proyecto nac

Smart distribution grid simulator

PI: Juan Miguel Morales González Acronym: SAND Abstract: Smart grid concept revolves around the power system modernization via the Information and Communication Technologies, which leads to a massive transfer of data among the different agents of the power sector. In addition, the active demand participation and the growing infrastructure based on distributed energy resources are key …

Smart distribution grid simulator Leer más »

Nuevas técnicas numéricas para ecuaciones en derivadas parciales disipativas

PI: Bosco García Archilla Abstract: In dissipative phenomena energy is lost as time evolves, no matter how much energy may have been at an initial state. In those dissipative phenomena modelled by partial differential equations (PDEs), dissipation implies that trajectories enter a compact set in finite time and do not scape from it. This has …

Nuevas técnicas numéricas para ecuaciones en derivadas parciales disipativas Leer más »

Adaptive numerical techniques for the long term dynamics of dissipative partial differential equations

PI: Bosco García Archilla Abstract: We study and develo numerical techniques for time-integration and continuation in dissipative partial differential equations (PDEs). Starting from the most advanced time-integration techniques, we simplify those parts of the computation with negligible effect on the final result. Similar results will be used in continuation methods for parameter-dependent steady problems. The resulting …

Adaptive numerical techniques for the long term dynamics of dissipative partial differential equations Leer más »

Structural Analysis of Mathematical Models of Optimization for Location and Transportation Planning

PI: Juan Antonio Mesa López-Colmenar Abstract: This project, in addition to the line of approach, modelling, analysis and resolution of optimization problems that is needed to fill gaps in knowledge, aims to deepen the understanding of other structural aspects. This will be tackled both from the point of view of intrinsic models (computational complexity, polyhedral …

Structural Analysis of Mathematical Models of Optimization for Location and Transportation Planning Leer más »

Modelos matemáticos para la planificación sostenible de sistemas integrados de transporte público

PI: Francisco A. Ortega Riejos Abstract: Based on the representation of the problems in terms of mathematical optimization models, the step-by-step construction of the methodological support necessary for decision-making in the layout of rapid transit systems was carried out. The computational experimentation of these abstract models was carried out on laboratory networks, inspired by the real …

Modelos matemáticos para la planificación sostenible de sistemas integrados de transporte público Leer más »

Optimización matemática para la planificación robusta y la extensión estratégica de sistemas metropolitanos de transporte público

PI: Francisco A. Ortega Riejos Abstract: The research in the projected matter was framed in the planning of efficient transport systems, ecological and sustainable within the urban environment. The necessary contacts were maintained with various entities (Cercanías de RENFE, Seville metropolitan urban transport company TUSSAM, Seville City Council, Ministry of Public Works and Transport of the …

Optimización matemática para la planificación robusta y la extensión estratégica de sistemas metropolitanos de transporte público Leer más »

Encuentro Tecnológico para el estudio del Modelo Brugge utilizando tecnología matemática

PI: Francisco A. Ortega Riejos Abstract: Technologic transfer activity consisting of providing to REPSOL a specific research proposal for solving the integrated problem of Well Location and Exploitation of oil fields based on novel optimization techniques not applied so far in the scientific literature, in accordance with previously established specificities. Source of Funding: Red Española Matemática-Industria, …

Encuentro Tecnológico para el estudio del Modelo Brugge utilizando tecnología matemática Leer más »

Modelos de optimización aplicados a la planificación robusta y la gestión de los servicios metropolitanos de transporte público en caso de emergencia

PI: Francisco A. Ortega Riejos Abstract: The research on the projected matter was framed in the planning and management of metropolitan transport systems in emergency situations in the strategic, tactical and operational contexts. The participation of Renfe-Cercanías de Madrid as a node in the research project facilitated the transfer of knowledge towards obtaining improvements in real-size …

Modelos de optimización aplicados a la planificación robusta y la gestión de los servicios metropolitanos de transporte público en caso de emergencia Leer más »

Computational Algebraic Topology Applied to Computer Vision

PI: Rocío González Díaz Abstract: Computer vision is a field that includes methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding high-dimensional data from (sequences of) images of the real world in order to produce numerical or symbolic information. Topology is a mathematical branch that concerns about the properties of a space that are preserved under continuous deformations. …

Computational Algebraic Topology Applied to Computer Vision Leer más »