamic and Intelligent workflows in the future EuroHPC ecosystem

IP in UMA node: Jorge Macías SánchezIP in BSC-CNS node: Rosa Badía Acronym: eFLows4HPC Abstract: Today, developers lack tools that enable the development of complex workflows involving HPC simulation and modelling with data analytics (DA) and machine learning (ML). TheFlows4HPC aims to deliver a workflow software stack and an additional set of services to enable the …

Enabling dynamic and Intelligent workflows in the future EuroHPC ecosystem Leer más »