proyecto reg

Big Data Classification via Mathematical Programming

PI: Antonio Manuel Rodríguez Chía Acronym: BIDCLAMP Abstract: The main outcome of this project will be a new family of algorithms, models, tools, and technologies for optimizing the classification of discriminant systems in data intensive applications paying particular attention to develop flexible models and feature selection in Support Vector Machines. Our proposal is based on …

Big Data Classification via Mathematical Programming Leer más »

Groups and topology

PI1: Fernando Muro PI2: Ramón J. Flores Abstract: Since their inception as fields of science at the beginning of the XX century, topology and group theory have followed parallel path more often than not. Interaction between them are prevasive. For instance, unstable homotopy theory grew interwoven with finite and compact Lie group theory. The modern …

Groups and topology Leer más »

Triangulated structures in algebra, geometry, and topology

    PI: Fernando Muro Abstract: Triangulatec categories play a central role in several areas of mathematics and theoretical physics. However, this algebraic structure is not yet known well enough. There are upsetting results related to invariants such as K-theory: we know there cannot be any reasonable K-theory for triangulated categories, yet we can recover the …

Triangulated structures in algebra, geometry, and topology Leer más »

Algebra, singularities, number theory and applications

PI1: Sara Arias de ReynaPI2: Francisco J. Castro Jiménez Abstract: Our project comprises different areas of mathematics, namely D-module theory, singularities, representation theory and number theory. We propose a series of open problems at the frontier of mathematical knowledge, including questions of a theoretical as well as computational nature. These problems concern cohomology, quasi-free divisors …

Algebra, singularities, number theory and applications Leer más »

Challenges of combinatorial optimization in data science and large-scale complex network models (P18-FR-1422 )

PI1: Justo Puerto Albandoz,PI2: Antonio Manuel Rodríguez Chía Abstract: The main outcome of this project will be a new family of algorithms, models, tools, and technologies for optimizing the classification of discriminant systems in data intensive applications paying particular attention to develop flexible models and feature selection in Support Vector Machines. Our proposal is based …

Challenges of combinatorial optimization in data science and large-scale complex network models (P18-FR-1422 ) Leer más »

An automated pipeline routing system based on machine learning and mathematical programming

PI: Justo Puerto Albandoz, Project: CEI-3-FQM331 Abstract: The coordination and integration of installation layouts (pipes, conduits and electrical conduits) that make up the different decks of ships, is one of the jobs that requires the most effort and hours in the development of naval projects. In this project, a new product is developed to allow …

An automated pipeline routing system based on machine learning and mathematical programming Leer más »

New results on design and optimization problems in complex networks: Applications to the design of smart cities

PI: Justo Puerto Albandoz Abstract: The goal of this project is to address theoretical results, methodology and procedures to solve large scale optimization problems. Specifically, we merge tools from complex networks and data science to approach challenging problems in the design and optimization of different network problems including huge amount of data.   Implied entities: Universidad …

New results on design and optimization problems in complex networks: Applications to the design of smart cities Leer más »

Arithmetic Geometry and Applications

PI: José María Tornero Sánchez Abstract: The project encompassed the work of four researchers from Andalucía with different profiles and a common interest in Arithmetic Geometry and its applications in other mathematical fields. This came to a practical realization divided in three areas:A) Classical Arithmetic Geometry: Elliptic curves, Diophantine equations.B) Group Theory and geometric applications: Algebraic …

Arithmetic Geometry and Applications Leer más »

Ortogonality, special functions, integral transforms and applications

PI1: Guillermo Curbera Costello PI2: Antonio Durán Guardeño Abstract: In this Project, different classes of linear and nonlinear operators are studied at the time that connections among several branches of Mathematical Analysis such as Geometry of Banach and Metric Spaces, Metric and Topological Fixed Point Theory, Optimization, Cyclic Operators and Linearity are also pursued. Our …

Ortogonality, special functions, integral transforms and applications Leer más »

Modelización de Orden Reducido de componentes de sub-malla en Métodos de Multiescala Variacional

PI: Tomás Chacón Rebollo Abstract: This project combines computational fluid mechanics with reduced order modeling with Variational Multi-Scale turbulence models. It has as main objectives on the one hand the precise structural modeling of the closure functions of VMS models. We intend to build order models reduced that allow to obtain precise expressions of the parameterization …

Modelización de Orden Reducido de componentes de sub-malla en Métodos de Multiescala Variacional Leer más »